So Halloween is around the corner....

2 more weeks people! what have you got on the agenda?

and a little update from the HEV.


i hope you plan on getting shitfaced in that suit. also, what are you going to do when someone punches you in the chest?
i hope you plan on getting shitfaced in that suit. also, what are you going to do when someone punches you in the chest?

you bloody right I plan to! and my cardboard crowbar can still whack somebody sore if they try it.

@Stern: Halloween isn't exactly my night for women, its about having a laugh and getting shitface, no time for woman. (on a budget too, cant afford to be giving out drinks.)
I hate halloween.
I am, however, in favour of dressing up like a complete weirdo and getting drunk on said night.
needs really fat buddy to dress up as original xbox controller
I'm a pretty hairy guy so I was thinking of going around shirtless with a werewolf mask on.
I'll probably do nothing but sit in my chair gripping my armrests frantically as the consumerist-holiday traditions of America slowly seep into my great country.

Seriously like a few years ago no one did shit, now I've got little kids wanting shit.

I'll be stopping by at Danimal's house.
You can grip my armrests as frantically as you wish. <3
well I had to go budget, since i only gave myself a month and delivery time for goods to come, this is what i ended up with, might get some mud and rub it on the suit, give it a weathered look. You would not believe how difficult it is to find orange duct tape.

^^ Gordon Freeman made that in a cave!
I'm going to be wearing a black suit, because I'll be attending a funeral :(.
Loving the budget Gordon Freeman costume :D Maybe one day!

The following pictures are from my costume! Well, the top part at least :)



Some earlier pictures taken during construction can be found here.

Just need to add a bit (or lots) of blood :E
I'm planning to go as a zombie this weekend, if I find the right makeup supplies.
I'm planning to go as a zombie this weekend, if I find the right makeup supplies.

Red brown and green... loads of dirt! And if you want to add a bit of texture / flaking skin, apply a dark green or brown (or both?!) mudpack to parts of your arms and face... then just let it dry :)
Quibble is the rest of your costume a zombie? If so, is it a HL1 scientist zombie or a HL2 resistance zombie?
Quibble is the rest of your costume a zombie? If so, is it a HL1 scientist zombie or a HL2 resistance zombie?

Funny you should ask! I have recently created two costumes... one is a HL2 rebel / resistance fighter costume that I'm wearing for an expo this weekend and the other is a HL2 zombie costume for Halloween. I have been toying with the idea of making a HL2 resistance fighter zombie and will probably end up using what I have for next year! I'll post pictures of both costumes when they are complete, just a few little details to finish off :)

The rest of the halloween costume is comprised of ripped and blood-soaked jeans, shirts and jacket. Haven't had time to go into enormous details as far as the ribcage / torso area is concerned... not enough time! People should get the idea though.
Halloween costumes are such a drag. They're funny for twenty seconds, then they become an annoyance throughout the rest of the party.
Halloween costumes are such a drag.

Excuse me? was that a pun?


They're funny for twenty seconds, then they become an annoyance throughout the rest of the party.

Thats the fun of it, you'll feel like a ponker like everyone else.
Haha, sometimes true! I doubt I'll be wearing Crustina all evening because...

A: There will be much alcohol to consume
B: There will be much food to consume
C: I don't want to spend the entire party in complete darkness
D: There will be much alcohol to consume

Plus I think my girlfriend will get fed up of navigating me around the house all evening... could be fun though! Unless I fall down some stairs... that would hurt.
I'm going to attempt Sweeney Todd but god ****ing damn is a vest similar to his hard to find.
I'm going to attempt Sweeney Todd but god ****ing damn is a vest similar to his hard to find.

Could you not find a cheap waistcoat / sleeveless jacket and modify it? Add some more buttons and overlap the front slightly? As long as it looks roughly the same and the colour is right you should get away with it :)
Bought a stupid mask to wear at work on friday.
Could you not find a cheap waistcoat / sleeveless jacket and modify it? Add some more buttons and overlap the front slightly? As long as it looks roughly the same and the colour is right you should get away with it :)

Yeah I'm thinking that but it's still difficult to find. Brisbane sucks for this sort of thing :(
Have you got charity shops or such in your town, they're a great and cheap resource.
Have you got charity shops or such in your town, they're a great and cheap resource.

Charity shops are a must for sure! Very useful for finding cheap film props and fancy dress items... This may be a long shot (not even sure if this is the right area lol) but have a look here.

I'd check some of these out if you haven't done so already as you never know :)

Ah, sleeps...
I'm going to try and make some fake blood using corn starch, water and food coloring, dark dried blood to have all around my mouth and running down my chin/neck, hopefully that works out. I'm going to try and get something suitable to put on my teeth too.

I'm also going to try and make a bite mark on my neck along with some pronounced veins that you see in zombies these days. If it turns out half decent I'll post pics.
Don't know if I'm going to a friend's halloween party. I haven't done anything for halloween in 10 years. If I go, I'll default to some kind of crappy ninja costume, although I'm not even sure if I have enough black clothes to pull that off.
I'm going to try and make some fake blood using corn starch, water and food coloring, dark dried blood to have all around my mouth and running down my chin/neck, hopefully that works out. I'm going to try and get something suitable to put on my teeth too.

I'm also going to try and make a bite mark on my neck along with some pronounced veins that you see in zombies these days. If it turns out half decent I'll post pics.

I've never tried that before... sounds messy! I LOVE IT :LOL: Please show us some pics, even if it does go horribly wrong :E

Usually I just buy a load of cheap halloween blood packs from a budget store and use red paint on darker clothes. Does the job! Those face / mud packs really do work a treat though for scabby, infected looking skin... if anyone gives it a try, post some pics!!!
Thanks for the help guys, unfortunately most of the lifeline shops were sold out of what I wanted. I managed to get a spiffy scarf and gloves however.

So basically, this is my Sweeney costume thus far:

White Dress Shirt (forearm sleeves cuffed with white bands to make the rest of the sleeve nice and puffy)
Brown Belt
Black Waistcoat (Similar to this but nowhere near as fashionable/nice, disappointed but oh well)
Skinny Jeans (all the pinstripe trousers were way too baggy, I can always go as the Hipster Demon Barber of Fleet Street)
Dress Shoes
Cutthroat Razor
Bloody Rag (To hang off belt)
Fingerless gloves

I'll be dying my hair black and white, apply some baby powder to my face and eyeliner/shadow heavily around my eyes and maybe cheeks.

Photos will follow hopefully.