So we get free name changes?

PM an admin (Starmonkey and Munro, I'm not sure if there are others, they both have Dilbert avatars) about it instead of making a thread.
Would be a good thing to ask nicely...I think we kinda discourage too many name changes - cause people get confused as who is who.

Think about it for a while and if you really want it, then PM some of the Admins; Munners, Starmonkey and Pi
I have walked into the light - and thought most people just know me as Sloth...
I actually didn't know who you were until what Riomhaire pointed out.
Yeah - but you don't create a thread about it. Did you find my thread? I think not.
At least my name has a space and more characters than the limit :naughty:
That is really mean. He does not suck!
Rename me to...


Thanks in advance.
We can't use dodgy characters like 'φ' in usernames, it tends to break the database.


Come on. It's a yen sign. If you can't then...

I'm sorry characters don't work properly on this forum so -Psycho- it is!
hi, i know this is lame, but er, can i change my name to soulslicer?
If I could get Kyorisu I'd be happy. Shoving risu on the end happened sometime in 05/06.
Done, done and done.