So, is this game actually any good?


  • This game is all I wanted and more! Yes! Yes!! YES!!!

    Votes: 20 14.7%
  • Damn good considering what they had to live up to.

    Votes: 32 23.5%
  • It's sheer quality is undeniable but so are the flaws.

    Votes: 38 27.9%
  • Bit of a dissapointment really. They hyped this a bit TOO much.

    Votes: 34 25.0%
  • WTF. This sucks!

    Votes: 12 8.8%

  • Total voters


Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
You all had expectations. You've had almost two weeks. Lets poll to see what you thought.
is what game? this ment to be in the Doom 3 forum?

if so then I think yeah.
Im moving this assuming its supposed to be Doom 3. If not, then I will correct the mistake.
oops, moderators please move to DOOM3 forum!
sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
A brilliant game, but could have been improved in a lot of ways. Could have been a landmark release, but instead it must settle with above average.
As far as I'm concerned they delivered exactly what they promised. In some ways it could have better sure, but I thought it was great.
sheer quality, undeniable.. but so are it's flaws... sums it up well

repetitiveness and no replay value kill the experience. (also a non-scary Horror game might as well just have been categorized as an action game in the dark)
Worth the buy only because it has revolutionary graphics, its like buying Gone with the Wind, you just get it because it looks good sitting on your shelf.
No to my liking. the graphics are fantastic but all in all seems the same ole thing. Every are seems to have the same textures albight some new additions- some new places look decent. I don't know After playing 3 or 4 levels I find it boring. You go to an area and try to find a PDA to open doors. Once you find it, something happens and new monsters spawn Maybe I had better expectations as someone who doesn't play games that often. In fact I maybe play no more than 6 hours a week if that. (Wife and son you know) Hopefull HL2 will be more to my liking. I still play the original HL through every so often.
The game was fantastic. It is what it said it'd be.

Granted, it got to the point of dragging on a bit, but it picked up again after Hell.

I'd give it a 9/10 in my books, I'd been looking for an "oldschool" shooter like Doom 3 for some time. Had great fun with it. Just waiting for the mods now..
Shuzer said:
The game was fantastic. It is what it said it'd be.

Granted, it got to the point of dragging on a bit, but it picked up again after Hell.

I'd give it a 9/10 in my books, I'd been looking for an "oldschool" shooter like Doom 3 for some time. Had great fun with it. Just waiting for the mods now..

We need to make a D3 fan support group we're so outnumbered here.
Ill be in it, I found the game quite fun. It can be a little spoiler we can add to our sigs :p
I'll be very honest - even painkiller was more fun than Doom 3. Sorry, but although the D3 had it's uniqueness when you had to switch between torch and gun, the point of having such a feature was useless when half the time you could hear and see your enemies spawn - and basically zero scare factor.

Next up is the horrible weapon balance: For an oldschool style shooter like Doom 3 you'd expect "bigger is better" and that's what it was - although so many new shooters at the very least try to add some weapon balancing to make the game challenging - that if you like games such as Far cry or Halo better for this feature - stay away from this, or D3 is just a blast fest with one or two badass weapons.

Doom 3 tries to be a "story/plot based shooter" and at the same time a "mindless" shooter. So basically it turns out to be a horrible mixture of both.

Graphically the game is unmatched, nothing in the market can beat it. It does have some competition from HL2 and Stalker in the visuals department - but we'll see. However, I can't deny the fact that it's the best visual package in the market, at the momment.

I'd eventually say its:
"It's sheer quality is undeniable but so are the flaws."
Halo weapon balancing?

The pistol is hyper powerful, hyper accurate and has a zoom, compare it to an AR and it does more damage per second if you're good enough to get head shots, yet is useful in long and short ranges.

The needler is a nice distraction but hardly a useful weapon, the plasma pistol is crud cause it over heats in seconds and the one shot is too easily dodged by enemies on the harder difficulties. The sniper rifle maintains pinpoint accuracy, and almost total 1 hit kills when unscoped and the shotgun is a frag bunnies dream.

Sorry for all the merits Halo has, weapon balance is not one of them.

Doom 3 at least tries to explain the weapon inbalance. The smg and shotgun are kind of balanced, the chaingun his high damage low ammo capacity. The plasma rifle is experimental next generation weaponry, as is the BFG, and you would expect next generation weaponry to be more powerful than the current crop. Of course a rocket launcher is going to be very powerful in enclosed environments, the nature of the weapons dictates that fact.

I’m not trying to flame you, so please don’t take it that way. I just find it odd how people complain that every weapon should be balanced. A rocket launcher isn’t balanced in real life.
Raxxman said:
The needler is a nice distraction but hardly a useful weapon, the plasma pistol is crud cause it over heats in seconds and the one shot is too easily dodged by enemies on the harder difficulties.

I actually found the needler and plasma pistol to be 2 of the most useful weapons on legendary. The weapons in Halo are all useful and all need to be used throughout the game (it's only on the lower difficulty settings that this isn't the case)

The weapons in Doom are unblalanced imo - as you progress through the game many become redundant. I guess this is forgivable, it's going for 'old skool' gameplay (bad guys get tougher, weapons get stronger) Personally, I like weapons you really have to learn, that all have a specific role and use (been spoilt by Golden Eye :) )

//back on topic

Doom 3 is a fun and simple action game that you play in the dark. As easy to pick up and play as it is to forget.
Well, in terms of gameplay it's not a revolution...

BUT it is very entertaining :thumbs: - every sound makes me turn around and check (if i don't know the area already). The gfx and sounds are awesome and create a great mood.
AI could be better, but isn't bad at all (at least for Veteran). I only played 7 Levels till now - hope it doesn't get boring, just to kill, run and open doors.
I enjoyed the game. Got what i expected, nuthin more, nuthin less, even tho i lost less then 30 sec into the game :x
I think it was a great game, and once the weather is cooler again I'll play it some more.
It was a good, fun, easy game. nothing revolutionary though, and not really worth 100 bucks (Aussie) as you can't really play it again and have as much fun. At least for me
I actually found the needler and plasma pistol to be 2 of the most useful weapons on legendary. The weapons in Halo are all useful and all need to be used throughout the game (it's only on the lower difficulty settings that this isn't the case)

You're gonna have to tell me how you do it :p On legendary I found that the elites were way too good at getting out of the way of the slow moving needlers (which I found useful on the lower diff). Same goes for the plasma pistol. Most effective weapon on legendary (brain excluded) was the pistol, which you start with nearly every time anyhow. Flying pistol whip to the back of the head anyone? :)
Anyone else here find the ID Software PDA to be a laugh?
Wow the opinion seems to be split pretty evenly. Maybe cause this is a HL2 forum not a Doom 3 one, but can they really call it "the most anticipated game ever"?
Overall a great game worthy of purchase for the single player experience alone.

What the game did well was being able to put you into the game and get you extremely involved in everything that was going on around you. Lots of people say the only scary parts were cheap thrills but for me I had constant anxiety playing this game not knowing what was going to happen next. Most enemies in the game I found to be very cool and scary looking. I think the art direction was very fitting for this game and they definitely succeeded in that. All in all I found myself not wanting to stop after playing for a couple hours, but when I did I honestly didn't want to start up again because you are thrown RIGHT back into this extreme atmosphere that really keeps you on edge the whole time.

Obviously the gameplay is pretty lackluster, intentionally or not. You move through small corridors collecting PDA's and that's basically it. You KNOW there is going to be a monster popping out somewhere in every room, half the time you can even guess exactly where. I didn't really find myself enjoying killing enemies in this game either. The levels were very similar for the most part, the times they wernt were very refreshing and fun to play. I would have definitely enjoyed more variety in levels and maybe some more open ended levels. The AI is rather predictable but I can't complain too much because what else are they going to do in small corridors but run at you? Man did I get sick of imps less than halfway through the game, they were severely overused and other enemies like the pinky demons, cherubs, chainsaw zombies(i love them) were hardly used at all. As far as replayability, your first run through the single player game is basically it. Every other time you will recognize most rooms and situations and KNOW where enemies are and exactly what will happen, this is the major problem with scripted events. The multiplayer really is just very basic, but I hope to see some great mods come out for the engine.

I know I complained about a lot, but the good far outweighs the bad in this game, mainly due to the extreme polish of the game. The game kept me on edge the whole time and scared the crap out of me in just about every way imaginable. It definitely could have been better though, but I feel it lived up to what it was supposed to do.

Raxxman said:
You're gonna have to tell me how you do it :p On legendary I found that the elites were way too good at getting out of the way of the slow moving needlers (which I found useful on the lower diff). Same goes for the plasma pistol. Most effective weapon on legendary (brain excluded) was the pistol, which you start with nearly every time anyhow. Flying pistol whip to the back of the head anyone? :)

Well - just unload a whole clip of needles at them, while leading your shot, and they're pretty much dead. Especially if they dive. I found the best combo for the elites was both pistols - plasma takes off the shield and a couple of headshots with the other finishes em off :)

This is getting waaaaay off topic, though :)
In terms of weapon balancing, i find that they balance themselves on theyre own. You have the pistol (that you allways have ammo for), the shotgun (allways useful vut you allways have ammo for this, too) the MG (rattatatat crap im low) the chaingun (*bang**bang**bang* crap im low) the plasmagun (zapzapzapzapzapzap cap im low) etc.

i think you get the picture, basically i use 75% of the ammo for the good guns, then conserve about 2 clips for each and use the shotgun and pistol for a while. Then when i have loads of ammo for the good guns i switch back. hmmm... on second thoughts im not sure whether this means its balanced or not...

Anyway i love doom3, but it gets very repetitive. everywhere up to the first imp is shit scary, then its kinda tense for a while, but when you get to the pinky it just loses all horror appeal. ID have made a great game though.

Kyo said:
Anyone else here find the ID Software PDA to be a laugh?

no. i thought it was an innotive system that had never been done before, and added colour to an otherwise black and white shooter.
Suicide42 said:
no. i thought it was an innotive system that had never been done before, and added colour to an otherwise black and white shooter.

I think he may have been talking about the secret PDA at the end of the game where id members give their thanks. :)
Pros...great game. Hell is jus an amazing place a great part in the game! a refreshing change.

Cons...gets a bit bland after a about 5 or 6 hours and the Imps are overused...the pinky dissapears after 1/3 of the game WHY WHY!?
This game rocks. These were the most worth-it 60 dollars i've spent on video games.
Games that i've bought.
UT2k3, 2k4
GTA Vice City
Half Life Game of the year edition
Half life Platinum edition
Postal 2
Madden NFL 2k3, 2k4, 2k5
Need For speed porsche unleashed and underground.
And i've downloaded a bunch more

And none of the short list above has kept me more entertained in video games than Doom 3
Damn good,

wtf 10 people say it sucked, LOL

For note to those 10 people, id start to atleast appreciate how much work went into it, obviously total HL2 fanboy's :sleep: .
Is it worth buying though or should I wait for a price drop?
westie said:
Is it worth buying though or should I wait for a price drop?

Personally, I'd wait - or borrow it from a m8.

Doom 3 isn't a bad game, there are just so many better titles out there that deserve your cash more.
Wow.....this poll is split right down the center.


It's a pretty fun game.
clarky003 said:
Damn good,

wtf 10 people say it sucked, LOL

For note to those 10 people, id start to atleast appreciate how much work went into it, obviously total HL2 fanboy's :sleep: .
Nah, the game was just a repetitive boring piece of shit. I don't care how much work went into it.