So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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(TK)Deltashadow said:
High school math is cool people. Stay in school people. Thanks for educting the masses on this novel concept of math Timmyy..keep up the fight. :laugh:

Sorry. It's been a long day. :flame: lol
TheVirginian288 said:
I've been looking at the pop-up of the G-Man that comes up when you highlight the 6th picture of the media section on Half-Life

I think that blurry stripe at the bottom right is a word. The crowbar intersects it at a perpendicular angle.

I used the "fix picture" tool from the trial version of Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 to sharpen up that blurry stripe. Then I erased all the rest of the picture and tried to decipher the word...I have attached my modified pictures here...please take a look.

The first letter seems to be an "S" and the last two figures (immediately to the right of the crowbar) look like numbers "2" and "4."

Someone with more powerful editing tools and more experience should take a closer at this.

Good work, but I don't think Valve would make such insane riddles \ clues.
As you could all see, in the previous tests, everything was "easy to see". Just needed the logic...

So I think we should concentrate on looking for big enough clues, instead of pixel analyzing every thumbnail we get... :)
But why is there an S in there

but now that you mention an IP the S could be a 5

and I zoomed in to the max on photoshop and and I think it is a word and number. I tihnk the word is Stysm and after the 25 there is a Y and a T... This probably won't help, If there is anyother way of helping please just PM me. :(
On the BARNACLE picture you get if you look carefully at GORDONGS arm the one he is holding the crowbar with, you see the number 24 REALLLY small you have to zoom in if u edited the picture u might have lost quality and so makes the 24 harder to see, but ITS there
This is fun to read, but it's like seeing the face of Jesus in a reflection on the side of a building, or a potato chip shaped liked Elvis' head.

Valve clues will be more obvious, I think-- like a pic on the website that changes when you click on it. ;)
I guess your right... the clues won't be that small and hard

But we should still take a note of them numbers, theres probably tonnes of them numbers in there
Danimal said:
I guess your right... the clues won't be that small and hard

But we should still take a note of them numbers, theres probably tonnes of them numbers in there

maybe it's connect the dots, all we need to find is "1" on it's own then join the 80 something dots and we'll have an entire new picture!
mortiz said:
maybe it's connect the dots, all we need to find is "1" on it's own then join the 80 something dots and we'll have an entire new picture!

I shall do that now!

Ill post later with my results...

Gah, i forgot how to invert the colors on photoshop!!!

The numbers I know of so far are 18, 100 and 25...
The_Monkey said:
What, I thought the second test was solved. *confused*

Thats what i thought, but you would think that there would be a pitcure of the G-man saying you solved it... maybe there is somethinmg else you put into the small text box besides barncle...

hmmmmmm :rolleyes:\ try and find all the numbers that there is, I reckon that the highest is 100

While I put in random stuff in the text box like bullsquid and stuff

Look at any High quality concept art outthere. If you look hard enough, you'll find something that sort of looks like something, but really is just something your brain is telling you is there because you want to believe it is... -.-
What happened to the web page that had 1-15 on it? Does that have anything to do with this? I don't think that the small numbers in the concept art have anything else to do with the second test nor the third. There might be something else to type in the small white box. Try to figure that out.

City 17
Half Life 2
Picture 6 on the Media Section of

September 25th? Oh wait, thats a Saturday.

BTW, if you can't tell that I'm BSing with the last paragraph, well . . . I am. And yes, I can count!!!
Here are a few things I've noticed, though they may have been posted already.

First off PC Gamer UK June 2004, page 34 has the barnacle picture, and you can see 81 in it, so unless Valve had this hidden number idea in mind for a while, I think it's a coincidence.

On the other hand, if you check the bottom left hand corner of

someone's written :

dahbih says "A OK"

dahbih being the author of the barnacle picture.

Anyone with theories about the clock in the whiteboard photo, here is my "out there" theory. The clock is missing a face.
If you look in the photo:

there's a black square with a circle split into sections, like a clock face, and the time 10:30 is indicated.
Could it mean 30th October? Maybe not?
Who knows, it could all mean nothing at all.
Just my two cents. :)
six_storm said:
What happened to the web page that had 1-15 on it? Does that have anything to do with this? [...]
six_storm said:
What happened to the web page that had 1-15 on it?

nothing, it doesn't matter


Unless the numbers are more important than the site, but I dont think so
There is so much info on those white boards. I think they put it all up to tease us when we become privy to the knowledge. Eventually between now and release we will understand all the little things on the board.

Then we smack our selves for not solving it sooner. It's jampacked with tid-bit goodness though.
Error:CanonicalVector: degenerate

found here in the html source code with the bird:

This stems from using standard QBSP. Usually, you can accidentally create a canonical vector by using a very complex brush to carve out a very large brush. The result are many canonical vectors. QBSP256B will also handle brushes with many faces; this is the workaround. - Shawn Holmes

Error:CanonicalVector: degenerate The great mysterious error. Several people have had the misfortune of seeing this error and yet none of gotten a clear answer of what the problem might be. I've talked with a number of professional editors and they are all stumped. It's been said that John Carmack, when asked about this error, would get a scowl on his face, mutter something under his breath, and stalk off.


The 81 might be a B1 and the 25 could be a C5
I think the password for the 1st test was a co-ordinate on a map
This could be the answer (not the co-ordinate... a different one from these numbers)
Godcat_V2 said:

Anyone with theories about the clock in the whiteboard photo, here is my "out there" theory. The clock is missing a face.
If you look in the photo:

there's a black square with a circle split into sections, like a clock face, and the time 10:30 is indicated.
Could it mean 30th October? Maybe not?
Who knows, it could all mean nothing at all.
Just my two cents. :)

Heh, I like your thinking, and it got me thinking too. Although it seems as though there is nothing more to find with this test, I cant help but feel that there is some info on those whiteboards for us to find.

So here is my far fetched idea to go with all the others : ;)
I looked at the clockface, but to me it looked more like 6.50 (the circle at the six is on the line (short hand), and the other one is just outside.

The whole clock with the backwards lambda sign and cockerel really interested me, and the way I read it is :

There's a cockerel crowing at sunrise, sitting on a timer (ie counting down to something) on a clock with the time at 6.50am. So, when does the sun rise at 6.50am i thought.

So i took a look at the sunrise charts for Seattle (valve HQ) and the sun rises at 6.50am on the 30th October, funnily enough the same date you came up with. Now whether this coincides with some timescale that valve has, who knows :)
Pup said:
Heh, I like your thinking, and it got me thinking too. Although it seems as though there is nothing more to find with this test, I cant help but feel that there is some info on those whiteboards for us to find.

So here is my far fetched idea to go with all the others : ;)
I looked at the clockface, but to me it looked more like 6.50 (the circle at the six is on the line (short hand), and the other one is just outside.

The whole clock with the backwards lambda sign and cockerel really interested me, and the way I read it is :

There's a cockerel crowing at sunrise, sitting on a timer (ie counting down to something) on a clock with the time at 6.50am. So, when does the sun rise at 6.50am i thought.

So i took a look at the sunrise charts for Seattle (valve HQ) and the sun rises at 6.50am on the 30th October, funnily enough the same date you came up with. Now whether this coincides with some timescale that valve has, who knows :)

Now that *is* interesting!

Good work.
Pup said:
Heh, I like your thinking, and it got me thinking too. Although it seems as though there is nothing more to find with this test, I cant help but feel that there is some info on those whiteboards for us to find.

So here is my far fetched idea to go with all the others : ;)
I looked at the clockface, but to me it looked more like 6.50 (the circle at the six is on the line (short hand), and the other one is just outside.

The whole clock with the backwards lambda sign and cockerel really interested me, and the way I read it is :

There's a cockerel crowing at sunrise, sitting on a timer (ie counting down to something) on a clock with the time at 6.50am. So, when does the sun rise at 6.50am i thought.

So i took a look at the sunrise charts for Seattle (valve HQ) and the sun rises at 6.50am on the 30th October, funnily enough the same date you came up with. Now whether this coincides with some timescale that valve has, who knows :)

WOW! :eek: Now, that's thinking outside the box. The date doesn't seem far-fetched either. Hmm...
To all of yous. Especially the guy trying to make numbers out of thesplashing water in the Barnacle pic.

I highly doubt that the answer to the second test lies in an inconspicuoues jitter in the water. Everything so far just required wit. Nothing about zooming in on a picture to 1200% to find words and numbers.
i agree with unholy demon, we have probably seen what we are after, if anything, and then just discarded it as we are looking to deep
The info we need is almost definately on the whiteboards. Valve wouldn't release them without some sort of motive. We should pick them apart as much as possible, seeing as that would be slightly more productive then looking at that barnacle pic anymore.
Bait said:
The info we need is almost definately on the whiteboards. Valve wouldn't release them without some sort of motive. We should pick them apart as much as possible, seeing as that would be slightly more productive then looking at that barnacle pic anymore.

The whiteboard pic was taken by sHmozy who wasnt told to take them.

And Dhabih confirmed yesterday that the 81 in the pic means nothing after I sent an email to him when it was originaly found.

although the 81 was on purpose, it has nothing to do with the Valve test. I've been hiding a little 81 in my drawings since 1999 and you guys were the first people to ever find one.

Personally I think the test is over and we should just give up :p
switch said:
The whiteboard pic was taken by sHmozy who wasnt told to take them.

From what I understand, he was told to take them......
Bait said:
From what I understand, he was told to take them......

i believe that they DID ask him on the way out.
the first was for sure, but the remaining 2...i think they asked for the pictures to be taken, but wa told that they really were not that important.
you'd think that they would prevent him from doing so, cause from one of the pics, it is quite obvious that someone wanted him to...

someone will post the actual info i'm sure, i'm too lazy to search...
Did anyone translate the arabic writing in the lower right hand corner?
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