SOCOM: Source


Apr 17, 2004
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hi, i am steve *wave*

I am the head of a mod for hl2 we are calling socom:source, and we are basing the maps and models on SOCOM the ps2 online hit.

We have 2 mappers at the moment, as well as a website in the making, but no real modelers or coders.

if you could help out in anyway, contact me:
Email: [email protected]
Aim: stevelizzle

thank you :cheers:
Why socom? Socom is just a dumbed down counter strike for ps2 users.
Zeus said:
Why socom? Socom is just a dumbed down counter strike for ps2 users.

well, i come from the website: "" which has a huge socom community in the thousands, I also used to play socom back in the day, so there is already a user base for the mod.

also, the maps were so diverse and detailed, always fun for online play
hi im steve and im stealing, yes thats right um usinng anothers intellectiual property and giviving it away for free.

why not come up up with your own modern day military themed mod instead of something that will obviosly get you into legal trouble.
johnshafft said:
hi im steve and im stealing, yes thats right um usinng anothers intellectiual property and giviving it away for free.

why not come up up with your own modern day military themed mod instead of something that will obviosly get you into legal trouble.

i dont plan on selling the mod; so we wouldnt make any profit.

its a pretty sad if a company sues their own fanbase.

its not like we are extracting the ps2 content and importing in source, we are making changes and things.

plus there are about 10000000 modern day military themed mods in the making....
Bling said:
i dont plan on selling the mod; so we wouldnt make any profit.

its a pretty sad if a company sues their own fanbase.

its not like we are extracting the ps2 content and importing in source, we are making changes and things.

plus there are about 10000000 modern day military themed mods in the making....

yet your still giving away thier Maps and gameplay away for free.
The gaming corps will use thier legal muscle its called a cease and desist letter and if you think another videogame compnay would be excited to something being given away for free than think again. Just look at all the starcraft mods that have been told cease and desist or face criminal and or civil charges. A criminal charge of IP theft is punishable by jail time.

so if theirs 10000000 modern day military themed mods why are you going to contribute? especially as Zeus pointed out that socom was a Counter Strike knock off.

My point to all this is to come up with your own stuff, yea you can look at socoms maps and gameplay for inspiration. But coming up with something you can call your own is much better than saying I had to trace somebody elses work and call it mine
johnshafft said:
yet your still giving away thier Maps and gameplay away for free.
The gaming corps will use thier legal muscle its called a cease and desist letter and if you think another videogame compnay would be excited to something being given away for free than think again. Just look at all the starcraft mods that have been told cease and desist or face criminal and or civil charges. A criminal charge of IP theft is punishable by jail time.

so if theirs 10000000 modern day military themed mods why are you going to contribute? especially as Zeus pointed out that socom was a Counter Strike knock off.

My point to all this is to come up with your own stuff, yea you can look at socoms maps and gameplay for inspiration. But coming up with something you can call your own is much better than saying I had to trace somebody elses work and call it mine
ill keep that in mind

if anyone wants to help out; contact me
Zeus said:
Why socom? Socom is just a dumbed down counter strike for ps2 users.

I like to think of it as quite the opposite.
especially as Zeus pointed out that socom was a Counter Strike knock off.
No it isn't. Besides having a realistic theme, they have nothing in common. SOCOM is about the Navy SEALs and average missions that they'd go on, Counter Strike on the other hand isn't based on anything, it's only "Counter Terrorist" vs "Terrorist" and has no real story. SOCOM is all about team work, commanding your team, in CS you're alone, (sure you can still coordinate with the rest of the team). Plus, SOCOM isn't even a FPS, it's primarily third person, the only time first person is used is to aim with a sniper rifle, or use NV goggles or whatever.
johnshafft said:
yet your still giving away thier Maps and gameplay away for free.
The gaming corps will use thier legal muscle its called a cease and desist letter and if you think another videogame compnay would be excited to something being given away for free than think again. Just look at all the starcraft mods that have been told cease and desist or face criminal and or civil charges. A criminal charge of IP theft is punishable by jail time.

so if theirs 10000000 modern day military themed mods why are you going to contribute? especially as Zeus pointed out that socom was a Counter Strike knock off.

My point to all this is to come up with your own stuff, yea you can look at socoms maps and gameplay for inspiration. But coming up with something you can call your own is much better than saying I had to trace somebody elses work and call it mine

He said based off of, so I dont think it will be exact replicas. and besides socom based their ideas off of somehting. You cant make identical games but you could look at and maybe use some of the concepts behind socom.
Please don't base mods on other's intellectul property.

And wrong section to ask for help.

Also, if you hire 'coders' I can guarentee your mod will go nova.
SOCOM is based off of the real organization/team of the same name and their SEALs. Instead of basing it off of the game, he can base it off of the real thing, or at least the SEALs themselves.

Something like "HL2: Navy SEALs" would work.