So, what is Kleiner planning on launching?

What is the rocket/missile used for

  • Weapon of Mass Destruction

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • Weapon of Exotic Destruction

    Votes: 13 11.3%
  • Telecommunitions

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • Teleportations

    Votes: 30 26.1%
  • Recreation

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • Other, unknown insane scientist agenda

    Votes: 41 35.7%

  • Total voters


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
All we do know is that it is definately a nuclear silo, and the design of the missle/rocket is no doubt based on a ballistic missile.

But would it be a nuclear device, or something more exotic?

Please by all means debate here.
As Samon said in another thread, it's way to large to be a nuke...At which point I found a nuclear warhead on Google.


Edit: Then again, that IS just the warhead...

Still, they look small compared to the one Kleiner is working on..
As Samon said in another thread, it's way to large to be a nuke...

It looked like an ICBM.

But on the other hand, I would have to say it has some connection with the saterlite delivery rocket in the first game.
Eli and Kleiner have taken up residence in an abandoned missle silo. I'm almost certain that it was a satellite that may or may not have a connection with the one Gordon launched in HL1. Something to disrupt the Combines return to Earth.

I don't think it is any form of weapon.

Infact, yeah, looking at it, I'm positive it's a rocket satellite.
Nah im confident it aint a weapon, I think its some sort of device that will cut off the teleportation signal between the Combine planet and Earth.
I think it is somehow related to that rocket in half-life 1. I also think it is related to teletrasportation.
Speaking of which, what did they ever do with that satellite? After he launched it, I don't remember hearing anything about it after that...
i dont like the options in this poll. i think it has nothing to do with destruction and its actually a satellite delivery system of some sort or spaceship rocket :D
Speaking of which, what did they ever do with that satellite? After he launched it, I don't remember hearing anything about it after that...

Before HL1 release, uplink was a part of HL1's storyline. I believe they needed it to get into a unreachable area. But once Uplink was cut from the game, and made into the demo, nobody mentioned what that saterlite was for (I don't think it was for the same purpose after that)
lol, this aint a spelling competetion its a forum =D
Thats a satilite, There using it to Communicate with other rebels & Scientists(Especially Former Black Mesa personel that survived the Black Mesa incident) around the Globe .....People in both North & South America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, both Eastern, Western , Central Europe, Pacific & Atlantic Ocean

They want to spread the word.
I reckon it's to block the Combine's teleportation to earth so the rebels actually stand a chance in the fighting.
look, the combine are not just an interplanetary, but interdimensional race. Gordon freeing the whole planet will be nowhere near enough, because they will see earth as a threat and keep on pouring in the troops til the planets crushed. gordon and the rbels are gonna have to take it galaxywide. this is why I'm worried. much as I love the half-life series, I dont want it to go on forever. basically, I'm an addict and I doubt my computer will be able to handle all four episodes and hl1 and 2, plus everything else. I dont want to be a slave to the storyline forever, desperately clinging on forthe rest of my days just so I can find out "what the **** is the deal with gman?" or "combine vs xenians?" etc. otherwise I will be forced to eat myself.
Gordon and the rebels will never be able to take it galaxy wide. Ever. They are a rag tag resistance working to free their planet from alien threat, and have, for the moment, managed to cut them off. Problem is, it's only temporary. I'm sure the only way to re-build Earth will be to cut them off completely, which I'm sure is the aim.
As for what the rocket is, I'll wager that it's a satellite for communications.

The reason why the rebels were able to communicate to each other via the radios was because the Citadel acted like a huge transmissions tower. With the Citadel gone, communication is limited for both the rebels and the Combine in that vicinity. A satellite would restore the missing links and help feed a signal back to the equipment, making it possible to reach those great distances away (i.e. Mossman up north).
I can't really see Kleiner actually assisting in the launch of a nuke (not a job for a scientist) so I doubt it is one anyway. Something to do with the satellite in HL1 would be awesome, any connection with HL1 would be cool cause there aren't enough of them in HL2, but it may also be a weapon against the combine in some other form, do damage to a combine installation in orbit or simply a satellite delivery system to give the rebels worldwide view of all combine troops. That would provide a big advantage.
Other, unknown insane scientist agenda
Knowing Kleiner he's going to shoot Lamarr to orbit as a mark of a new renaissance of mankind. What he has in that piece of paper he's holding in the video is his pre-written speech about comparing Lamarr to Laika and what it means for mankind to blast something to space etc.
I dont don't know but i have voted for the nuke.I hope is going to be a nuke,because nukes make that cool xplosion :LOL: :LOL: (man is 1:32 am and,i'm not sleeping what's wrong with me??)
Actually it could well be a nuclear warhead, designed to defend Earth from the next Combine invasion/reinforcements (depends on when they all get here)
It'll probably be hard getting to Earth from another dimension so they'll have to come up with a way to teleport to our dimension. Also, replying to one of Gordon-Shepherd's posts, they wouldn't be able to send in troops because the troops are bio-engineered humans an although they probably have a number of Combine troops over at the homeworld they won't be enough to take back Earth, they'll have to send in striders and gunships and the like but they now have known weaknesses due to human/combine synth battle experience and providing Gordon Freeman doesn't cheese off with gman and disappears for the next god knows how long the Combine won't stand a chance of taking back Earth with the rebel army also helping Freeman. Plus by the time the Combine to get here weapons technology would have advanced greatly due to the known and upcoming threat of the Combine
I think it's a satellite to stop the Portal Storms or something. Isn't that the only way the Combine are pouring in?
He seemed quite nervous at that sparking near the end, not sure if that's something significant. They did kind of reapeat it after the credit(s)...
look, the combine are not just an interplanetary, but interdimensional race. Gordon freeing the whole planet will be nowhere near enough, because they will see earth as a threat and keep on pouring in the troops til the planets crushed. gordon and the rbels are gonna have to take it galaxywide. this is why I'm worried. much as I love the half-life series, I dont want it to go on forever. basically, I'm an addict and I doubt my computer will be able to handle all four episodes and hl1 and 2, plus everything else. I dont want to be a slave to the storyline forever, desperately clinging on forthe rest of my days just so I can find out "what the **** is the deal with gman?" or "combine vs xenians?" etc. otherwise I will be forced to eat myself.

They wont be carrying on this story arc for ever lol. I would say they would end this particular story arc in episode 3, and a lot of things will be revealed. Then, they will boot up a completely new story, probably related to the old one in some way, with the same characters.
I think it's a ballistic cheese delivery device. The combine are lactose-intolerant you know.
Gordon and the rebels will never be able to take it galaxy wide. Ever. They are a rag tag resistance working to free their planet from alien threat, and have, for the moment, managed to cut them off. Problem is, it's only temporary. I'm sure the only way to re-build Earth will be to cut them off completely, which I'm sure is the aim.

This seems very likely. I can't see the Resistance beating the Combine anytime soon. Looks like they'll have to execute a Nihilanth, by which I mean the 'Xenians' (they aren't really from Xen) escaped to well, Xen, from the Combine and then blocked them from teleporting in, ruddy blah.
Maybe it's a quick way to get Gordon to the arctic? Weld a makeshift re-entry vessel where the warhead should be and point it north and fire, seems like a plausible method of transportation considering the rebel's last good teleporter was wiped out with the Citadel since Black Mesa East's was decimated by the combine assault.

Just a theory.
i dont like the options in this poll. i think it has nothing to do with destruction and its actually a satellite delivery system of some sort or spaceship rocket :D

It was for Gina and Collette in Decay. They closed the Resonance Cascade with it.
I don't want to sound ignorant but I have not been keeping "in touch" with the news recently but when was it said Kliener was launching a rocket/satellite/thing?
Imagine if the Combine advisors were extremely allergic to nuts, i'd throw squirell crap at them =D
Does it have anything to do with what Kleiners launching? If not then I ain't botherin'

err - it features the thing he is going to launch.

Well now that Black Mesa East and Kliners lab are both gone it makes some sence that they would be finding a way to do more teleportation experiments. However I voted for other since I think they are trying to finish the job of the first satellite in HL1 and stop the portal storms which according to Laidlaw are still going. This could also be a way to slow the Combines return "as they certainly shall".