
Yeah, man. It's really wierd to think of all the things you're thinking, and then you realize that everyone else is doing the same thing, thinking, and seeing from their eyes, and everything. And nto only that, there's literally billions of people doing it. Totally crazy.

what? I think it's perfectly normal. What's so crazy about it?
Think most had that, I did.

Ultimate vanity :P
so did i, and a lot of people i've talked to

I don't think I ever thought that, but I do remember that I used to want to be a dragon, with a tail that could go around the world. And my name would be "max". I realize now that pirates and "Wesley" are much cooler.
the princess bride ftw

I was *JUST* talking about that to a friend the other day. Exactly what you're describing... insofaras the whole thing about looking at a word long enough that it doesn't seem to make sense. "What the hell were they smoking when they created that word!?"

Simple words... like blue for instance, i've had that happen to me.
that happens to everyone, it's just you realizing the nature of linguistics

what? I think it's perfectly normal. What's so crazy about it?
realizing you are not unique in how you function is a little startling, when you truely think about it. you're nothing, i'm nothing, etc. you are everything you know, but when you look at it in the scope of things, you're not even a factor. you go from being everything to nothing in a though process.
Think most had that, I did.

Ultimate vanity :P

Yeah, but, I mean, at age two I started questioning what life was like after we died (how I knew about death at that age is totally a mystery to me, but whatever).
Falling asleep to a good CD is one of the greatest weird-things ever. Especially if it's TV on the Radio :D.
realizing you are not unique in how you function is a little startling, when you truely think about it. you're nothing, i'm nothing, etc. you are everything you know, but when you look at it in the scope of things, you're not even a factor. you go from being everything to nothing in a though process.

i don't really find it startling to be honest :P
i have so done that.

I do it all the time, and I love it, especially if it's a really light sleep. It puts you in this weird waking-life sort of mood, and mannn does it feel odd when you wake up (assuming you don't go into a deeper sleep beforehand).
well who knows if you're thinking about it in all of it's implications or not (@ surfer^rosa)
yea i thought about that with colors.

like if i was the only one in the world that had bad eyes in such a way that green was red and red was green, so if someone saw through my eyes they would see grass as red and think 'man thats ****ed up looking', but to me i define the red as 'green' so it looks just fine to me and nobody would know i see it incorrectly because i would be calling that color 'green'.

I've wondered the same thing before. Same with the "Am I the only real person?" theory. And no, I don't smoke or anything.

I was *JUST* talking about that to a friend the other day. Exactly what you're describing... insofaras the whole thing about looking at a word long enough that it doesn't seem to make sense. "What the hell were they smoking when they created that word!?"

Simple words... like blue for instance, i've had that happen to me.

I've done that a few times. The one that comes to mind is "tree."
"delight" is the worst, most irritating, most I-hate-it word EVER. Kill it.
I sometimes think about that and I realise that my brain has already gone throught that in a milli-second and I'm just spelling it out for myself. And then I think how I just spelled that out for myself and loop infinitivly until I get bored/a headache.

man, I get that all the time! It almost feels like there's a "faster" mind thats observing my "slower" mind, but then I realize that I'm the one observing both minds, but I had already thought about that already before thinking about it.

its so confusing!

I think it has something to do with the fact that we think in solid ideas, and the words come later.
Everyone thinks of this stuff (Just as everyone already said), and after a while most of those people don't care about the thought after some time... That's excluding those people that choose to philosphise on it cause they think they're friggin brilliant... Or atleast that's how I see them. :P

I guess what I'm trying to say is don't be that guy that thinks about it for years and years intensely, thinking he's a freakin genious, so he decides to become a hippie and writes a book about it. Or something. I dunno. :laugh:
oh, make no mistakes, i AM a friggin genius
I'm glad I'm not fecking crazy.
Went to London with some friends a while back, and on the last night they were up really late playing poker. I don't play cards unless there's stripping involved, so I decided to go to sleep.
Went into this light sleep where I could sort of hear muffled talking, but whenever someone said my name, I'd sort of hear the whole sentence, wake up and reply to it, and then go back to sleep without hearing the rest of the conversation. Like a friend noted that the way I was sleeping on the chair (legs above head going over the back of the chair, and head going over the front), I looked like Sid from Ice Age, which I outright denied (as you do). Very weird though that I listened to only the sentences including my name or a reference to me, even if it had words before my name.

EDIT: But I think about everything you guys have been mentioning. Good stuff. Oh and also I'll sometimes be writing [awesome] poetry, and a rhyming word would pop into my head and I'd be like "wtf? that wouldn't make sense... unless..." then I look it up on and so far all the time's I've looked, the word has been relevant to what I've wanted to say, and rhymes properly. It's awesome. So is my poetry :p
this reminds me of something: your self-image. do any of you have a different image of what you look/sound/act like than your actual self. personally i think i look better than i actually look, which i guess is a positive self-image.
Once, I managed to use the word "qualm" in a song without knowing what it meant. I looked it up later and it worked perfectly. Yessss.

this reminds me of something: your self-image. do any of you have a different image of what you look/sound/act like than your actual self. personally i think i look better than i actually look, which i guess is a positive self-image.
I think of myself as shorter than I actually am.
I've had my hair trimmed after it gets really long, and people will tell me that they don't notice a difference even though I feel like I'm almost bald now. That'sss always sort of weird.
My greatest fear is that I'd become so self-aware and self-conscious that I'd literally forget how to do ingrained, instinctual behaviors. Forget how to swallow, for instance, or breathe. D:

I'm pretty sure it could never happen... but DAYUM, that shiz FUNKAY! :afro:
My greatest fear is that I'd become so self-aware and self-conscious that I'd literally forget how to do ingrained, instinctual behaviors. Forget how to swallow, for instance, or breathe. D:

I'm pretty sure it could never happen... but DAYUM, that shiz FUNKAY! :afro:

Once you passed out your body would take over and start breathing again for you. Maybe you'll suffer enough brain damage that you'll revert back to baser instincts and won't have that problem again :laugh:
It's strange when you become self-aware. At least it was to me. I think I was about 4 years old. It felt like I had woken up from a long dream. I went over to my mom and told her I felt like I had been sleeping forever and had just woke up. It was incredibly strange. Probably the earliest memory I have from my childhood.

Almost exactly the same thing that happend to me, except I never questioned it.
this reminds me of something: your self-image. do any of you have a different image of what you look/sound/act like than your actual self. personally i think i look better than i actually look, which i guess is a positive self-image.
I tend to forget how incredibly sexy I actually am, as well as how smart and charming I am... I've also been told that I'm way too modest.
My greatest fear is that I'd become so self-aware and self-conscious that I'd literally forget how to do ingrained, instinctual behaviors. Forget how to swallow, for instance, or breathe. D:

I'm pretty sure it could never happen... but DAYUM, that shiz FUNKAY! :afro:

Don't ever concentrate really hard on walking. It'll mess you up.
this reminds me of something: your self-image. do any of you have a different image of what you look/sound/act like than your actual self. personally i think i look better than i actually look, which i guess is a positive self-image.

Don't ever concentrate really hard on walking. It'll mess you up.
Same goes for breathing. If you do, you start breathing in random patterns.
Don't ever concentrate really hard on walking. It'll mess you up.
Hehe... I once sprained my ankle on vacation, so while I should have been off my feet recovering, I was forced to hike with my family up and down mountains in rather extreme pain. I walked with a limp for so long that when I was finally healed, the limp persisted out of habit.

And it would not... go... away. I apparently unlearned how to walk normally, and the harder I'd try, the more awkward my steps became. Took me about a month to get back to normal.

So really, it is just a matter of time before I forget how to breathe.
Sometimes I also think about words- sometimes I'll say the word enough so that it doesn't make sense anymore, and sounds funny to say. Or, if we called a rock a flower, or a flower a rock, it soudns wrong to us, but if that's how it had been called for thousands of years, we wouldn't even know, and then we would think calling a flower a flower is wierd.

And then, translating. Vaca, and cow for example. Cow is the english word for cow. Vaca is spanish for cow. But "vaca" doesn't mean "cow", vaca means _________, being a big four legged thing with a big tit on the bottom, and NOT being "cow". I can't explain it too good, but I think you'll get it.

Sometimes when I think about words too much or use them too much, I'll forget how to spell them, or think I'm spelling them wrong. There was this one week where I couldn't figure out if "amount" was spelled right. It just looked strange, so I tried spelling it as "ammount" but that looked wrong too.

Also about the voice in your head thing, I talk to the voice in my head a lot (not out loud though; I only talk to myself out loud when doing homework and sometimes playing games). Sometimes I can carry out full conversations with the voice in my head so it's like having two of my own voices in my head. Sometimes I'll make one voice be someone I know and the second voice is me and then we/I have a conversation. I think I'm insane... especially when I start talking out loud calling out what I'm doing on my homework as I do it. Even in exams when my classmates/professors are around, I'll be mouthing out a narration of what I'm doing. I'll also be staring up into space and moving my hands because when I divide, add, etc. in math, I feel like I'm moving numbers together like physical objects, and when I do chemistry I have to pretend like I'm holding a molecule in my hand and moving it around. Isn't it only old crazy people that do that?

A long time ago my sister walked in on me just randomly talking out loud while playing Heretic. That was the day I became aware that I was actually vocally talking to myself.
The voice in my head always loves to tell me that if I don't do trivial things then I will become a ****up. I love the voice in my head.
Don't ever concentrate really hard on walking. It'll mess you up.

Yeah I had something like that this morning. I was doing the morning paper and I was to lazy to open a fence and I just jumped over it. It was like 2 feet high. After I landed I thought 'how the ffff did I do that?'. I thought about jumping over it; taking 2 fast steps toward the fence, jump, pulling in my legs, stretching my legs again and land with my toes first to absorb the shock. But the feeling you get while you are in the air is totally different, it's like your brain is on full-auto, but you can still influence it. I actually jumped over the fence a few times just to experience it again. But once you touch the ground the 'uncontrol' is gone. Weird stuff.
I was thinking...if your parents screwed in a different position, or 1 minute later than they did when they conceived you.
You wouldnt exist.
Once, I managed to use the word "qualm" in a song without knowing what it meant. I looked it up later and it worked perfectly. Yessss.


I do that all the time in conversation. I think it's because I read so much, I learn new words that I don't totally know the meaning of but have a basic idea from the context in which they were used.
this reminds me of something: your self-image. do any of you have a different image of what you look/sound/act like than your actual self. personally i think i look better than i actually look, which i guess is a positive self-image.
This may sound wierd but I don't think I have a self-image beyond my basic shape. I also find it very hard to imagine faces.
When I go home the lepracaun tells me to burn things
Yeah, I think about it... as far as I know, I might be the only "normal" human being on the planet!
I only think how cool it would be to think like a boy. As a girl I am sure that the same things dont go through your heads as it does in ours. And I think it would be fun to get inside one for like a day. (If I can last that long)
I often think about posession, or changing conciousnesses with another body, and the way it's presented in films/books etc. How would that work? Like, what are you taking with you that lets you take control of that body, yet still retain your thoughts and memories? In reality, unless you could "borrow" their brain and transfer all your thoughts, or all the thoughts neccesary to carry out whatever actions you intended, and still retain the conciousness that you aren't infact that person, but another person inside their body, wouldn't you effectively just be taking on that person's identity and doing exactly as they would without being aware of any change? If so, are souls (or whatever word you'd use for that) interchangeable, or do they have an identity - if so, would you still be aware on some level?

Then eventually I trail off and think of how cool it'd be to posess a girl and have boobies...
Just got this as quote of the day and really feel like sharing it:

I know who I am. No one else knows who I am. If I was a giraffe, and someone said I was a snake, I'd think, no, actually I'ma giraffe.
- Richard Gere

I totally understand it, No one else knows who I am