so what would tonights vid look like in dx8?


Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
for me and the many others who will be playing in dx8, what would the vid look like to us?:dork:
Good question. I hope some site posts some of the lesser quality shots. I want to know what it will look like on my system.
uh its a "video" guys, meaning its not in game, so it will look like dx9.
yeaaaa mmmmkk i'm gonna have to disagree with you there.

if you could come in on sunday too that would be great.
I think we will get the lighting and all those neat effects.. but stuff like soft shadows.. and bumpmaps wont be as detailed.... not too much missed. we will still enjoy the game to the fullest.. and down the road when these cards are cheaper we can upgrade and find out for ourselves.
Originally posted by genocide604
I think we will get the lighting and all those neat effects.. but stuff like soft shadows.. and bumpmaps wont be as detailed.... not too much missed. we will still enjoy the game to the fullest.. and down the road when these cards are cheaper we can upgrade and find out for ourselves.

there asking about the new video you can download its a V I D E O, so you will all see exactly what the game would look like on a 9800 pro or whatever they used to run it.
yea cause i mean, i played the halo leak and it looks awesome, the textures and all i'm not sure if they are bump mapped but that game looks so nice on my setup.
Originally posted by shapeshifter
uh its a "video" guys, meaning its not in game, so it will look like dx9.

He mean's if it were rendered with DirectX 8... You wouldm't get those cool glares through the windows, and the shiny things and the beastie at the end wouldn't look as good.
Originally posted by shapeshifter
there asking about the new video you can download its a V I D E O, so you will all see exactly what the game would look like on a 9800 pro or whatever they used to run it.

um NO. its not that hard to understand what we are talking about. we know its a ****in video we all saw it. :x
Originally posted by scurvy
um NO. its not that hard to understand what we are talking about. we know its a ****in video we all saw it. :x

well how it was worded sounded like you were asking if the dirext9 features wouldnt run becuase you have dirext8.
Ok imagine this , open up adobe photoshop and goto filter and choose mosiac , now thats how it will look. lol j/k man It wont look too much different from the vids you have seen. Maximum PC had a article on it and it said what you would see on all of them dx8/9.
Originally posted by scurvy
yeaaaa mmmmkk i'm gonna have to disagree with you there.

if you could come in on sunday too that would be great.

What the hell is this supposed to mean? I knew that the original poster meant... and like him i want to know what the game will look like under DX8. I KNOW its a video and a video will look the same one whatever system its played on. Damn how dumb do you think people are?

I dont have a DX9 card and i just would like to know what it would look like. Given that valve has stated that this game would scale back pretty far, i dont think its unreasonable for someone to want to be curious as to how it will look under lower specs.
Originally posted by shapeshifter
he's quoteing office space.

but why was he quoting me first? Its edited now but my previous statement was quoted. why?

Its late and i'm a little tired so i may not be reading things properly... excuse me just in case.
banana i was talkin to shapeshifter anyway, just playing around.

i bet hl2 looks like this with dx8

:bonce: :borg: :cool:

aliens gordon
im very interested in this also since I have a Geforce4 Ti 4200 and am more interested in cool effects then AA, resolution, and really high framerates. I just want to see things that make me go whoa thats cool. If I dont have that level of lighting and reflection/refraction etc, I will be forced to upgrade for sure.
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
He mean's if it were rendered with DirectX 8... You wouldm't get those cool glares through the windows, and the shiny things and the beastie at the end wouldn't look as good.

Gamer's Demo has new independent benchmark results (w/ AA, DX8,DX9,etc) and several new hi-res screen shots...

I also started a thread on the subject. Lots of new media, yay!
my guess is this

this is the original


and this is my guess at what it will look like, see attachment
He mean's if it were rendered with DirectX 8... You wouldm't get those cool glares through the windows
It is possible to do that stuff under Dx8 (like Splinter Cell, for example).

I'd hope that they retain any effects that are possible in DX8 for the DX8 mode.
I can't tell the bloody difference between the D8 and the D9 versions quite frankly apart form the stone reflects in the water a tiny bit brighter. *pets his ti4600*. Who's gonna be standing staring at every wall they come to anyway.
Originally posted by StardogChampion
I can't tell the bloody difference between the D8 and the D9 versions quite frankly apart form the stone reflects in the water a tiny bit brighter. *pets his ti4600*. Who's gonna be standing staring at every wall they come to anyway.
That's cause its a lousy shot. There is some difference in the water, but that's about all I can see too.

But take the latest techdemo movie. There is EXTREMELY little chance a G4, no matter how strong could handle that, even if it was theoretically possible (it would be unplayable). I would like to see it run in DX8 to get that proven though.
why doesn't everyone jus DL DX9. i mean it is free aint it? and that will give better then DX8
ooo soz noob on this hardware stuff! LOL

i have a Gforce4 TI 4600 and i have DX9 on me comp to? that be ok u all think?
As long as i get those sexy reflections on the rooftops i'll be happy, and judging from the Doom 3 Alpha i should get them :)
so my gforce 4 ti 4600 ultra won't run with DX9!?

will DX 8.1?
Geforce 3-4 run in dx8. Only radeon 8500-9200 can run in dx8.1, apart from all teh cards that can run dx9.

EDIT: I think it will be hard to spot the different between dx8 and 8.1
I have radeon 8500 and 9700pro, and i would rather run a Ti4600 in dx8 then my 8500 in dx8.1 :) the 4600 is really fast with dx8
Originally posted by JaG
i am fed up with ati's dx9 monkeyboy, i want HL2, NOW!!!!!
You are already able to play HL2, since HL2 is technically HL3 and HL is technically HL2 :)
That is, if you dont use Steam. Then its doubtfull you can play either :P
Originally posted by dawdler
You are already able to play HL2, since HL2 is technically HL3 and HL is technically HL2 :)
That is, if you dont use Steam. Then its doubtfull you can play either :P

good point, steam KILLS THE EXPERIENCE (i quote myself here)
thanks sideshow.

ok i think i better buy Radion 9900 pro when it comes out! LOL

when is it's release the R 9900 pro, and it will support DX 9?????

and how mush u all think it will cost.

cause won't that card give the best for hl2?