So I was looking around and....


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
I found THIS. Now, I love The Carpenters a WHOLE FREAKING BUNCH, but this is like the whole "We are too geeky to go to real parties, so lets role play them on a forum" deal. I got a good few laughs out of the first few pages of some, but then again, I'm drunk, so that may be the reason....
Karen Carpenter has the friendliest voice evah. Too bad she didn't eat.
Carpenters = win. I thought I was the only <35 to have heard about them. Used to listen to them all the time. Still do actually :D
that has to be one of the most confusing forums I've ever seen
Carpenters = win. I thought I was the only <35 to have heard about them. Used to listen to them all the time. Still do actually :D

Ditto. Can't stop listening to them sometimes.

And teh weird. Basement party? Is that some sort of pedophile innuendo I need to get accustomed to?
"Hi,I have brought some Chinese food."
Balloons, mailbox, DO IT.

Krynn grabs the already inflated balloons from the kitchen and heads outside. When he steps outside he pauses a moment and breaths in a deep gulp of the cool November air. With a satisfied look on his face he walks out to the mailbox, giving a nod in greeting to his neighbor who is outside racking the leaves off his yard. The task of securing the balloons to the mailbox is an easy one, and in just seconds the old rusty mailbox is decorated in party colored balloons. A frisk breeze blows the balloons around as Krynn turns around and heads back inside.

Pitz pulls up to the house. Looking like the party hasn't started yet, he gets out of the car, and greets Krynn, who is tying up some balloons to the mailbox, for easy spotting. "Hey Krynn, how goes it? Shall we get into some warmer temperatures and enjoy a drink before the rest show up?"
Krynn stops upon hearing his name. He turns and looks back to the street and sees pitz walking around from the other side of his car. He waits for pitz to catch up and pulls his jacket tighter to keep the wind out. "Im down with that"

They head back indoors and Krynn walks to the kitchen, where hes got all the drinks and general party supplies. "What can I get ya?"
Irksome thanks Krynn for putting the balloons up in such short notice, and apologizes to him for his brisk tone. He pats Krynn on the back and asks him if he wants a foot massage before more guests show up. Irksome begins to chortle.
Krynn rolls his eyes at Irksome. He turns back to pitzy and says "Unfortunately Irksome showed up early too. In fact, hes been here for seven hours already. He came in through a window while I was sleeping."

"Oh god damnit, hes chortling again"
"there aren't very many people here" sinko says.

He turns to look at his watch, just to be sure he isn't early. Nope, right on time, yet the guestlist still checks scarcely. The only people there seem to be pitz and Krynn.

His fists are sweaty, yet he clenches them to disguise the fact. Krynn and Pitz stroll into the kitchen, leaving sinko alone in the livingroom. "perfect" he thinks to himself.

The button on his shorts comes undone easily, yet the zipper feels like it takes years to undo. His palms grow sweatier and sweatier with each click of the primitive fastener.

"it's a good thing I didn't wear any underwear" he mutters silently to himself.

The last slip of brass on his zipper finally clicks out of the fastener, as he slowly yet confidently slips his penis, head first, out of his pant-hole.

His strokes are slow yet fierce. He kicks his head back and closes his eyes, hanging his head over the edge of the couch, as if to peer behind himself.

He opens his eyes, his face still in a violently pleasured pose, only to see Krynn standing over the couch with his eyes widening in dismay. Krynn screams, as pitz sprints into the living room.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" yells pitz, as Krynn slowly raises a solemn finger in the direction of Sinko's penroat.

Pitz mouth slowly opens, his face echoing intense shock. He thrusts both fists triumphantly in the air, and aerates an excited "YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!".
"Get the **** off my couch! Its brand new!"

Krynn grabs a blanket and throws it at sinko. "Damnit man, you couldnt wait until the orgy started?!"
Irksome peaks his head in to just to remind sinko that he's been at the party for sometime.
Lame-o enters through the back door, pulls his pants down in front of all the guests and sexplodes.
Pitz, now more excited with the added action, decides it's time to bring the REAL party. He opens his cell phone, hits the speed dial #1. After a couple seconds of silence, Pitz utters, "Lets move." Within seconds, 5 woman, all extremely beautiful walk through the door, all holding some sort of sex toy. One holding rope, another anal beeds, another some leather fasteners, one with a leather whip, and one with the various lotions/oils. Pitz looks at Krynn and Sinko, and a grin begins to engulf his face. "It's show time, boys."
"Fcuk yeah! I love makeshift arts and crafts!"

Krynn begins thinking how he could combine anal beads and leather straps to make a sweet piece of abstract art. He stares at the ground, hand scratching his chin, lost in thought. A moment later, he looks up to exclaim his plans, but upon seeing cyberpitz doing something unspeakable to one of the women, he clams up, realizing his mistake.
Pitz realizes Krynn is shocked. "Hey, don't clam up on me now! Don't tell me you've never done this before!" Pitz motions one of the girls to 'look after' Krynn. Pitz, seeing Sinko getting anxious to join, nods his head in acceptance. One of the girls seeing this, walks towards Sinko, with the leather fasteners in hand.

"I love these types of parties."
Lame-o's spleen makes its way towards the group of women.