So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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TMPer Tantrum said:
Sensational picture for those that get it.

Click on the citadel, image 6 on the media page.
use the nova/prospekt user/pass
Type barnacle
nova/prospekt user pass.

Man that looks awesome. New desktop for me
Hehehe thank you i wasnt sure if this was new or old, almost dint post it. but yey im glad i helped uncover something. :)
there are two pics of the citadel, click both to make sure you didnt get both
click view source, its another freaky picture of alyx... and a bird then it asks "whats my name," thats lame dont tell me tahts it

at the bottom of the source is a URL extension for the site go to the page and you have a picture of the barnacle. Type barnacle in the black box of the original black screen and then use nova and prospekt for the user/pass of the next page.

Thanks VALVe!
whoa move your cursor over the citadel now, it swaps the picture for a the gman checkin' you out
TMPer Tantrum said:
at the bottom of the source is a URL extension for the site go to the page and you have a picture of the barnacle. Type barnacle in the black box of the original black screen and then use nova and prospekt for the user/pass of the next page.

Thanks VALVe!

yeah man! i got it thanks alot, sweet pic, i feel bad for gordomaster
so the second test answer is jsut a pic of gorden freeman i ahve allredy seen?
meh...they should have released *new* media, not old stuff as the second test. BLAH!
It's not about the art. It's about the challange and team work to follow the clues. Thats what Half Life, Half Life 2 and Valve is all about...Fun and Team work. And I think this Post is the epitome of those values.
Wow, nice. I thought I was out of the loop with all the test crap going on. Good job guys on finding that stuff. I would've never guessed. But really, it's time to release HL2 on Steam. THANX!
Wow...that's the extent of all their creativity? The first test was better. The second test didn't move you in a straight line at all. WHo the hell looks at That site sucks. It doesn't even have a forum. Then again they will post the gold annoucement there so I suppose they wan't people to check it often.

Jesus, get over it everyone. For all we know, this is only the beginning. ;) :D
OK Gabe, quit wasting time on puzzles and work on that game!
wait wait...did anyone try zooming in on the pic u get when u highlight the 6th picture on
Hmm. I've heard of not admitting defeat, but I've never heard of anyone not being able to admit victory before. :P Guys, you've solved it. Well done. Give yourself a pat on the back, and move on. :)


Look familiar?

Well not the "faces". Looks like something else may be embedded?
ATI4EVER! said:
found it. It was on another site: yes, the passwords are right etc.

here(link to slap site removed) is the website you have been trying to find.

ATI4EVER!, you have been warned about this already.

Doesn't anybody else think its a little odd that you can drag the barnacle in this pic?

i always thought they'd have another pic somewhere with this one to let us know this test is finished

EDIT: oh i get it " what is my name? " - barnacle

that's what you enter in that box and you get the new art

maybe that is it
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