So some white trash prick drew a knife on my friends and I this afternoon.

Easy to say, but you'll probably regret it when you're lying in a pool of your own blood.
Got mugged on a bus in South Africa once. They were coloured and there was 2 of them, and they both had pocket knives. I wasnt going to say no so i gave them my tacky Amimal wallet which had NOTHING in it (literally an empty wallet), and kept sitting on my ACTUAL wallet in my right back pocket. They ran off the bus and down an alley. Mhahaha.

2nd attempt happened about 2 months ago at night. One white 'townie' came out of a street and just started going at me. We were roughly the same size, i just said 'have another one mate', started to walk past him and he shoved me onto the street. I didnt fall, but i kept walking with my hands in my pockets. I quietly laughed to myself, but he heard it and pulled a knife out and ran at me, f'ing and blinding (typical brit football hooligan style).
I dodged his 'stab' and gave him a full on blow to the left temple as he lunged past me. He hit the deck and i carried on walking. Felt ****ing great hahaha.
Got mugged on a bus in South Africa once. They were coloured and there was 2 of them, and they both had pocket knives. I wasnt going to say no so i gave them my tacky Amimal wallet which had NOTHING in it (literally an empty wallet), and kept sitting on my ACTUAL wallet in my right back pocket. They ran off the bus and down an alley. Mhahaha.

Wow, my aunt was mugged in south africa too. Two guys put a knife to her throat and everything.
Aye in SA my uncle was killed in his bed because 3 black guys with shotguns burgled his house. He and his wife were in bed, they burst into his room and demanded he tell them where his safe was (colours instantly assume all white people in SA have safes). He told them the code, then they shot him in the chest and then the head. Took the loot and just left.

Messed up country in that respect but i just love the place.

Oh and heres a CLASSIC:

My sister had her car stolen from her at work. 2 hours later the car was returned in the same place it was originally, radio etc still inside. Only difference was the bullet shells inside and the bullet holes down the right side of the car. They had used it in a drive-by and then returned it! HHAHAHA
lol i know a girl who was at work, a guy came in asking to borrow a coathanger so he could get into his car (he locked himself out) and she gave him one, he came back in a couple minutes later, returned the coathanger, talked to her for a bit, then left.

she leaves a couple hours later and he had broken into her car, stolen her radio, some stuff lying around her backseat, and then chatted her up :P
This is my knife face.

It wouldn't be scary if you had used the red-eye reduction facility ;)
This is why a lot of people are getting into jiu jitsu and stuff like that. It's becoming extremely popular due to the UFC but hell, it's one of the (if not the most) usefuly martial arts out there.

It's perfect for situations like the first post. You see, you never know when you're going to run into a lunatic like that so it's ALWAYS good to know some type of martial art (preferrebly jiu jitsu).
yeah, that way you can try to disarm him and get shot.

my father's a black belt in aikido and he says despite that he'd still just cooperate if someone tried to mug him.
If someone pulls a gun at you, I think it would be best to throw yourself on his gunning arm with both hands, raising it up in the air and force him to fire all the bullets. And try to elbow him in the nose in the meanwhile :p

If someone had a knife, I'd throw him my wallet and kick him in the nuts immediately after :p
Exact reason why glock will be nice to carry around when I'm walking around in the city. Mr. Hardass would think twice about doing shit to me if he had a gun pointed at him.

with that clip aswell, BALLA!

In the situation though, when would you have pulled the gun out?

1) when he is walking up to you looking menacing - pulling a handgun on someone looking menacingly at you is illegal and only makes the situation far worse.
2) when he is stood infront of you with a knife out within striking range or ever so slightly out of it - the moment you try to grab your gun, he sees it as a threat and stabs you
3) when he is walking away - he poses no threat to you anymore so is unlawful to pull your gun on him.

You see, what i would of done is grab his hand holding the knife with my lightning fast reflexes, somersault over his head and bringing his knife hand round his back into a lock, before getting him in a wrist lock and stripping the knife away. I would of then done deathpunched him in the chest, killing him and then immediately moving into a flying headbutt against his ho girlfriend. All perfectly legal and well within the grasp of anyone that has done 5minutes of self defence class or watched a bruce lee movie.
Well in that situation, I would've probably kept it concelled still, but if he started getting closer and I could tell it was a knife, I would've drawed it and told him to back away several times, if he didn't comply I could either start walking backwards(making sure of the surroundings so I don't pwn myself) or shoot him in the leg to imobolize him. Anyone with a freaking brain will back off if you have a gun and all their carrying is a knife, and if they keep going at the person with the gun their stupid enough to get a shot to the leg or arm tbh.

I wouldn't try and go after his weapon, its a pretty stupid move he could easily get a stab in on you if you don't get him right.
Pull out your dick. Beats a knife any day. Unless he chops it off......What I'm trying to say is, cockslap=victory. Always.
Hmm, sounds familiar but I don't think I'm around that area. Still pretty crazy.
You should have pulled out a pistol and shot him... oh wait, we live in a nanny state, I forgot.
If someone pulls a gun at you, I think it would be best to throw yourself on his gunning arm with both hands, raising it up in the air and force him to fire all the bullets. And try to elbow him in the nose in the meanwhile :p

If someone had a knife, I'd throw him my wallet and kick him in the nuts immediately after :p

How about you turn off Die Hard, then post?
If you know self defence (and have *very* good acuracy when it comes to body parts* jab him just above the sternum. If you get a good shot he'll drop like a sack of shit and wont be able to breath for a decent time.

That or palm him to the nose hard as you can - With luck you'll break it (Note: it doesnt kill people, that's a myth), he'll drop the knife in suprise / pain, you pick it up and back away still holding it in his direction.

Of course, what you did was the best course of action, but there are far more fun ways of doing things.
Or the person with the knife just slices up your arm as you try to hit him. Though they never get cut in the movies when they do stuff like that so you're probably right.

This is why a lot of people are getting into jiu jitsu and stuff like that. It's becoming extremely popular due to the UFC but hell, it's one of the (if not the most) usefuly martial arts out there.

It's perfect for situations like the first post. You see, you never know when you're going to run into a lunatic like that so it's ALWAYS good to know some type of martial art (preferrebly jiu jitsu).
Sorry, but look at where BJJ is popular. In the ring/gym/studio/dojo setting. Yeah the first thing I want to do to a guy with a knife is try and shoot in on him. Right. :rolleyes: Now JJ/BJJ certainly has it's place. But it isn't grappling with someone with a knife.

yeah, that way you can try to disarm him and get shot.

my father's a black belt in aikido and he says despite that he'd still just cooperate if someone tried to mug him.
:eek: Probably the first sensible reply in the thread. Anyone that has any kind of good training knows the reality of facing an opponent with a weapon. It's strange, in my experience I've never been taught an attack against a knife/weapon. But I've learned quite a few good and practical defenses against a weapon. Even then I'm not about to try any of those out unless there is absolutely no way I can escape or talk my way out of it. Reality usually doesn't work out as nicely as movies do.
Because you don't attack against a weapon. You run the f*** away.
Simple little exercise for those people who think they are rambo.

Get a red felt tip and a friend. Give the red felt tip to your friend and tell him to attack you with it.

Try defend yourself and then marval at how you now somehow look like you have some weird infectious disease.
You see, if you have a baton, you can shatter his wrist with one strike.

Works well for weapons.
You see, if you have a baton, you can shatter his wrist with one strike.

Works well for weapons.

I had a baton where I used to work and they still said not to bother if someone had a knife. It's not worth getting stabbed over some 2-bit idiot.
Well..... you take a swipe, and then run. :p
Thats a tought situation, but i'd have it covered.
I would have pulled my coat away from my body slightly so he could see my handgun.
Or the person with the knife just slices up your arm as you try to hit him. Though they never get cut in the movies when they do stuff like that so you're probably right.

If you want to defend against a weapon you are going to bleed. Rather a cut in the arm that a hole in the chest.

Oh, plus, how fast do you think he can react? If you hit someone and their arm is lower than yours, moving it will take longer - You get in before they do. If this guy is not only as close as the thread starter implied, but focusing on someone else, there is no way we will react to a close range punch / elbow/ headbutt. Especially if they arn't expecting it.
I'm firmly in the compliance camp. I'm no wimp, but i'm not risking my life because i have delusions of being a hero or have watched one too many action movies, it's just not worth it. Any form of physical action would be a last resort having either tried to talk my way out of it, given them what they were after or made a run for it.
Yeah, i agree totally. At the end of the day, unless you are sure you know exactly what you are doing, backing off / giving away your shit is the safest thing to do.
You could try running if the person is using a knife as opposed to a gun, but you'd need to be damn dast to ensure safety.
If you want to defend against a weapon you are going to bleed. Rather a cut in the arm that a hole in the chest.

Oh, plus, how fast do you think he can react?
Keyword there is defend. Defense isn't initiating contact. Rather defend the attack and set myself up for minimal damage instead of trying to hit someone with a weapon and leaving myself wide open.

Marksman gave a good example of how to understand it. It doesn't take a genius or reflexes of a cat to cut, slash, stab when someone attacks you.
If you hit someone and their arm is lower than yours, moving it will take longer - You get in before they do.
Well it would depend on the target. In that case a stab to the gut is probably going to be quicker and more effective than a punch.
If this guy is not only as close as the thread starter implied, but focusing on someone else, there is no way we will react to a close range punch / elbow/ headbutt. Especially if they arn't expecting it.
Close range against a weapon, good luck with that. You seem to think someone with a knife is going to be some mindless dope that won't know the difference between the blade and the handle. And that one hit/punch is going to take someone out. Between a blade and a fist, I'll put my money on the blade any day.