So far no display of AI


Aug 8, 2003
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Doesn't it bother anyone that not only was the AI faked in the videos, but the Valve team has made absolutely no mention of the AI at all? In the first half-life Gabe was constantly yammering about the (admittedly) excellent group AI for the soldiers. So far in every preview, video, or screen, we see nothing but straight-standing combine getting shot-up?

It seems to me that Gabe and Valve are holding alot of details back until the actual release, and because absolutely no mention has been made, my guess is that some sort of incredible team AI is going to be in the final release.
Since when was it established that the AI in videos like Barricade was staged? I'm not opposing you, I just haven't heard anything about that. Was I living in a hole when this was discussed?

Let's hope your hopes are right ;)
ever thought about gabe gaining weight? HE ATE THE AI

ps- the A.I. is crap from what i saw...stupid citizens
Well, from what we have heard I can only assume that the AI is good. I mean people that have played the game would have commented if they thought the AI was bad. And one magazine specificaly praised it I believe.

I wouldnt worry. Halflife1 AI was extremely good for its time. What makes you think that HL2s wont be phenominal. :)
Intamin said:
Since when was it established that the AI in videos like Barricade was staged? I'm not opposing you, I just haven't heard anything about that. Was I living in a hole when this was discussed?

Let's hope your hopes are right ;)

Well I don't know about Barricade but there was a video floating around of Traptown's AI being taken apart piece by piece, showing that even if you killed the combine who kicks open the door, the door is opened anyway etc. Now admittedly, this was from the illegal build, and obviously they have made progress since then, so I wouldn't put too much worries into the subject. At the least it will be as good as Half-Life's, most likely it should match up to at least Far Cry's though (cue deafening sound of a million Far Cry haters screaming bloody murder at me).
Well, I just don't understand what is going on with VALVe's PR, and why 5/6 articles say the game will "blow anything we've seen out of the water", and one review says "meh".

And why recent screenshots look like they have no AA, all details set to low and no bump-mapping...

Something sinister is going on..
Yea, I notice the same thing, their not talking about the AI which should worry everyone, but we'll see.
i can tell one thing to all of those that read this:

Dr. Breen looks alot better in the recent screenie then in the build, i felt kinda good when i realised that
The barricades isn't scripted, it's AI. If you download the full vid that has the talking on it, it tells you this.
Im sure they are keeping many things secret so when its finally released there will be many surprises.
The barricades isn't scripted, it's AI. If you download the full vid that has the talking on it, it tells you this.

Know what your talking about before you post. In the illegal build the exact same scenes are scripted...
The barricades isn't scripted, it's AI. If you download the full vid that has the talking on it, it tells you this.
yeah, the dude presenting the thing says it is fully AI...they said the same thing about should we believe?
brink's said:
Im sure they are keeping many things secret so when its finally released there will be many surprises.
the only thing that would surprise me right now about hl2 would be alyx having a twin sister... the rest, hl2 doesnt WOW me anymore
I don't remember them saying that about traptown. Was the container falling down in traptown scripted? No. If you shoot out only one of the legs, it falls in a different direction, it's physically simulated. Barricade isn't scripted either.
Is anyone else absolutely sick and tired of the whole traptown bit that's scripted being blown out of proportion? It was NEVER MEANT TO BE PLAYED. Whether or not it would be scripted in the final version isn't known, but it may have been what they thought the AI capable of IN THE END.
HL2 DOES have AI, and apart from such (scripted) sequences, we've seen it (such as the barricade scene).

Tarkus said:
yeah, the dude presenting the thing says it is fully AI...they said the same thing about should we believe?

THEY NEVER EVER SAID THAT BIT IN TRAPTOWN WASN'T SCRIPTED. They also never said HL2 wouldn't have scripted scenes..
The *ONLY* scene that Gabe mentions is 100% AI controlled is the barricade scene.
Crusader said:
I don't remember them saying that about traptown. Was the container falling down in traptown scripted? No. If you shoot out only one of the legs, it falls in a different direction, it's physically simulated. Barricade isn't scripted either.
well, i'm not gonna argue with you, i'm just gonna say that, if they say barricade is fully A.I. it would only be common sence to think that at least most things would be A.I. only...wich doesnt happen. i can tell you with percision, the version they had by last year's e3, had terrible A.I.
Shuzer said:
Is anyone else absolutely sick and tired of the whole traptown bit that's scripted being blown out of proportion? It was NEVER MEANT TO BE PLAYED. Whether or not it would be scripted in the final version isn't known, but it may have been what they thought the AI capable of IN THE END.
HL2 DOES have AI, and apart from such (scripted) sequences, we've seen it (such as the barricade scene).

THEY NEVER EVER SAID THAT BIT IN TRAPTOWN WASN'T SCRIPTED. They also never said HL2 wouldn't have scripted scenes..
The *ONLY* scene that Gabe mentions is 100% AI controlled is the barricade scene.
wich, according to the dude that posted before, isnt...

EDIT- although i agree with you about the bit were you said "it wasnt meant to be played", but i guess thats why they were so comfortable to "twist" the truth
amneziac85 said:
Know what your talking about before you post. In the illegal build the exact same scenes are scripted...
here is the dude i was talking bout
heh, basing opinions of a game using a stolen build of the game when it is far from finished is just a tad stupid don't you think?
amneziac85 said:
Know what your talking about before you post. In the illegal build the exact same scenes are scripted...

No is was not the same scene. The scene that came into question from the illegal build was the traptown vid, not the barricades vid.

So might want to check on things before telling someone else to know what they're talking about.
The Mullinator said:
heh, basing opinions of a game using a stolen build of the game when it is far from finished is just a tad stupid don't you think?
i agree with you 100%, but the fact is, the build had what they had by last years e3 (yes i believe the so called "hacker)
Well since you are basing your opinions off a stolen pre alpha build of the game...they are really quite irrelevant.

I do remember it being said that many of the AI sub routines were disabled so they could get the scene to run the way they wanted IE Combine soldiers standing there waiting to be shot.
No, No, NO! Don't you see, it makes sense! It's all so clear now, HL2 is going to feature no AI what so ever! We should all start complaining to valve, it is obvious that the combine soldiers are in fact immovable objects and will remain so even when the game is released! Travesty!!!!!!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well since you are basing your opinions off a stolen pre alpha build of the game...they are really quite irrelevant.

I do remember it being said that many of the AI sub routines were disabled so they could get the scene to run the way they wanted IE Combine soldiers standing there waiting to be shot.
once again, i agree, just wanted to express what i think, not try and implant my opinion to universal truth
The Mullinator said:
heh, basing opinions of a game using a stolen build of the game when it is far from finished is just a tad stupid don't you think?
Almost as stupid as basing opinions off a stolen build and then triple posting on a forum that doesn't allow stolen build discussion about it.
Tarkus said:
i agree with you 100%, but the fact is, the build had what they had by last years e3 (yes i believe the so called "hacker)
Well I don't believe the hacker, to me what was stolen was pre-E3.

I guess we will just have to wait until HL2 is finally released to find out what it will be really like.
ok, i'll shut up now. but note this, i didnt spoil anything...

anyway, the build only made me want the game even more
Tarkus said:
once again, i agree, just wanted to express what i think, not try and implant my opinion to universal truth

Very well...Sorry if i made it seem like you were.
well according to the new previews the game has good enought a.i. to where when the dude at ign was going close to a combines face it pushed him back in line, now if it that bit isn't scripted than WOW
Sai said:
well according to the new previews the game has good enought a.i. to where when the dude at ign was going close to a combines face it pushed him back in line, now if it that bit isn't scripted than WOW
it problably is... i don't get what you see in that scene that is exciting...
Anybody that believes anything Gamespot says is a complete moron. Ever since I visited the Gamespot website for the first time, I knew they was full of crap. Gamespot is biased, bold face liars, who I wouldn't doubt a bit gets payed for all the good reviews.
I'm mainly upset because i personally dont think much is left to be hidden. Valve has described the whole beginning...why? Ton of the major scenes in the game, i mean what is the damn deal? Just watch these 2 new videos at E3 be some of the same stuff that was in those 11 shaky cam videos, if not all of it!

The A.I. is totally simulated, last year's E3 they had rigged it to make the scene more intense to really get the attention of the viewer. Half-Life 2 will be a totally kick ass game, i just think they have reveiled to much of it, and im praying ooo so praying that something will be mentioned about Team Fortress 2 quite soon.
Dsty2001 said:
Anybody that believes anything Gamespot says is a complete moron. Ever since I visited the Gamespot website for the first time, I knew they was full of crap. Gamespot is biased, bold face liars, who I wouldn't doubt a bit gets payed for all the good reviews.

Well....this is definately the most ridiculous thing I've read on these forums. I was hoping people like you didn't exist, that they were just some kind of message board urban legend.
Crusader said:
I don't remember them saying that about traptown. Was the container falling down in traptown scripted? No. If you shoot out only one of the legs, it falls in a different direction, it's physically simulated.

lol what i find funny about trap town is when he got the dumpster to fall after he threw the grenade, one of the combines purposly walks right under the path of the dumpster. umm wtf is that? lol

and just a theory. we see the strider vid. some say it was scripted, some say it was ai. im sorry but if it was real ai, how could it be reproduced the same way on another computer when its not a video? hence the same exact actions appear in 2003, as in the winHE2004 presentation. kinda hard to explain. does anybody else understand what im saying?

like if its ai, the exact event cant be reproduced, making the game 100% non linear.

wish i had better words for what im trying to say :(
and just a theory. we see the strider vid. some say it was scripted, some say it was ai. im sorry but if it was real ai, how could it be reproduced the same way on another computer when its not a video? hence the same exact actions appear in 2003, as in the winHE2004 presentation. kinda hard to explain. does anybody else understand what im saying?

like if its ai, the exact event cant be reproduced, making the game 100% non linear.

I see what your saying but i dont remember valve ever running another demonstration. Didn't they just use the same video to show over and over again?
Soundwave said:
Well....this is definately the most ridiculous thing I've read on these forums. I was hoping people like you didn't exist, that they were just some kind of message board urban legend.

Umm, why is it rediculous? Gamespot has always been a bunch of freaking morons. Giving games that suck complete a$$ great reviews, while those that are great "ok" reviews.
Actually I just remembered something about the Traptown Bink vid. When he makes his way into that little house, and the combine start shooting into the windows, look closely. The guy controlling Gordon sits behind one of the objects (washing machine or whatever) and then realizes that the combine is shooting at an object next to him and quickly runs over to that one instead to hide behind.

Like I said though, all of this doesn't really matter now, the game's AI will be decent at the least, and good at the likeliest.

Dsty2001 said:
Umm, why is it rediculous? Gamespot has always been a bunch of freaking morons. Giving games that suck complete a$$ great reviews, while those that are great "ok" reviews.

I don't think your opinion of Gamespot is ridiculous, some people have hatreds for websites/people/magazines that don't have the exact same opinions they do on video games. I think it's ridiculous for you to say anyone that believes anything Gamespot says is a complete moron. That is just an outright stupid thing to say. Why would the guy lie about his impressions? What on earth does he have to gain by that? If anything, he would lie to make it seem like the game is better to avoid all the hatemail I'm sure he receives from insecure fans that just can't bear to know that somewhere out there, there's a person who doesn't think the exact same thing they do about a game.
well, to sum up:

surely HL2 will be as great as hl1, but i really don't believe it will be as good as pretty much everyone excpects it to be, because of the excpecting process.... we are milking the damn game and dont even notice it, untill we play it and say "damn, this is old".....
those comments by the previewers like "IT WILL BOWORZ ALL OF YOUR L33TZ ARSE I T311 Y4H" really dont get my hype up,,,,,
tokin said:
I see what your saying but i dont remember valve ever running another demonstration. Didn't they just use the same video to show over and over again?

Yes they did, all that was different was they used a X8000 with it instead of the card they used back then. The game could be the best seller of the year, and people would love it, and there will always be biased morons who bash it for no reason other than to bash it.