So far no display of AI

The E3 build was different from the illegal build, evidence from that is clear in the CFG .ql/ol files that run the AI. You have to exec the AI through a listing of pre-set configs. All of the AI is there...and works great. The illegal build had demo files which played back the ql routines, but wouldn't run because all of the files were not there. Mainly because the bsp formats were different, for most of it to work.

We arn't supposed to talk about the illegal build, but I almost have to, or else everyone will spew out how it was all faked. These people live in dream worlds, where they are out to prove something, or just throw out things because they can.
I believe that the game will be as impressive as HL1 was when it was released. I agree that there has been a lot of exposure prior to release, some of it forced on VALVe by the pointless (impatient?) hacker. If the leak didn't happen a lot of what we know now would still be under wraps, IMO. I don't think that we're any worse off for knowing that almost all the weapons from the original are making a comeback (source: gamespy, PC Zone UK preview and others), remeber that there was rumoured to be aproximately 40 weapons in the final game. We can account for what, 15-20 or so, including 'nades?.

There's still a lot for us to look forward to and I suggest we just sit back, enjoy E3 week and see what happens! :thumbs:
Anybody still going on about the stolen code needs to see this quote from the "Info From Valve" thread:

"The 'leaked beta' as you put it was not a beta, it was a stolen version of our source code and was VERY old. It is certainly NOT representative of the game you will see at retail nor what you will see at E3 this week."

'Nuff said.
Mountain Man said:
Anybody still going on about the stolen code needs to see this quote from the "Info From Valve" thread:

"The 'leaked beta' as you put it was not a beta, it was a stolen version of our source code and was VERY old. It is certainly NOT representative of the game you will see at retail nor what you will see at E3 this week."

'Nuff said.
Lets drink to that!
amneziac85 said:
Know what your talking about before you post. In the illegal build the exact same scenes are scripted...

The only scripted elements are sound elements (I believe the door still clangs , and the voices of those hit by the Ibeams still happen no matter what. The AI is decent even in a really old build. Combine run for cover and advance on you.
Only 24 hours and we should have a decent look at the latest build :)
i'm in the right day but thanks to the goddamnit planet being shaped like it is and various other things i don't understand i still cannot have glorious E3 news. Must see build...:imu:
I don't think the AI may be better than we expect.

I don't remember who, but one guy went to valve and saw one of the devs playing a level.

A helicopter (probably the same one we've seen in recent screens) was chasing him around a shipyard or something.
Keeping cover behind and inside the large crates, he eventually emerged, thinking he had evaded it.
Turned out the helicopter was right behind him, and gave him a prompt pwning. :)

So, smarts are to be expected.
What I can't imagine is what PC Zone described, when Father Grigory was diving infront of the player taking out zombies, that should be really sweet (assuming it's nto exaggerated)
Well I think enemy AI seems a bit dodge from what we have seen (very little, I know) but I really don't like the way those Combine act when those antlions attack them. Personally if there were large amounts of bugs attacking me I would be walking backwards very quickly, firing as I went. The Combine seemed pretty happy to just stand there, waiting for those claws to stab them. I would like to see a bit more emotion, like running away or even fear.

Even though I've said that, we are not entirely sure what the Combine are yet so maybe that explains their strange behaviour.
Xtasy0 said:
who said that AI was "faked"?

The original poster. So much shit is said in between that I prefer answering the first post and then taking the crits on my own post.
Space Cowboy said:
Well I think enemy AI seems a bit dodge from what we have seen (very little, I know) but I really don't like the way those Combine act when those antlions attack them. Personally if there were large amounts of bugs attacking me I would be walking backwards very quickly, firing as I went. The Combine seemed pretty happy to just stand there, waiting for those claws to stab them. I would like to see a bit more emotion, like running away or even fear.

Even though I've said that, we are not entirely sure what the Combine are yet so maybe that explains their strange behaviour.

or maybe the ai wasnt fully implemented then, or maybe they wanted a good demonstration video and not a group of combines killing the antlions making it seem like one of the weapons they have included was practically useless. Wait the few hours for the E3 demonsration and hopefully we shall have all explained.
This thread is garbage...... all of this was discussed a long time ago.

There is a new e-mail in the valve info thread.....

The "leaked beta" as you put it was not a beta it was a stolen version of our source code, and was VERY old. It is certainly NOT representative of the game you will see at retail nor what you will see at E3 this week. -Rick-

I am still amazed by people that base "facts" off the leak.
It looks like there's going to be good AI. The only hint i've seen so far of it is in one of the flanger video's. The 2nd one, which is shown in Adobe Premier. It contains various snippets of gameplay. One part has gordon in the tunnels and he walks around a corner and there is a combine hiding behind a corpse on fire, he pushes the corpse down the stairs and strafes across shooting at gordon before finding cover behind a column. THAT reassured me alot

Also VALVe claim on the newly launched HL2 website, that the AI can make weapons of anything at hand. That also reassured me because they wouldn't have said that so close to E3 without being able to do it
Look in the news archives, its the 2nd flanger one, you gotta watch very closey as it happens in a matter of seconds
It's linked on the front page, news page: the shaky cam vids from the visitors to valve. I think it's video 2 or something like that.
Also VALVe claim on the newly launched HL2 website, that the AI can make weapons of anything at hand.

By this, I assume they mean things like kicking barrels, throwing things, etc., and not actually sitting down to whittle the end of a stick into a sharp point or hand craft a rocket out of some glue, a toilet paper tube, some paint and some string like MacGuyver. :)
I was thinking more along the lines of picking up some object and swinging it, like a piece of wood or pipe.
That would be awesome.... running man runs out of ammo thrws gun at combine troop picks up piece of wood and charges in... *explodes with excitement*