So there WILL be deathmatch in HL2...


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry if this was posted before...

Taken from the blog that gave the correct info on the gold anouncment before it happened. No reason to doubt this one in my book.

The Last Pre-Release Half-Life 2 Post

There's all kinds of news in the last few days--pre-order numbers (two million plus for Steam, allegedly), acknowledgement that Vivendi does not make the same profit from a retail sale that they do from a Steam sale (speculated but not previously confirmed), that Vivendi does have some profit protection if Steam sales surge (which they have, although I doubt the protection is dollar for dollar with a retail purchase), blah blah blah.

I bet you're sick of it all. I know I am. Just let me play the damn game.

However, here's something I thought that you would want to know. The same source who scored on the game going gold sent this to me last night:
There's going to be a special treat near launch or soon after for those who are upset that Counter-Strike Source is the only multiplayer offered out of the box. I'd hate to ruin the surprise but let's just say traditionalists will be happy even if it's just one map at first. Physics Cannon!

This source was absolutely on the mark previously, so I think you can take that as completely reliable.

Thus ends all pre-release Half-Life 2 posts. I don't care if there's a parking lot shootout involving lawyers representing Valve and Vivendi in their numerous lawsuits versus one another. My keyboard is sealed.
I won't believe it till I see it... Opening day. :|
I'll let you all in on a secret.

There isn't any multiplayer, even CS:S is single player, it just has really good bots.

I can't reveal my source but he works for Valve in the PR department.
I want to read his post, but im watching the end credits to GTASA
Hey robinhood is the spoiler about something in the game or is it about the DM part?
LMAO. Oh man!!! and I was worried it would ruin something. NICE. That was a good one. :D
a bit off-topic. but will HL2 retail include a manual of any sort? or just one of those stupid postcards and all the CDs?
You won't actually receive anything, the data is now suspended in air all you have to do is release it once you get home.

Short answer:No manual.
othello said:
a bit off-topic. but will HL2 retail include a manual of any sort? or just one of those stupid postcards and all the CDs?

No, it won't include a manual or 'stupid' postcards either.
othello said:
a bit off-topic. but will HL2 retail include a manual of any sort? or just one of those stupid postcards and all the CDs?

Nope, just the training room
i'm pretty sure it just includes a slip of paper explaining how to install the game. you can see it in the pictures of the retail version.
There is no Half Life 2 multiplayer. Please, please, please explain how Valve could make this more clear. They have stated it over and over for you idiots and still you hold on to this pathetic thread of hope. Morons.
iamaelephant said:
There is no Half Life 2 multiplayer. Please, please, please explain how Valve could make this more clear. They have stated it over and over for you idiots and still you hold on to this pathetic thread of hope. Morons.

[SARCASM]Is it just me or do I sense hostility?[/SARCASM]

Angry little man
MetalliMyers said:
[SARCASM]Is it just me or do I sense hostility?[/SARCASM]

Angry little man

I believe I have a right to be angry. I have been trying to make these dumbasses realise there was no MP for months. I used to get flamed to hell for telling people there is no MP (this is around July-August). Then it was officially announced (for about the third time, only this time people took notice) and there are still morons out there who believe it exists. Reminds me of back in June and July, I got flamed to hell for telling people the game wouldn't be out until November.
man.. elephant man.. Posts like that just really get on my nerves. This know it all BS just doesn't help anyone. All they ever said is that they weren't working on Half Life 2: Deathmatch and that they had no plan to work on it the future. That DOESNT mean that something ELSE isn't included. Do you honestly think that it is beyond Valve to make some kind of multiplayer for Half Life 2 outside of counterstrike. So why don't you hold on to your short fuse, and take two deep breaths.. jeez.. Some People
Besides.. How many MILLIONS of times has Valve said something was FOR SURE.. when it wasn't.. Crikey
iamaelephant said:
There is no Half Life 2 multiplayer. Please, please, please explain how Valve could make this more clear. They have stated it over and over for you idiots and still you hold on to this pathetic thread of hope. Morons.

Oh man. You are so uptight. Relax man. You think because you have 1000+ posts you know all. Why are you so pissed? Would you be happy if it were true. Hell I know I would be...

HEY!!! We all know the moon is not made of green cheese. But if it were made out of BBQ spare ribs, would you eat it then. Hell I would. I'd go back for seconds and pollish it off with a tall cool Budweiser.
iamaelephant..quit wasting your hasn't done any good so far..

personally I HOPE there will be something more,but I don't EXPECT it..

when the time comes and there is nothing more,then you can definitely say"I told you so!"

but just ignore it until all these threads about "how do I get the game?"

"do I need the internet?" and other similar threads/posts..

BTW, I'm not trying to knock you for your efforts
maybe it's the first stage of half-life 3@!@!@!@!!!! :p hehe
iamaelephant said:
There is no Half Life 2 multiplayer. Please, please, please explain how Valve could make this more clear. They have stated it over and over for you idiots and still you hold on to this pathetic thread of hope. Morons.

Soooooo, you'r saying that there is still a SLIM chance of multiplayer then? -- j/k

I agree elephant, the MP idea has been beaten to death. I think that Gabe et. al. cannot possibly make it any clearer that they do not intend a multiplayer module. But convincing this crowd that this is true is like trying to convince a conspiracy nut that there is no Illuminati anymore.

Btw, I LIKE your rants, you generally reserve them for those who earn them, and they almost always make me laugh my ass of, so rant away elephant!
By the time the game is released, a modder would of already created a HL:2 DM, so I guess HL2 will have a DM any way you look at it.
^ yeah, except they won't.......... how the hell are they going to complete a mod of a game before they even get the tools required to make the mod?
iamaelephant said:
I believe I have a right to be angry. I have been trying to make these dumbasses realise there was no MP for months. I used to get flamed to hell for telling people there is no MP (this is around July-August). Then it was officially announced (for about the third time, only this time people took notice) and there are still morons out there who believe it exists. Reminds me of back in June and July, I got flamed to hell for telling people the game wouldn't be out until November.
Oh lord get a life. The only reason you come onto this board is to have a go at Valve with any chance you get. Did they kill your family or something? Everyone is over what happened except you. All you do is complain.

This single map may simply be one of the "multiplayer examples" we have been hearing about that will come with the full SDK.

Oh man. You are so uptight. Relax man. You think because you have 1000+ posts you know all. Why are you so pissed? Would you be happy if it were true. Hell I know I would be...

HEY!!! We all know the moon is not made of green cheese. But if it were made out of BBQ spare ribs, would you eat it then. Hell I would. I'd go back for seconds and pollish it off with a tall cool Budweiser.

Oh lord get a life. The only reason you come onto this board is to have a go at Valve with any chance you get. Did they kill your family or something? Everyone is over what happened except you. All you do is complain.

:LOL: :LOL: Oh man, you guys are being harsh on iamaelephant! :LOL: Sparta, he's not even complaining about Valve, and you STILL dig into him for it!! :LOL: Lay off the guy, I think he has every right to be angry...he's been right about these things for months, yet all people did was flame him...and now that he's right, you lot STILL flame him...

I know the guy can be bitter, but come on guys, he has a point...what are you going to beleive? Doug saying there are no plans to have a hl2 mp? Or some bloody rumour mill? They may have been right about the gold announcement, but it's still little more than a rumour...come on guys, be reasonable, for once... :p
KagePrototype said:
:LOL: :LOL: Oh man, you guys are being harsh on iamaelephant! :LOL: Sparta, he's not even complaining about Valve, and you dig into him for it!! :LOL: Lay off the guy, I think he has every right to be angry...he's been right about these things for months, yet all people did was flame him...and now that he's right, you lot STILL flame him...

I've always just wanted an excuse to say that to him. I know there is no MP and i've accepted it and frankly i dont give a shit about it because its a game.

The guy is just gettting on my nerves because he thinks so much better then everyone else and then he goes about complaining about the smallest detail of HL2, and then he doesn't realise he's being a total hypocrite because he is one of those people he tries so hard to bag

Elephant has always been a total jackass to everyone else on the board, simply because they're looking forward to the game too much for his liking. He's nothing but a troll on the board and i have no idea why he still comes here, and why he hasn't been banned yet.
Sparta said:
Elephant has always been a total jackass to everyone else on the board, simply because they're looking forward to the game too much for his liking. He's nothing but a troll on the board and i have no idea why he still comes here, and why he hasn't been banned yet.

I'm pretty sure he's looking forward to the game just as much as any average joe on this board (beleive or not, I've seen him EXCITED for the game, and actually post a smiley emoticon :O). He just doesn't like Valve much, at all. :) I agree he has to calm the **** down sometimes, but I wouldn't call him a troll...