So Halloween is around the corner....


Jul 6, 2010
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As I said, Halloween is around the corner, so what have you planned for your costumes?

I've been attempting a cardboard cheapish HEV suit myself here my progress, its more looking like the Iron man prototype suit tho... made of cardboard... by the way this is my first attempt at this stuff

(spoilers only for the dozen or so pictures)









Post your costume ideas
That actually looks really good for cheap cardboard-ness o.o I'm going to take note - my brother wants an HEV suit so bad, and I promised him I'd make him one for a con at some point.

I have no idea if I'm dressing up at all. My art class may or may not be having a Halloween party, and one of the guys keeps trying to convince me to dress up anyway (he's really into Halloween.) I'd just go in one of my cosplay pieces, but unfortunately I'm a Motoko Kusanagi cosplayer and most of my outfits aren't exactly school- or weather- appropriate.

I'm thinking of maybe just wearing my Black Mesa hoodie and my crappy work jeans and calling myself a vague tribute to Alyx Vance or something. I dunno XD
I'm being Luke Skywalker - ANH outfit
Halloween is virtually nonexistent over here, so I don't have anything planed.
I think because of my facial hair, my friends are making me go as Captain Jack Sparrow. I don't know how I feel about this, but once I'm drunk enough I may be able to pull it off perfectly.

That suit is ****ing awesome, by the way. You put a lot of work into that chest armor, and it shows :D
My friends wanted me to go as Naked Snake, but I am probably going to be a STALKER.

or just wear jeans and my bomber jacket and my aviators and be tom cruise again
I'm going to be the 10th Doctor. Already have my sonic screwdriver ordered :D
I'm going to dress up as a big piece of candy, and hand out children.
I'm going to wear a Batman mask and a business suit.

That, or be a lumberjack or something to go with my beard.
You should go as The Beard and talk about your cool human body costume.
I think it's a bit of a shame that people just went from dressing up as something relevant to Halloween to being all like "screw this, let's dress up as ANYTHING!".
They should probably rename it from Halloween to annual costume day or something.
I'm going to be unoriginal and go as Alex from Clockwork Orange. I will not deny I will feel like a badass walking around with my codpiece.
I went as V last year... Probably not going this year. Haven't heard much about it from my gf.
I've been going as this for the past 4 years. Honestly, it attracts sluts like no other. Highly recommended on a college campus.

F*ck I'm jealous of you guys, we do nothing here for Halloween. A few years ago I made a scarecrow, burnt it on a stake, then got reported for breaking fire restrictions, lol.
I haven't celebrated Halloween in any form for many a year... and I expect this year will be no different.

God damn, when was the last time I costumed up... 10 years ago? :LOL:
I saw an army surplus store in the mall and it must have just opened up, gunna check that out and then piece together some zombie army dude thing
Oh, nice!

You got some coke! :p

Looking good, though. How do you actually get that on?
I don't like the look of its structural integrity. Are you going to add a second layer of cardboard once you're finished the framework?
Oh I'm adding a double layers to the thin pieces all the time, the weight of the thing started to bulked the opposite side already.

and there a paper mesh gonna be appealed above the cardboard anyway, so ignore my poorly drawn lambda symbol :p
I want to be something awesome and sexy that everyone can relate to. Was thinking Dr. Breen, but I don't know how.
I swear upon a throne of black men you'd better not insult Halloween again you heathen.
This year I'm gonna be Count Bulgeula for a party, then I'm switching to a man version of Ada Wong for the rest of the night, and for an Airsoft game. Anyone know where to pick up an Ada Wong dress that'll fit a breast-less... man?