So, What New Story Items Have We Learned?


May 22, 2003
Reaction score
i'll list off what I've noticed here. In no particular order:

-the game takes place over three consecutive in-game days (Doug Lombardi in a Eurogamer Interview)

-Mossman: "We've figured out how to use Xen as "unexpressed" ? access. Basically a dimensional slingshot, so we can swing around the border world and come back in local (hard to hear) and pass through.

-Eli to Vortigaunt: All right - keep that up. (maybe)

-Guys: Oh, though you were a cop. This is how it always starts. First the building, then the whole block. Second Guy(something)...our place. First Don't worry, they'll find some way.

-Breen Wecome to City 17. You have chosen, or have been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban settings. I thought so much of City 17 that i elected to estabilsh my administration here in the citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. I've been proud to call city 17 my home. So, if you are moving in or just passing through city 17, welcome. It's safer here.​

I'mprobably missing something. What can it all mean?
Basically, brainwashing, propaganda.. etc. That guy clearly works with someone, maybe aliens. Maybe they collect humans, and turn them into mindless combies or something like that.
i wanna know who the "benefactors" are. are they race x? xen? other?
Probably a struggle for humanity to survive with the alien invasion, so breen took advantage of the situation to making a sort of big brother type system with the people (though I doubt it has thought police). You stay, you do nothing, we watch you, we protect you.
I want to know if the game starts off with the g-man talking to you as he was in that video. I'm sure someone pointed this out, but behind his head it was all black save for a sort of star field (just like the starfield in HL1 while travelling with the g-man in the floating tram). His dialouge would fit the opening perfectly as well.
From what I gather the story revolves around a group of humans working with aliens and using their technology to take over the world. The men in white are rebels which work with a different alien race in an attempt to save humanity.

Of course that's just speculation.
at the end of the 13 min video, with the cs stuff at the end... what do you guys suppose are in those containers being moved around? combine clones? or are they possibly something similar to what we saw in the xen levels? ...i'm banking on something combine-ish because of the architecture.

off topic: it's insane how many new people, and old people with very few posts are suddenly around here... lol
Spiffae said:
-Eli to Vortigaunt: All right - keep that up. (maybe)
I think he says "fill that up."
Spiffae said:
-Guys: Oh, though you were a cop. This is how it always starts. First the building, then the whole block. Second Guy(something)...our place. First Don't worry, they'll find some way.
I think it's...
Second Guy They have no reason to come to our place.
First Don't worry, they'll find a reason.
well this is my perception of the situation. remember how valve said there were three sides? aliens, bad scientists, good scientists(your side). obviously c17 is a product of the "bad scientists." the dr. breene or greene guy or whatever. he obviously has a sort of last bastion against the aliens, but at the same time something shady is going on with him. obviously all the citizens there are treated like crap. i really am just rambling at 3:11 in the morning. i'm even pretty sure that i made no sense
Spiffae said:
i think the benefactors are the Combine.

also, what was in the background of the gman during his outro?
which, i guess leads me back to my question, who are the combine? and yeah this has been guessed at and speculated for the past year. and this question isn't meant to be answered.

note to people who played the leak: don't post and tell who the combine are. if i heard who they actually are, then i've forgotten, and don't wanna find out till i play the game.
jasonh1234 said:
I think he says "fill that up."
I think it's...
Second Guy They have no reason to come to our place.
First Don't worry, they'll find a reason.

yeah, that makes sense...

Argh! dammit! i want to play the game for myself now!
"Well, the G-man is at work again." - Doug Lombardi

In the Gamespy Pre-e3 Doug Lombardi interview, Doug talks about how there is a three way "power struggle" between the scientists, the Combine, and the aliens. He goes on to say that as a scientist Gordon naturally gravitates toward the other scientists, but as he progresses deeper into the story he will find out that not all factions are so black and white; he specifically refers to different aliens that are not aligned with all of the aliens. (I'm guessing this explains why Eli is seen talking with one.)
omni said:
"Well, the G-man is at work again." - Doug Lombardi

In the Gamespy Pre-e3 Doug Lombardi interview, Doug talks about how there is a three way "power struggle" between the scientists, the Combine, and the aliens. He goes on to say that as a scientist Gordon naturally gravitates toward the other scientists, but as he progresses deeper into the story he will find out that not all factions are so black and white; he specifically refers to different aliens that are not aligned with all of the aliens. (I'm guessing this explains why Eli is seen talking with one.)
also it ties in to how, in a recent gabe interview, he states that one group of scientists is wrong, while the other is "spectacularly wrong." is it possible that dr breen's scientists are one of those groups? OR is it something like dr eli vs dr kleiner?(for example)
what is very nice is that we think we know but we have no ideea cuz the story is going to twist so many times wich is perfect :D
grrr i hope getting all tis info isn't going to spoil too much, i want a fresh and awesome experience but i am sooo hungry for info.
I wanna know all about what the Vortigaunts are doing...

I can't wait for this game...
What exactly is a Vortigaunt? I always confuse them with the wasp shooting dudes.... help!
vortigaunts are the aliens that have the big red eye, and shoot electricity at you. the guys that shoot those bee-like things are the grunts. :)
Well, that explains the diverse skin colors on the NPCs. They've been relocated to City 17 from somewhere else.
Thanks for the reply Jackal.

Hmm, so an aliance with those dudes eh... sounds somewhat associated with the deal made with the G-man. Man o man, so many answers waiting to be solved.
There are 3 groups in war..scientists, aliens and combine. Neither of these are bad or friendly but Gordon sticks with the humans, the group of scientists, and is raised to be a doctor. They have managed to survive by inventing new weapons to battle against the two other. Aliens are freely running the countryside and the combine are trying to stop them and the scientists who started this in the first place.
Sounded like he was saying Gordon had been raised by the scientists... :rolling:
Brian Damage said:
Sounded like he was saying Gordon had been raised by the scientists... :rolling:

Yeah, it's funny I live in Finland and english isn't my mother language :rolleyes:


is the right word promotion I don't know ?
Brian Damage said:

:rolling: = I Am Confused.

[EDIT]: Pardon? Promotion?

umm..I am confused too..I can't find the right words.
I think the background to remember is that on Xen there was enslavement of lesser alien races including Vortigaunts (that is why they are also known as Alien Slaves -duh!). After defeating the Controllers and the head "baby" boss Gordon, must have set the Vortigaunts free. In the process, however, Gordon allowed the scientists and military to look beyond Xen. My guess is that this 'expansion' somehow got Earth embroiled in an alien war or at least precipitated an invasion... Dr. Breen was one of the people who first saw the extent of the danger to earth and foolishly thought the only way to win was to invite another *bigger* alien power to fight the aliens. Hence the Combine are the benefactors supposedly creating safe-havens for earth's population. However, as Gabe put it, he was spectactularly wrong - the Combine have their own agenda. The Vortigaunts are helping the resistance with research and powering anomalous materials with their lightning because they are indebted to earth.
what we learned is WE DIDNT GET A FREAKING RELEASE DATE AS PROMISED! yet again! valve know exactly how to annoy fans
mbrithoms said:
what we learned is WE DIDNT GET A FREAKING RELEASE DATE AS PROMISED! yet again! valve know exactly how to annoy fans

valve never promised a release date. i dont know where you get your info from, but its wrong. half life radio stated that they would interview gabe and get a release date from him, but that never happened.
mbrithoms said:
what we learned is WE DIDNT GET A FREAKING RELEASE DATE AS PROMISED! yet again! valve know exactly how to annoy fans

... or just how to annoy you... which seems a pretty easy thing to do...

O <= Chill Pill. Take two, and don't bother to call me in the morning.
mbrithoms said:
what we learned is WE DIDNT GET A FREAKING RELEASE DATE AS PROMISED! yet again! valve know exactly how to annoy fans

Let's play Spot the Difference

"Hopefully we'll be able to give an exact date at E3"

"We promise to give you an exact date at E3"

The right answer: They are two entirely different sentences.

Your answer: They are the same sentence.
Spiffae said:
-Mossman: "We've figured out how to use Xen as "unexpressed" ? access. Basically a dimensional slingshot, so we can swing around the border world and come back in local (hard to hear) and pass through.

I'm pretty sure "unexpressed" was actually "an express".
I don't know about the other part though. i'd bet it's "space" though.

Also, Alyx says that the Vortigaunts told her Gordon had arrived. So, Either Alyx learned to speak Vortigaunt, or the Vortigaunts really can speak english. :)
anyone else notice the picture of (Im assuming) Eli Vance, his (Im assuming) wife, and child?
its in the scene with the vortigaunts, after eli says "go ahead and take a look around"

if that is Eli, his wife looks chinese... so that white doctor chick (forgot her name) might not be her (Alyx) biological mother.

then again it might just be me
I thought the stuff overlayed with the GMan's face was cool--the beginning of HL scenes, etc.

EDIT: Not to mention the "Don't (drink the water?). They added something to make you forget" or whatever it is he says.
That...Video was so cool...Im still in shock.
Some time ago on the Rumours forum there was a discussion about the inverted "C" symbol in the Bugbait video being the Combine logo.

Just after Gordon reaches the top of the stairs at the beginning (I like how the screen bumps as you move up), you can see it again on the wall to the left. This isn't part of the story, but it looks like that is the Combine symbol.
Something to keep in mind: Xen is also known as the border world. That begs the question: Border to WHAT?