So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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has anyone asked valve if the second test is even solvable at this stage?
Space doesnt work on my psyche bink, did work on my train station one though... Kinda odd.
the blink format is versitile, the relser can say with they want it to be pauseble
GuNzABlaZiN said:
I've typed "нова проспект" into google and clicked "I'm feeling lucky" and it gives me a file...hmmmmm.

On the whiteboard, it says "Odessa" which is a city on Southern Ukraine and has access to the black sea, a very possible location for HL2. "нова проспект" could be in Odessa.

Odessa is also a city in canada, talk about grasping at straws...
lets go to canida all!
WAit canida is socilist
it seems that the combine are to

from Chris Bokitch at

I'm not sure what you mean by solvable? When there is more info, I'll see that it's posted in the news here.

jt^2 wrote on 08-28-2004 01:08 PM:
are we supposed to know about the second test yet? and is it currently solvable?

not much, but it looks like we should know at this point
God, I'm away changing CPUs and testing for a few hours and all hell breaks loose :O

So the gig as as I understand so far is we've got a pic, a password and a bunch of ideas, right?

I'm off to search for the newer white board pics, I'm sure valve specifically asked the lads to take a shot of that board never know. They were probably just joking cos as I remember it the board was full of crap, but I'm gonna check anyway
Yeah I noticed it in the script too. Didn't see how it related though...
so leaked script might have been souposed to be leaked?
EDIT: whats the number on the other guys back? 830 or something like that. Check into that please
it could also be the number of antlions like, antlion 412387 password: blah blah
Checked the last whiteboard pics and the only things of note are the mention of -

Gman intro? - prehaps reference to one of vids??

very thin...

gonna check my vids now (christ this is sad, isn't it!)
I think someone here said nova prospekt was a street in oddessa or something..
(I could be wrong and can't be bothered flicking thru 6 pages again:) )
more pm convo

Chris Bokitch wrote on 08-28-2004 10:07 PM:
I'm not really sure what you're referring to... can you link me to the relevant news/forum post?

jt^2 wrote on 08-28-2004 01:20 PM:
may i clarify? is there any hint of where to put the password found in the gman.jpg yet, or will it be placed in another preload event? basically are we wasting time on this?

Chris Bokitch wrote on 08-28-2004 09:10 PM:
I'm not sure what you mean by solvable? When there is more info, I'll see that it's posted in the news here.

jt^2 wrote on 08-28-2004 01:08 PM:
are we supposed to know about the second test yet? and is it currently solvable?
hm, I think there's been a misunderstanding there. I think Chris thinks you're talking about the second CS:Beta or whatever. I don't think he knows about the VALVe tests.
This thread got me interested 'bout this test stuff. Now we have to wait if Chris or someone else from Valve is gonna answer.

edit: oh yeah, mortiz you might be right. :o
Quick question: After attempting to open the files in winRAR, like someone suggested, the files are now stuck tryig to open in this program. Whenever I open my SteamApps folder, all of them have that stupid winRAR icon. How can I get them back to the unknown program setting?

Also, how do you get the shared materials folder opened? I downloaded GCF scape, and was able to open base source shared.gcf but not base source shared materials.gcf
last pm i'll post

Ahhh right, well, it'd be cheating if I told you, wouldn't it? :)
jt^2 wrote on 08-28-2004 02:12 PM:
sorry, heres the link (relavant post is 14)

basically in the steam preload is a single .jpg
when opened in notepad we get the message "password is nova/prospekt this is the second test " embedded in the header.

weve been looking in the cache for further clues as to where to put the password for a while and have gotten nowhere.

Chris Bokitch wrote on 08-28-2004 10:07 PM:
I'm not really sure what you're referring to... can you link me to the relevant news/forum post?

jt^2 wrote on 08-28-2004 01:20 PM:
may i clarify? is there any hint of where to put the password found in the gman.jpg yet, or will it be placed in another preload event? basically are we wasting time on this?

Chris Bokitch wrote on 08-28-2004 09:10 PM:
I'm not sure what you mean by solvable? When there is more info, I'll see that it's posted in the news here.

jt^2 wrote on 08-28-2004 01:08 PM:
are we supposed to know about the second test yet? and is it currently solvable?
edit: look at those timezones that some buggy script
I read somewhere that nova prospekt means "new project" in some language (can't remember which exactly) so maybe valve is going to let us know what their new post HL2 project is. I can pretty much gaurantee it won't be Half-Life 3. I'm sure the guys at valve would go insane with non-stop half-life universe stuff. If I were them, I would want to do something new.

Maybe this is just an elaborate way of announing what that project is? I don't know...
hhmmmm, highly bemusing. the steam dude obviously is as clueless as us lot.

i dont think theres anything of value on whiteboard pics, since somebody emailed valve as soon as we got them asking if they were important and the response was no.

i think were going to have to wait untill the next pre-load... or anything else valve officially release
i poked chris a bit more and he admitted he didn't know, so not all of valve is aware of this.
seinfeldrules said:
hahaha he still has no idea what is going on.
callmer7432 said:
i poked chris a bit more and he admitted he didn't know, so not all of valve is aware of this.

Or... He's just playing stupid to trick us! Of course Chris would know 'bout it! He works for Valve!
Or... He's just playing stupid to trick us! Of course Chris would know 'bout it! He works for Valve!

So you think all of Valve knows everything about the entire operation they have going on there? Riiigghhhtttttt
you think he'd pass up the chance to smirk at us all??
oh wait, he already did
Yep, of course they do! They all work for Valve!
They're just trying to trick us all! I've started working on a conspiracy theory novel 'bout Valve. (you know this is a joke, right..?)
Of course the names have been changed, to protect the innocent. (yup, i've been watching Dragnet)

(now i'm the one playing stupid one..)
So so far were no closer to solving the second test...great :/
just keep the infomation comming i have not got mirc or anything like it
I remember some smart guy just emailed Rick Ellis, and easily got the password for the first test site. Email rick again? :p
to be honest with you all, the man to ask about this is greg coomer, he sorted out the last test, and he undoubtedly did this one too. im sure the majority of valves employees dont know anything about this. if any member of valve should be contacted, it should be greg.
I think it's a dead end, I don't think they would put such a hard test.
in fact im going to email greg now, mainly just to see if we have all the componants to solve this test.

edit: email sent. greg seems like a nice guy so im sure he'll respond soon, even if it is to say 'keep lookin'
Can someone please explain what all this 'First test" "Second test" stuff is? (Or even better, point me to a thread where it's explained).

I have no idea what any of this is about.
it's a test Valve designed for us to keep us entertained until 2010 when HL2 will come out
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