So now that the Steam sale is over..


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
...and also that Secret Santa is done, how about a Steam sale swag* thread? What did you walk away with from this fine sale?

*pirate type swag, not THAT swag

Over this whole sale I got:

Binding of Isaac
Bioshock (Secret Santa gave me this)
Deadlight (Secret Santa gave me this)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Secret Santa gave me this)
Hotline Miami (I recommend getting this for the music alone)
Intrusion 2 (never even heard of the first one, but this game looks really cool)
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl
STALKER Call of Pripyat
Scribblenauts: Unlimited

First year I've ever bought anything from any steam sale, adding those to my already huge backlog, I.. should be good for quite a while (or until next sale).
Orcs Must Die! 2 - Complete pack
Red Orchestra 2 (from Greenmangaming)
Broken Sword Trilogy
Hotline Miami
Awesomenauts (Gift)
The Secret World
Crysis Maximum Edition
Secret Santa: Mass Effect, Just Cause 2, Condemned, Zeno Clash.

Myself: The Void.
From Secret Santa, I got Deadlight, Scribblenauts Unlimited, and Bastion.
After that ended yesterday, I snagged up I Am Alive, and Ruse. Didn't buy anything during the rest of the sale.
When the encore sale started Sleeping Dogs was 91% off (£2.69) so I grabbed that. It's back down to 66% off now though. Not sure if they'll honour it but it's on my list at the moment.
Hitman: Absolution
Dishonored Dunway City Trials
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Rainbow Six Lockdown
Rainbow Six Athena Sword
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Hawx 2
Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Splinter Cell Conviction
Splinter Cell Doube Agent
Dungeon Defenders
I Am Alive
COD Modern Warfare 2
SW Jedi Knight Academy
Onimusha 3
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
Devil May Cry 3
Devil May Cry 4
Assassins Creed
Assassins Creed 2
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Assassins Creed Revelations
Assasins Creed 3 Deluxe
Far Cry 3 Deluxe
The Walking Dead
GTA Vice City
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Deus Ex Human Revolution DLC
Dead Island
To The Moon
PAYDAY The Heist
The Longest Journey
Dreamfall the Longest Journey
Legend of Grimrock
Theif 2
Theif 3
Dear Esther
Darksiders 1
Darksiders 2
Fear 1
Fear 2
Fear 3

....I think that's everything.
^^^ Dang, that's almost as many games as I have in my entire Steam collection.

This time I just got adventure games - Resonance & The Longest Journey. Also the Blackwell series but from GOG instead of Steam.
From SS: Dark Souls, CS:GO, Morrowind, the Void.

For myself: Arkham City, GTA VC and SA, KOTOR 1 and 2. Also the Bullfrog Collection from GOG. Oh, and 999 for my 3DS, so I can play it before Virtue's Last Reward. Always meant to get it when I still had my DS Lite.

The only thing I still really want is Xcom, but I have enough shit now that it can wait. In any case, Amazon still has a better deal on it than Steam.
When the encore sale started Sleeping Dogs was 91% off (£2.69) so I grabbed that. It's back down to 66% off now though. Not sure if they'll honour it but it's on my list at the moment.

I grabbed it too for that discount! Sleeping Dogs for under $5, pretty awesome deal.
I grabbed it too for that discount! Sleeping Dogs for under $5, pretty awesome deal.
Yeah it's a steal at that price! It's still in my library so I guess they're going to honour it! :D

I bought Chivalry: Medieval Warefare last night with some friends. Most fun I've had in an online game in a while! So funny! The melee combat is pretty awesome in it too and it's a very pretty game.
*every game in existance*

....I think that's everything.

Did it ever reach a point when you said "you know what, I think these games I have will tide me over for some time, I'll stop buying". That is a LOT of games lmao
Did it ever reach a point when you said "you know what, I think these games I have will tide me over for some time, I'll stop buying". That is a LOT of games lmao

No. It reached the point where I said to myself "you know what, you probably won't ever play through all of these games ever, given that new games are constantly coming out, but you never know when you MIGHT want to try this one, so buy it."
From the sale I got;

Alice: Madness Returns
Lone Survivor
The Witcher
Galactic Civilisations II
THQ Collection (Already had 4 of the collection but it was worth it just for the Warhammer/Darksiders games alone.)

I was the same as ShinRa when I got the THQ one. Thought to myself, 'Am I ever gonna play all these? Probably not, but hey.... I MIGHT someday...'

And here was me determined not to get anything from the sale this year as I'm skint... That worked well.
I have like 25-35 games backlogged and that's a stupid amount (lots are from the two THQ bundles they did on amazon and humble. Which, by the way, got me two Warhammer games I'll probably never play: Space Marine, and Dawn of War). I made a rule for myself to only have 5 at a time backlogged, but currently I've got 15 I'm in the process of beating with another whole bunch in steam not even downloaded.

Home is good. Post here when you beat it, I like to hear people's interpretation of what actually happened! Do it in one sitting, it takes about an hour to an hour and a half to beat.
I think this covers it:

Hitman: Blood Money
Mark of the Ninja
Miner Wars 2081
Natural Selection 2
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Rainbow Six 3 Gold / Athena Sword
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Castle Crashers
Frozen Synapse
GTA San Andreas
Hotline Miami
Introversion Complete Pack (Darwinia, DEFCON, Multiwinia, Uplink)
Just Cause 2
Killing Floor
Payday: The Heist
Retro City Rampage
Serious Sam 3
Sleeping Dogs
Thief Collection (Thief, Thief 2, Deadly Shadows)
Zeno Clash
Zombie Shooter

Killing Floor and Frozen Synapse might have been the week preceding the sale. Can't remember. Too many gaymes. I'm going to be backlogged until June.
The Sims 3
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
Ace of Spades

I have 323 games now, many of which were from steam deals and humble bundles
I bought Little Inferno and all of the Skyrm DLC. Little Inferno is a mind**** FYI.
Somewhere just shy of $400o_O

In all fairness....$160 of it was FC3, AC3, Hitman, and Dishonored.

You're the perfect consumer for these types of sales - you probably won't play most of those, but LOOK AT HOW MUCH YOU'VE SAVED! Practically, you didn't spend money, you EARNED it!

Or maybe you're some sort of power gamer and you will play them all. Well enjoy either way, there are some good titles on that list (not surprisingly, it's a huge list :P)
So what do you think happened?

Did you go on that site it tells you about to read other peoples? There are some good ones!
Haven't been on the site. I had to run pretty much minutes after I'd finished.

What happened? Um... I'm not entirely sure lol. I don't want to put too much down here in case I spoil it for some.... And if I wasn't too lazy to work out how to do the Spoiler code button, I'd do that.

I have a few ideas, but nothing that gels with other elements from the game. Will have to play through again and choose different options and see how it plays out.
Bought Just Cause 2 and Worms: Reloaded. Next game to buy would be Far Cry 3 once it goes on sale again.
I picked up:

Half Life: Complete Pack - FINALLY I am getting around to playing HL.
Ace of Spades
The Binding of Iaasic + Soundtrack
Isaac is an awesome game. One of the most addictive games I've played in recent years.
Isaac is an awesome game. One of the most addictive games I've played in recent years.
Seconded RE Isaac. Damn Edmund McMillen games. Super Meat Boy claimed a large portion of my soul in 2011. Did you try his other Flash games on the recent end of his portfolio, such as Spewer or Time Fcuk?
I thought Binding of Isaac was pretty bad, to be honest. Plays like a crummy flash game, which doesn't make it bad (the gameplay does), but it just adds this cheap feeling to the game. Glad I got it for free :/
Seconded RE Isaac. Damn Edmund McMillen games. Super Meat Boy claimed a large portion of my soul in 2011. Did you try his other Flash games on the recent end of his portfolio, such as Spewer or Time Fcuk?
Honestly, didn't know about those last two but will check later tonight.

On a complete tangent, I've just noticed your location. Bizarre, as I live literally 10 minutes from Irvine.... in Scotland!
I 100%ed Issac before the expansion, haven't played the expansion (the Halloween one) or anything after that. I was in love with that game and I do not support a remake this early.

As for what I purchased in the sale?:
- Borderlands 1 DLC
- Delve Deeper Collection
- Rainbow Six Collection
- Tom Clany splinter cell conviction
- Tiny and big Grandpas Leftovers
- Quantum Conundrum DLC
- Saints Row 3 DLC
- Half Minute Hero
- Sniper Elite Franchise + DLC
- Max Payne 3
- Sleeping Dogs + DLC
- Warhammer 40k Space Marine
- DCS A-10C
- Symphony
- R.U.S.E.
- Ghost Master
- Bullet Candy
- Insecticide Part 1
- Race 07
- Ducati World Championship
- Droplitz
- Bad Rats
- Magnetis
- Rogoo
- Ignite
- Spec Ops The Line

I have an issue.
I have an issue.
Only if you intend on doing with all those games what you did to Isaac.

You'd have to be crazy to go 100%ing Isaac. Probably would take me longer than it did for me to do so with SMB.
I 100%ed Issac before the expansion, haven't played the expansion (the Halloween one) or anything after that. I was in love with that game and I do not support a remake this early.

As for what I purchased in the sale?:
- Borderlands 1 DLC
- Delve Deeper Collection
- Rainbow Six Collection
- Tom Clany splinter cell conviction
- Tiny and big Grandpas Leftovers
- Quantum Conundrum DLC
- Saints Row 3 DLC
- Half Minute Hero
- Sniper Elite Franchise + DLC
- Max Payne 3
- Sleeping Dogs + DLC
- Warhammer 40k Space Marine
- DCS A-10C
- Symphony
- R.U.S.E.
- Ghost Master
- Bullet Candy
- Insecticide Part 1
- Race 07
- Ducati World Championship
- Droplitz
- Bad Rats
- Magnetis
- Rogoo
- Ignite
- Spec Ops The Line

I have an issue.

Join the club. Meeting starts at 3pm.
Only if you intend on doing with all those games what you did to Isaac.

You'd have to be crazy to go 100%ing Isaac. Probably would take me longer than it did for me to do so with SMB.

Well I'm almost done 100%ing saints row 3... I 100%ed sleeping dogs, and I'll probably 90% max payne (there are some achievements in that that are really ****en impossible). I got about 90% on quantun connundrum... 100%ed sniper elite... 100%ed borderlands 1... I haven't looked into spec ops the line or warhammer yet, but I'll probably grind those too.
Grind? Friggin hell man, that's way beyond grinding.... Do you actually do anything other than game, eat and shit?