So I figured out the main reason I'm depressed


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
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Some of you might recall that since early November I had a little bit of a mental breakdown due to depression and all that lovely stuff. Some of you might not, but that's alright. The point is, nearly three months later I'm happier and less depressed, but still not out of the woods. I've been doing a lot of thinking about myself, and about others, and thinking about how to combat my depression. Regular therapy sessions, eating a bit better, and seeing more friends more often has helped. There's a bit of light weed usage in there as well, mostly used as a social lubricant and a stress reliever.

The weed was an interesting variable. Not only did it relieve my stress and help me relax, it also suppressed my tendencies to over-think anything and everything that popped into my mind. And in a weird way, while I was high life felt more like it should. Colors popped. Music was emotionally charged. I allowed conversations to flow naturally, rather than focusing on the rules and criteria of social interaction. I saw things for what they were and what they did - not for what they were made of and what their fundamental design was like. In short, I felt more alive.

It wasn't the drugs that made me feel alive. The drugs made me feel fuzzy and slow. The thing that really made me feel normal? Not thinking.

I've spent so many years thinking about everything that I could. At school, my mind would wander, but always to something that required the utmost attention of my frontal lobes. When I talked to people, I was constantly aware of the position of my facial muscles, the texture of my voice, always feeling awkward and out of place and never knowing how to relax. I'd spend hours lying in bed, trying desperately to get some sleep, but instead unwillingly pondering philosophy, physics, math, and politics until my brain shut off from exhaustion. And all this time I just needed to stop thinking.

Now the problem is, I don't know how to keep it up for long periods of time. I've been suppressing my mind on and off for the past couple of weeks now, but not with much success. Even now I'm having problems; when I started this post I was relaxed, but now I'm overthinking things again and feeling agitated and unhappy. Today I've tried long showers, lying in bed, watching TV, reading the paper, reading a book, and repeatedly forcing myself to stop thinking, but none of them have much success.

So I ask of all of you: Does anyone on this forum know of a good, drug-free way to help my mind relax itself? I'd really like to be able to not be depressed anymore :p
I'm thinking something more along the lines of mental relaxation techniques. Crosswords, while relaxing in a way, would only make my brain work harder.
I find that my mind is most comfortable when I'm reading a good book.

Have you tried meditation?
not sure if it'd help, but perhaps taking up playing an instrument as a hobby would help?

Also, learning some breathing techniques can help relax.
Try R6: Vegas.

You sure as Hell know what I mean too. That wil relax your shit, then totally **** it up. Then, just as your shit is ****ing up, it relaxes you into a fall sense of security.
Put all that thinking to good use.

Write, read, think more, learn, grow.

Your unhappiness stems from a lack of action, not an overabundance of thought.

Create something, and find solace in it.
Take me with you Stiggy... I can't stand being in this depression alone. :(
Put all that thinking to good use.

Write, read, think more, learn, grow.

Your unhappiness stems from a lack of action, not an overabundance of thought.

Create something, and find solace in it.

This is also part of it. But before I can start taking any actions, I need to be able to reliably relax myself. My over-thinking, for whatever reason, prevents me from taking action.
I've considered trying a bit of weed to ease my anxiety thing. Just enough to take the edge off and - like you said - stop me from thinking so much. Could be a temporary solution I guess.
you know, not using wee could help releve stress in your mind? Weed makes your mind trigger faulty. It could be sending signals to the wrong active site, causing your depression. Also, now when you attempt to quit even more depression shall come.
I've spent so many years thinking about everything that I could. At school, my mind would wander, but always to something that required the utmost attention of my frontal lobes. When I talked to people, I was constantly aware of the position of my facial muscles, the texture of my voice, always feeling awkward and out of place and never knowing how to relax. I'd spend hours lying in bed, trying desperately to get some sleep, but instead unwillingly pondering philosophy, physics, math, and politics until my brain shut off from exhaustion. And all this time I just needed to stop thinking.

Jesus, that's exactly how I feel (I am not just saying that either), that is the perfect description of my problem, I just never fully realized it until you pointed that out. It's rediculous how accurate your description is.

Now the problem is, I don't know how to keep it up for long periods of time. I've been suppressing my mind on and off for the past couple of weeks now, but not with much success. Even now I'm having problems; when I started this post I was relaxed, but now I'm overthinking things again and feeling agitated and unhappy. Today I've tried long showers, lying in bed, watching TV, reading the paper, reading a book, and repeatedly forcing myself to stop thinking, but none of them have much success.

So I ask of all of you: Does anyone on this forum know of a good, drug-free way to help my mind relax itself? I'd really like to be able to not be depressed anymore :p

I really don't know, I wish I knew myself. I stay away from substance use, as I feel it's a scapegoat to my problems.
But I also worry that not-thinking will have it's problems as well...
I suppose it's just an issue of moderating how much I/you analyze?
(Sorry if it seems like I am directing the issue towards me, it's just that I am generally in the same boat, so I am asking the same questions as you are.)

I ask, do you have any hobbies? (it's a significant question)
Glad you're doing better, if not all the way better, man. I remember reading that post of yours.

I've found myself kinda feeling similar and have figured it's just from not doing much of anything outside work. I'd really like to get into something like a hobby but I either can't find the motivation or really just don't like doing anything, haha. Not thinking would bypass all that shit, so you might be on to something... I'd prefer a non-weed way, myself, though. :p

Sorry, no suggestions from me, though! Useless!

(And Hazar has stolen the identity of the guy that always used that avatar! Can't remember his name, but I know Hazar using it is wrong!)
take relaxation classes or get into some sport, like jogging or swimming and you can always go on a holiday.
Jesus, that's exactly how I feel (I am not just saying that either), that is the perfect description of my problem, I just never fully realized it until you pointed that out. It's rediculous how accurate your description is.

Ditto. This is something I've been dealing with a while.

The main thing I do is just keep myself occupied I suppose. Whether its playing something, reading a book, watching a movie or talking to someone.

I've found that as soon as I start to get bored or Im not actively doing something for a while, thats when my mind starts to overthink every single possible thing which leads to a whole mess of problems.
Ditto. This is something I've been dealing with a while.

The main thing I do is just keep myself occupied I suppose. Whether its playing something, reading a book, watching a movie or talking to someone.

I've found that as soon as I start to get bored or Im not actively doing something for a while, thats when my mind starts to overthink every single possible thing which leads to a whole mess of problems.

True, that's why I've noticed when I start making things/making art and that sort of crap it makes me feel better.

It's also really strange, I'll go through a really long phase of depression, and then suddenly I wont feel any emotion of any sort at all, for anything, and it feels so incredibly good.
Yeah. Really the best thing you could do is take up some sort of hobby.

I bought myself a nice camera recently, and decided to have a go at photography and I've found that its really helped and it keeps the whole "over-thinking" thing under control for the most part.
indeed, but it sucks when you're too depressed to want to be creative or do anything. Which does happen to me.
Some of you might recall that since early November I had a little bit of a mental breakdown due to depression and all that lovely stuff. Some of you might not, but that's alright. The point is, nearly three months later I'm happier and less depressed, but still not out of the woods. I've been doing a lot of thinking about myself, and about others, and thinking about how to combat my depression. Regular therapy sessions, eating a bit better, and seeing more friends more often has helped. There's a bit of light weed usage in there as well, mostly used as a social lubricant and a stress reliever.

The weed was an interesting variable. Not only did it relieve my stress and help me relax, it also suppressed my tendencies to over-think anything and everything that popped into my mind. And in a weird way, while I was high life felt more like it should. Colors popped. Music was emotionally charged. I allowed conversations to flow naturally, rather than focusing on the rules and criteria of social interaction. I saw things for what they were and what they did - not for what they were made of and what their fundamental design was like. In short, I felt more alive.

It wasn't the drugs that made me feel alive. The drugs made me feel fuzzy and slow. The thing that really made me feel normal? Not thinking.

I've spent so many years thinking about everything that I could. At school, my mind would wander, but always to something that required the utmost attention of my frontal lobes. When I talked to people, I was constantly aware of the position of my facial muscles, the texture of my voice, always feeling awkward and out of place and never knowing how to relax. I'd spend hours lying in bed, trying desperately to get some sleep, but instead unwillingly pondering philosophy, physics, math, and politics until my brain shut off from exhaustion. And all this time I just needed to stop thinking.

Now the problem is, I don't know how to keep it up for long periods of time. I've been suppressing my mind on and off for the past couple of weeks now, but not with much success. Even now I'm having problems; when I started this post I was relaxed, but now I'm overthinking things again and feeling agitated and unhappy. Today I've tried long showers, lying in bed, watching TV, reading the paper, reading a book, and repeatedly forcing myself to stop thinking, but none of them have much success.

So I ask of all of you: Does anyone on this forum know of a good, drug-free way to help my mind relax itself? I'd really like to be able to not be depressed anymore :p

Lies, its obviously because you are a immoral baby-raping atheist!

Seriously, try meditation. I do, and I rarely get stressed out. It doesn't have to be buddhist hardcore meditation either.

Also, something complete unrelated but still fun is lucid dreaming.
You might try medication; I doubt weed is going to help much other than perhaps a momentary fix which will jsut be wrose in the long run.

There's two kinds of depression; chemical and psychological. If it's chemical, that will require medications.

You control subconscious thoughts, whether positive or negative, through the filter of your conscious thoughts. Dominating thoughts eventually reproduce themselves in the form of action, which eventually transforms into it's physical equivalent. You must desire and demand continuous progress towards positive beneficial thinking, because whether positive or negative, such thoughts will in turn become your life.

Thinking constantly is an amazing gift that must be used properly! A lot of people treat ADD like symptoms as a handicap, but I personally use it as an asset. In your case, you need to focus those thoughts positively! You should probably also find a hobby, or even a productive hobby (could lead to making big $$$ some day) that you eny and could keep your mind occupied for hours on end (no, now World of Warcraft, lol). Don't suppress your mind, USE IT!

Your mind is like an animal; suppress it and it will die, let it loose and you'll lose it, but if you feed it, train it, entertain it, care for it, feed it, excercise it, put it to good use, and treat it positively, it will be your best friend!
You might try medication; I doubt weed is going to help much other than perhaps a momentary fix which will jsut be wrose in the long run.
Medication is the last thing I want to use. Weed, like I said, is an occasional recreational thing I do. I'm not using it as a crutch or in the place of medical intervention. I use it maybe once a week at the most.

There's two kinds of depression; chemical and psychological. If it's chemical, that will require medications.
Not entirely true. According to my therapist (who is the head of the psych department at the hospital she works at), chemical imbalances in the brain can be changed through behavioral changes. So in some cases it can merely boil down to a positive reinforcement situation. Fighting depression without medication is entirely possible and is the route I'm going to choose.

You control subconscious thoughts, whether positive or negative, through the filter of your conscious thoughts. Dominating thoughts eventually reproduce themselves in the form of action, which eventually transforms into it's physical equivalent. You must desire and demand continuous progress towards positive beneficial thinking, because whether positive or negative, such thoughts will in turn become your life.

Thinking constantly is an amazing gift that must be used properly! A lot of people treat ADD like symptoms as a handicap, but I personally use it as an asset. In your case, you need to focus those thoughts positively! You should probably also find a hobby, or even a productive hobby (could lead to making big $$$ some day) that you eny and could keep your mind occupied for hours on end (no, now World of Warcraft, lol). Don't suppress your mind, USE IT!

Working on it :)
I fap vigorously when I'm feeling down. Perks me right up. If you have a gf, then try to get laid ASAP. That's an even better cure.:thumbs:
Add a dab of lavender to milk. Leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it.
Add a dab of lavender to milk. Leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it.

I love that you said that.

edit -
I have the exact same problem, I over analyze everything, and at times, it drives me crazy.

Unlike you though, i've learned to live with it and use it for my benefit.

I'd say don't suppress it, keep on thinking about everything you can. Eventually, you'll learn how to stop your logical thought processes from interfering with your emotions.

I've noticed though that social situations and music really keep my mind busy. Talking to somebody, and just having a good time with friends, stops me from worrying too much about things.
So I ask of all of you: Does anyone on this forum know of a good, drug-free way to help my mind relax itself? I'd really like to be able to not be depressed anymore :p

Well, if you want to quit drugs, I'd say get a hobby making stuff. Some forgework is fun, as is miniature painting.

If you just want to supplement your drug use, you're best not bothering. You already sound drug reliant, and that's enough.
Things like tai chi or yoga work for some people.
Read a few pages of Youtube comments, preferably on something involving America. Your brain will shut itself off in mere minutes!
Meditation? I don't know a single effin' thing about it, but I know people who've had problems like yours and some of them swear by it.

Also find something you really enjoy and just get engrossed in it. Sounds obvious, but it seems undervalued. Exercise is also good. I signed up at a gym and while I found it to be a pain in the ass at first, it definitely clears your head. And the workout is a nice benefit.

Interesting about the weed, as I can say the same. Not exactly like your situation, but it really did me a lot of good with my stress anxiety and depression. It was sort of like going through the motions. It made me learn to like things again, in a way.
The same sort of mental instability sent me into a downward spiral last year. It was hard, and I had to get through it with mind-numbing drugs.

As to how to stop being over-analytic, what I do is, I take deep breaths, hold for as much as possible, and during this time I focus on my heartbeat, listen to it, and do nothing more.

Being around people also helped me quell my insatiable needs to think.

For me it was sort of a gradual process. It didn't go away until I gradually focused on reading and writing. I imagine for you it may be something similar - you won't get rid of it right away, but you have the power to get rid of it as soon as you want.

Also, there's a writer who argues that what you think either has been said before or isn't worth saying, unless your thoughts materialize. I think what would be best for you at this stage is to focus your thoughts on positive things, like others have said before. Reading and writing, in particular. The latter becomes a kind of mimicry of what you've read before, with a degree of added individuality and style.

You never stop learning, but your time is worth a lot. Now you need to learn as much as you can - focusing on the positive learning experiences - so you can become a master of your own mind.
Poor Stiggy.

I wish I could suggest something, nobody wants you to be unhappy. I don't know if the weed is a great idea.. I could say the same thing about alcohol though. It's alright occasionally, but you want to make sure you keep it that way.

I've never been in a situation where I "over-thought" things, I pretty much don't think hard enough about what I do, which has gotten me into shit in the past. I write when I start to analyse things, I just keep writing until the thoughts are on the page rather than lingering in my head.
I can relate to the constant over analyzation of things. Only I don't see
that as an issue. The problem lies in acquiring enough knowledge to not get
stuck in an infinite loop, you know when you think a about an argument so
much your mind leaps in to the conundrum of philosophy.

Best solution is to develop your reading skills.
Read argumentation books so you can clarify your thoughts in your
mind, better rationalize and order your underlying arguments.

And write the stuff you think about most of the time on paper. This
way it won't return to your head so much and when it does you can
just read what you wrote and immediately put all the pieces where
they should, and not worry about it. But writing down obviously
only works for some issues that return to plague your mind.
Read a few pages of Youtube comments, preferably on something involving America. Your brain will shut itself off in mere minutes!
So what comments were you reading when you compared socialism to pro-life?
Lmao at the graph.

For me, walking for a loooong time and being consummed by powerful music always helps any stressful situations, and I forget about any problems that I once had. When I'm done I find I generally have a different outlook on the problems, for the better.
Ok. You're half way there from what I said in your last topic. Last topic I told you to go out and exercise (specifically cardiovascular). For instance, running. Go run and run and run and run. Once you're tired, run some more!! After that? Keep running. You will be so incredibly physically and mentally exhaused you literally will not be able to think. Beyond that, your body will release chemicals giving you a "Runners High", making you feel happy and good about yourself.

Trust me, theres a reason why most kids in sports who try real hard at those sports are not depressed. It's because the sport gets you that exhaused and your body will release chemicals making you feel happy.
So I figured out the main reason I'm depressed

A genetically increased chance for electro-chemical and hormonal balances in the brain causing a run away emotional effect in the form of the symptoms known as depression in common speech?.