So far no display of AI

I'm waiting for E3 to come along so i can see some real AI for a change
manny_c44 said:
I've played it.
Well sorry but I don't believe you or at least you're exaggerating based off the door in traptown. I've seen parts (not all) of it and there was definitely legitimate AI in barricade..
There is legitmiate AI as far as stare at Gordon and shoot, but there isn't anything nearly as complex as Hl-1's marine AI, which is suprising, you'd think they would put it in as atleast a place holder.
Here's the way i think of it. Half-Life's AI was the best for its time, if they've had 6 years improve it, im sure they have. Don't fret
I don't see how Valve can expect to get away with specifically saying the AI can think ,use physics, decide when to advance/fall back in combat, deliver lines in reaction to the player and chase you everywhere... and then not do it.
Yeah i know. I find it ridiculous that people are judging everything on video's/alpha thats more then a year old.
AFAIK, the AI was faked only in traptown, and it makes perfect sence. They wanted to show what kind of things to expect from the game, but based on THEIR rules. I mean, in ANY demonstration you want to have complete control over to totally wow people, so they did.

But, the AI in the other vids, was not faked, and was pretty good IMHO.
A2597 said:
AFAIK, the AI was faked only in traptown, and it makes perfect sence. They wanted to show what kind of things to expect from the game, but based on THEIR rules. I mean, in ANY demonstration you want to have complete control over to totally wow people, so they did.

But, the AI in the other vids, was not faked, and was pretty good IMHO.

Which sums up the AI perfectly, it's all very well having the AI in motion but when you want your game to look awesome and have things kicking off in time with a speech or simply within a given period of time then you need to filter it.

Complaining about the AI is like complaining the expressions at the start shown by Gman were too pronounced, they did that so that you could see the extremes and it would make a good demonstration.

If the AI is terrible in the game then flame away but it's only brain dead hacks that think tey get a realistic perspective of the game in action from some stolen source code of what was officially declared as an unfinished game.
Darkside55 said:
I don't know why everyone's having a fit. HL1's marines took cover, tossed grenades, swarmed really think that Valve's going to say, "Yeah, that was way too hard for people in HL1. Let's just make the new enemies stand still."

C'mon...I don't mean to sound like an ass, but is anyone here really that stupid? Oh-em-gee, there's not going to be any AI in HL2 at all because it wasn't in the E3 videos! Valve lied and used their lies to make us all hyped up about the game, but it's really all lies and they don't expect anyone to find out that the AI talk was all lies, and Valve are liars, they're all dirty liars; CONSPIRACY! CONSPIRACY!

And we all know that there's no AI 'cause the reviewers played an alpha of the game without any polish, wherein the AI was probably disabled so that they could get the most out of their limited playtime (what was it, 30 minutes?) without being gunned-down by Combine soldiers every 5 minutes. Even if that ISN'T the case, please refer to paragraph one of this post.
Or maybe the most conclusive evidence that there will be no AI is because stolen build players say so. Well, that sure sells me on the "No AI" bandwagon! I can look forward to stand-still enemies and rebels who won't get the f*ck out of my way now, too! I mean, c'mon guys, if there was no AI then, surely there's no AI a year later! Hey, all Valve does is sit with their thumbs up their asses all day at the office anyway! Nothing gets done, ever!

Well said.
heh thatwas funny...and ****ing demenaing to ll those half witted panic junkies that take any defiency in an unreleased game to be a nail in the coffin of its success.
if the AI was top notch in half life1, then obviously it can only get better than that. i find it quite intimidating to hear that enemies will climb ladders in order to hunt you down. back in half-life1 they were too dumb to do that so when yo were a level above them you were safe, this will be a completely different ball game.
groovy said:
if the AI was top notch in half life1, then obviously it can only get better than that. i find it quite intimidating to hear that enemies will climb ladders in order to hunt you down. back in half-life1 they were too dumb to do that so when yo were a level above them you were safe, this will be a completely different ball game.

The marines used nades if you where above them... sometimes they where really smart... but often they died... by my blazing guns...
Hey all this is my first post so be nice
may i point all of you to the gamespy preview, they talk about the Ai reacting differently depending on their approach, they seemed quite impressed at the AIs ability to adapt to different situations even enclosed spaces. (though they say the didnt get long inside a building because the set the house on fire, nothing to do with AI but still cool!)
The also talk about AI guards stopping them going into certain places and even beating you up depending on where you went.
To me so far the AI sounds pretty darn good and seeing as all we have seen are little tid bits of the game im sure there loads of stuff that will blow us away i am desparately looking forward to "mid-summer" it cant come soon enough!
thx for the reply and NO DEFINATELY NOT A FAN!
sorry but im a bit bitter about the whole thing as i had the name before i knew a site existed, about 5 years before >=(
and i get that a lot
|Star Runner| said:
Hey all this is my first post so be nice
may i point all of you to the gamespy preview, they talk about the Ai reacting differently depending on their approach, they seemed quite impressed at the AIs ability to adapt to different situations even enclosed spaces. (though they say the didnt get long inside a building because the set the house on fire, nothing to do with AI but still cool!)
The also talk about AI guards stopping them going into certain places and even beating you up depending on where you went.
To me so far the AI sounds pretty darn good and seeing as all we have seen are little tid bits of the game im sure there loads of stuff that will blow us away i am desparately looking forward to "mid-summer" it cant come soon enough!
An excellent first post. :thumbs:

I'm guessing your talking about a previous preview by Gamespy though, since I did not notice them even mentioning it in the most recent one.
LOL, anyway the combines AI in barricade was turned low (that’s why when you got to them behind the barricade you could just pop them down like drunken fly's), so you would be all focused on the human AI to demonstrate how well the npc AI is.

Since the beginning of gaming, npc's have been most annoying and have since been suppressed in gaming. Often they just walk around and when you are attacked they join in and attack you to or some dumb shit like that or they push you off a cliff instead of walking around you.

THAT’S why VALVe wanted to put that demo in. To let you all show how handy the npc's are and how well they are executed. VALVe has taken the challenge of taking the suppressed role of the npc in gaming, and brought it to the level the npc’s deserve and where original designed for, helping the player.

The AI definably owns, and the alpha has AI to! Although some say it doesn’t
(load maps via "*ahumconsoleahum*")
I wasn't aware this was the case.

oh god, this is going to cycle back again... read the whole thread, dude... this discussion has happened!
Dsty2001 said:
Anybody that believes anything Gamespot says is a complete moron. Ever since I visited the Gamespot website for the first time, I knew they was full of crap. Gamespot is biased, bold face liars, who I wouldn't doubt a bit gets payed for all the good reviews.

This explains why they gave Half-Life 9.4, highest score for PC games :bounce:
I haven't read this whole thread, but I want to point out that in the traptown vid the part of the AI busting into the room was NOT scripted. The only thing scripted was the door opening and closing a bit 2 times (to give the impression they tried bashing it in) and a voice yelling "Freeman!". But the AI busts the door open all by itself. In the beta there is also another level with a similar setting (a house with windows) and when I stood in front of the window, they saw me and came running to it while shooting. but when I quickly took cover, they didn't wait stupidly in front of the window, but instead they went for the door and busted in. NONE of that was scripted. The AI of the game is VERY good as far as I could see in the beta. They take smart cover and they work in teams ("they" is both your allies and the enemy).

If you take cover in a room to easily kill the enemies as they would go in one by one; they don't. Instead, they toss a grenade in and kill you. So you think, 2 can play that game, and once you see an enemy inside a small room, you toss in a grenade too. But the AI is smart enough to jump-roll out of the room and quickly searches for and takes cover. I've been amazed a LOT by this AI. It's great.
DeltaBlast said:
I haven't read this whole thread, but I want to point out that in the traptown vid the part of the AI busting into the room was NOT scripted. The only thing scripted was the door opening and closing a bit 2 times (to give the impression they tried bashing it in) and a voice yelling "Freeman!". But the AI busts the door open all by itself. In the beta there is also another level with a similar setting (a house with windows) and when I stood in front of the window, they saw me and came running to it while shooting. but when I quickly took cover, they didn't wait stupidly in front of the window, but instead they went for the door and busted in. NONE of that was scripted. The AI of the game is VERY good as far as I could see in the beta. They take smart cover and they work in teams ("they" is both your allies and the enemy).

Cool info, but some of the people/mods here are zealots when it comes to the b-word (beta), so I would delete that info ASAP.
manny_c44 said:
Doesn't it bother anyone that not only was the AI faked in the videos, but the Valve team has made absolutely no mention of the AI at all? In the first half-life Gabe was constantly yammering about the (admittedly) excellent group AI for the soldiers. So far in every preview, video, or screen, we see nothing but straight-standing combine getting shot-up?

It seems to me that Gabe and Valve are holding alot of details back until the actual release, and because absolutely no mention has been made, my guess is that some sort of incredible team AI is going to be in the final release.

"I'd also like to mention that this is not scripted AI, the AI is determening when to move and how depending on the situation and your actions", so why would that AI be faked?

I do have to agree, though, I think one of the many secrets (before the release) with HL2 is AI.

look, even if the mods do delete it, itll be too late for the people who already read it. at least put this info in spoiler tags, remember, we cant unread stuff
Actually the problem is people being easily led to believe things by others.

The complaints about the scripted AI in Traptown are a great example.

Valve said in the Barricades video the entire fight scene was "unscripted".

Anon said Valve said "all AI was unscripted and Valve lied because TRAPTOWN had a scripted sequence".

Its at this point simple minded people who don't think critically and are easily let others put thoughts in their heads go "Yeah, Valve said in Traptown the AI was unscripted but it is scripted... they lied." Um, no Valve did not say that... but you allowed someone else to make you believe that.

The icing on the cake is when people like ameziac85 come along and make up even more stuff like "Valve said AI was unscripted in Traptown AND Barricade."

You would think more people out there would investigate claims and find out what was actually said, but apparently there are a lot of people who don't and just go spouting off what someone else said.
TheWart said:
Cool info, but some of the people/mods here are zealots when it comes to the b-word (beta), so I would delete that info ASAP.

I've edited some more in btw.

About the beta; sue me. It's out there. I haven't spoiled anything and I never will. I'll leave it up to mods to decide to keep or delete the post ^_^

Vahishta said:
look, even if the mods do delete it, itll be too late for the people who already read it. at least put this info in spoiler tags, remember, we cant unread stuff

I haven't spoiled a thing.

wow this forum goes fast :)
Dead-Inside said:
"I'd also like to mention that this is not scripted AI, the AI is determening when to move and how depending on the situation and your actions", so why would that AI be faked?

I do have to agree, though, I think one of the many secrets (before the release) with HL2 is AI.


who said that AI was "faked"?
DeltaBlast said:
I've edited some more in btw.

About the beta; sue me. It's out there. I haven't spoiled anything and I never will. I'll leave it up to mods to decide to keep or delete the post ^_^

Oh, I agree, I just didn't want to see you burned at the proverbial stake for referencing something like that.
To add to my first post; I've played that same level a few times (because the AI killed me.. it's that good ;)), and it's not the same every time. Once instead of busting in the house, they just busted the door open, cleared out and threw a grenade in.

Sure, sometimes the AI is predictable. But not more than normal human beings.

I can't stress it enough; it's the best darn AI I've seen so far in a game ^_^
tokin said:
I'm mainly upset because i personally dont think much is left to be hidden. Valve has described the whole beginning...why? Ton of the major scenes in the game, i mean what is the damn deal? Just watch these 2 new videos at E3 be some of the same stuff that was in those 11 shaky cam videos, if not all of it!

Upset? No one forced you to read previews or to watch any of the E3-videos.
How many times do i have to say this, its not even a alpha out there!
If you belive the "leak" is what you are going to have in the final product, go ahead, your loss.
Some of you guys will believe anything. You are fed by misconcepted views by others, and your own garble statements--which are more like rants.

Valve is just lying to you/us all, they created everything as a bogus to throw you off so that you can get pissed off at them! It's a conspiracy! Believe the person who stole the files, because obviously he knows more then Valve. Obviously the many underground webpages that have the AI working on custom created maps are lying as well. It is one big conspiracy setup by Valve so that they can lie to us and sell us a product of pure hype.


The gaming world is much like politics at times, with so many of you and your far left wing views. The worst part is that you actually believe it, and base it on what you seem to call fact.
The only A.I. thing gabe etc have admitted is the first strider in the strider video , i read sumewhere that it wos staged , not to show the A.I. of striders but to show inteligent destruction of things like arches or bridges

And lets hope ya right bout there beinbg alot more to come
With the best AI in the world you can't run it constantly for all NPCs in a game simultaneously. You have to have a point at which the AI is switched on or off. Usually I would expect it to be a distance from the NPC of the player but it could be a specific location triggers something, such as the arrival of the first strider. Where the strider goes from then on is what the AI is for, not in getting the strider there in the first place.

I do believe the strider that squewers (sp?) the resistance fella and then blasts Gabe in a cinematic fashion was scripted. It was done as an advert for the game at last years e3. And it worked. You're all still talking about it 12 months later with out having seen anything new in the meantime. I'd say it definitely worked.
Hell yeah it worked , all their screenies and vids worked , here we r a dedicated forum talking about them still.

And they always script e3 trailers, it shows what the game CAN do , not wot will happen in that section
KurtCobain said:
Hell yeah it worked , all their screenies and vids worked , here we r a dedicated forum talking about them still.

And they always script e3 trailers, it shows what the game CAN do , not wot will happen in that section

VALVe are PR geniouses...
...sure people will get pissed and stuff... but if people "don't give about hl2" anymore, why are they still talkingabout it...

...and we, not so pissed, are talking about Hl2 to... :borg:
I'm quite surprised this thread has gone on so far and noone has mentioned the Condition Zero "AI". It's a long way from what I'd hope for form HL2 and CS2 but it's as far ahead of the HL marines as they were ahead of Doom monsters.

I play a LOT of CS online and I'd seen real people do everything that those bots do. The team work, flanking, strategy and communication by them is top notch. And their behaviour is dictatable by a set of characteristics for each of your team mates (skill, bravery, co-operation). I think the same can be said for enemy AI.

My point is if the CZ bots on a 4 or 5 year old engine (admittedly tweaked) then imagine what they can do on source.