so, where the hell is HL2?

When a game goes Gold, it means it is in a final form that can be/has been sent to the disk presses.

Ie: It can be made into a boxed game, in store, on the shelves for everyone to buy.
Originally posted by Chris_D
You do know that they completely scrapped Half-Life 1 when it was this far into its development don't ya?

no, i didn't know that! :eek:

i'm wondering they had enough money to start again.
valve is developing since 5 years on hl2. if they would develop hl2 all over again.. hm.. 10 years from the beginning to the end.. nice.. :x :dozey:
VALVe right now doesn't have the resources to scrap HL2 @ all, that will be there income, somewhere it said in an interview that they put the money they made back into HL2, so thus they are living on tight budgets and such. So scrapping the HL2 project for them is highly unlikely, unless they like living in card board boxes or such. I think they have assessed the damages and are fixing them as we speak. I really hope though that it does make it out with the other games in April, I would be sad if they scrapped it, really, really, sad :(
What if it went gold but everyones being hush hush about it? One day you get up turn on TV and the news is talking about half-life 2 and hows its related to terrorism.So then you Rush to the store get the box come back home open the box.Install game and click the icon.The screen goes black and the monitor explodes in your face.
yeah, that's a nice fantasy, but let's be honest. the newest run of e-mails to the Valve info thread pretty much confirm April 2004.

April 2004= beginning of 2005 fiscal year.
Originally posted by Chris_D
You do know that they completely scrapped Half-Life 1 when it was this far into its development don't ya?

True, but I doubt they would have presented it at E3 this year if they were totally unsatisfied with it, there was no need to because it was a secret project and they could have kept it silent until they would be satisfied.
Originally posted by Chris_D
No I mean HL2. If I was Gabe and HL2 was leaked, along with the source code too then I'd seriously consider starting again.

I guess thats why your a moderator on a board talking about HL2 and Gabe's a multi millionaire making HL2.

Come on, he's really gonna scrap HL2 and start again cause of some leak. And you think he should? So you would hand back that big fat $6million pay check from ATI - i don't think so:dozey:
Long story short, Valve really screwed the pooch. It takes talent to keep a game hidden for 5 years, unveil it to much hoopla, then immediately kill the excitement by suddenly announcing an indefinite delay.

And for the record, Gabe Newell has said that the source code theft had nothing to do with the delay (check the "Info from Valve" thread).
Originally posted by Mountain Man
And for the record, Gabe Newell has said that the source code theft had nothing to do with the delay (check the "Info from Valve" thread).

And for the record, Gabe Newell said that HL2 will ship on 30th of September and that there will be no delay (check the "Info from Valve" thread).

Gabe is not God and not everything he says is true. Remember, he is the CEO of a company and he must do and say everything to put his company in a better light.
It is HOPELESS trying to predict and answer the question 'when will hl2 be out?'.

Noone knows. Noone will know for a while. And even if they did, who cares? We've all got plenty of other things to do to pass the time while we wait. There's no rush, its only a game, not a big deal.

The longer you wait for something, the better it is when it arrives. Fact.
did you see the latest e-mail?

e-mail: Gabe, please say something positive about hl2!

Gabe: i'm positive HL-2 won't ship this year.

if you ask me, gabe is getting pissed at the community for bombarding him with e-mails. I can't really blame him. I hope we see the game some day.
By time im done waiting for hl2 my b-day will roll around.*sigh* It wouldve been nice if i got to play it for Christmas i guess ill just sit around and play DC.
I'm thankfull it isnt out yet.

I have big nasty important exams after christmass and if HL2 comes out before them then my entire future is down the crapper...

Come to think of it its a good job they spoilt deus ex 2 :p

EDIT: just felt I have to say. DC ROCKS
DC = desert combat, a mod for battlefield1942.

To explain how good it is:

You know battlefield1942 is a great game and alot of fun. Well...

DC is far far better in my opinion. I NEVER play Normal bf1942 anymore, just desert combat :)
DC is crap, you have no chance of surviving if you're not in a vehicle. BF1942 is superior if you're into infantry combat.
Why did you just get rid of that post Mountain Man, it was bloody excellent.
so... when i look at the recently posted things in the valve info thread i get grumbling. definitely NO HL 2 this year! :(
I stopped in to ask the same question. It is Dec. 2nd.,
I hope it is out for the holidays. Quite worried I am....:x
According to insider information. HalfLife2 was set for a universal release - IE released everywhere at the same time. However, NASA approached valve just after HalfLife1 to send a PC-CDRom to Mars to test out alien response - much in the same way that they transmit "hello" radio signals into space. However, delivery has somewhat been delayed due to the 35 million miles that the PC-CDRom has to travel on board NASA Deep Space Beagle2 Probe. This explains the reason why Valve has been delayed into reaching its Universal Release target.

Therefore stop flaming Valve. They are just trying to improve Consumer Rights with their Universal Release Policy.
why don't you post the answer from gabe regarding the release date as a news on
I believe I can launch space probes out of my Anus.
You launch space probes out of UrAnus?

Wouldn't it be cheaper to launch 'em from the moon?
Why not just release it. This hacked beta bs shouldnt matter. So a few people will be a few months ahead making cheats for the mp bit.

Big deal. They are using a revolutionary new client system surly they can just keep working on fixes while we are happily playing the single player then update us.

They have lost alot of excitment that they had built up in an unprecedented amount. Now people wont be like OMG YES IVE GOT HL2 they will be like "well its about ****ing time you cheapasses."
Originally posted by urseus
Why not just release it. This hacked beta bs shouldnt matter. So a few people will be a few months ahead making cheats for the mp bit.

Big deal. They are using a revolutionary new client system surly they can just keep working on fixes while we are happily playing the single player then update us.

They have lost alot of excitment that they had built up in an unprecedented amount. Now people wont be like OMG YES IVE GOT HL2 they will be like "well its about ****ing time you cheapasses."

Maybe someone else should get a tour. That built up more excitement when I went. We need to find someone who lives near Valve besides me!
Wouldn't it be cheaper to launch 'em from the moon?
I think you underestimate the power of my rectum.

I think the hype machine will start up again soon.

I think too much.
I can see it now...

"Hey, NASA? Yeah, you know that satellite you were going to launch for us next month? Well, we've found a guy whose bum operates much cheaper. Yeah, we're cancelling. What do you mean 'We'll have to pay the clean-up costs'? What? What about evacuating the local area prior to launch? What gas emmissions...?"

I think too much, too...
I think too much, too...
I was thinking that (oh, it works on so many levels).

Dead thread walking?

edit: By the way is your nick a typo or is it meant to be Brian?
play other games to get your mind off hl2, and time will go by faster. lose yourself in a mmorpg and be assimalated into a mmorpg zombie :borg:
why april 2004? because vivendi said it? naah..

may be in february or march 2004.
I think we can wait a few more months, not like we haven't already, the people moaning and whining about it not being release have NO LIFE!
looking back now... the original half life's release date was set 12 months before it was really released :)
Originally posted by DiSTuRbEd
I think we can wait a few more months, not like we haven't already, the people moaning and whining about it not being release have NO LIFE!

so if they are dead, then whos typing their messages! thats crazy talk!