So. . . much. . .truth

Mar 30, 2007
Reaction score

Seriously though, if the game "sucks" so much why do they play it obsessively?
I don't know who's more stupid, the OP or this etzel guy. Or Hitler.
well dur, those aren't real players, but every time i'm on CS, that's pretty much the only thing seen in the chat box.

i dont see that anymore the beginning of 2005 i did though but ppl dont complain anymore.
Yeah, I read the whole comic while I was suppose to do my homework! Ahh... time wasted.
But seriously, if you look at the maturity level of the players in C-S, to, say, UT2k4 or any other game, there will be an extremely noticeable difference.
first off, nice to see a newcomer who has a good head on his shoulders (this being my official welcome to the HL2 boards)

and ya, i think the average player of CS is on the same maturity level as the average Halo2 player. . if not worse. . . oh well, i still like it. *goes back to game*
first off, nice to see a newcomer who has a good head on his shoulders (this being my official welcome to the HL2 boards)

and ya, i think the average player of CS is on the same maturity level as the average Halo2 player. . if not worse. . . oh well, i still like it. *goes back to game*

halo will have so many more young and immature players then cs will ever have.
its just the voice of the minority of morons gets heard because the majority of cs players just shutup and get on with the game
imo, i havnt seen as many bitching goin on in chat boxes or slandering of eachother for a good while now. Ofcourse there are problems but it doesnt stop you from playin the game every spare minute you have.

I think severs are run a lot better now, im certainly seeing people acting like knobs and then theyre getting warned and if that doesnt work then they get banned.

As far as people complainin about stuff thats wrong in the game, im not seeing that in the chat boxes much. personally i dont see these 'problems' as such an issue

i just enjoy playing =D
