Software pirates not safe at home

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Feared, perhaps. But prison should not be a cautionary tale of possible death and/or sexual assault. Or maybe you think those Iraqi's had it coming...
Nice job putting words in my mouth. Since you obviously don't have any common sense, I guess I have to explain it to you.

The situation in the Iraqi prison was completely different, which you would see if you have some intelligence. The guards there did the misdeeds. I am talking FELLOW PRISONERS. If you are in prison, the guards are there to protect you from your fellow inmates, but they can't do it all the time. It is no different than at a school.. the big kids will always pick on the runts.

I notice anybody who is defending this thief is making assinine assertions about everybody who has common sense and sees that this is STEALING, and STEALING should be punished. 50 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF STEALING should be punished moreso.

And the sentence COULD be UP TO 10 years. It won't be ten years.. but why blame the prosecution for aiming high? It is their job.
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this, but has it ever occurred to anyone that it's impossible to have that much in Software/Games/Music?

I have 226 movies, and I estimate it's worth about $6000 Dollars Canadian..

I know he didn't have movies, but how is it possible to have that much?

Sounds like exaggeration to me.
Baal said:
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this, but has it ever occurred to anyone that it's impossible to have that much in Software/Games/Music?

I have 226 movies, and I estimate it's worth about $6000 Dollars Canadian..

I know he didn't have movies, but how is it possible to have that much?

Sounds like exaggeration to me.

most legitimate download sites have songs for 1 dollar. 50 million songs (i assume, i havent read the article) x 1.

cybernoid, i just stopped reading your post after you said the US doesnt care about human rights violations. i wouldent mind if your human rights were violated though :dozey:

edit: and your prison rape tales are so "shawshank" era. prisons are no fairy tale, but having toured quite a few theres little inmate violence amongst each other.
ShadowFox said:
Nice job putting words in my mouth. Since you obviously don't have any common sense, I guess I have to explain it to you.

The situation in the Iraqi prison was completely different, which you would see if you have some intelligence. The guards there did the misdeeds. I am talking FELLOW PRISONERS. If you are in prison, the guards are there to protect you from your fellow inmates, but they can't do it all the time. It is no different than at a school.. the big kids will always pick on the runts.

I notice anybody who is defending this thief is making assinine assertions about everybody who has common sense and sees that this is STEALING, and STEALING should be punished. 50 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF STEALING should be punished moreso.

And the sentence COULD be UP TO 10 years. It won't be ten years.. but why blame the prosecution for aiming high? It is their job.
For someone who seems to put so much value of 'common sense' you seem to be making a lot of blanket generalizations.
The Iraqi comment was an attempt at sarcasm (okay, i guess I was asking for it there. I guess it could be seen as trolling).
But I don't see how it justifies insulting my common sense (twice, no less) and my intelligence, as well as anyone who seems to think this case is unreasonable and the proposed sentance extravagant.
Anyway, just because it's perpetrated by fellow inmates is no justification for accepting assault in the prisons. I see it as another case of gaurds not doing their jobs. Or at least not doing enough. I think being raped in prison qualifies as 'cruel and unusual', and isn't what is intended when the Jury passes up their guilty plea...

It's stealing, we all agree. (GEE maybe I have COMMON SENSE, ass) I disagree as to the seriousness of the crime, as well as the accuracy off the claims made (I don't see 50 million as being a realistic number in any case).

Lastly; Granted, that is the prosecutions job. I find it very unlikely that that will be the sentance given. I was just highlighting that 10 years federal is nothing to sneeze at by any measure...
Baal said:
Sounds like exaggeration to me.
Now that i can agree with.
gh0st said:
and your prison rape tales are so "shawshank" era. prisons are no fairy tale, but having toured quite a few theres little inmate violence amongst each other.
That doesn't mean we should close our eyes and pretend it doesn't happen, either. I heard a story on the news about a prison murder in my area, last month. I don't live in a very high-crime area, violent news is the exception.
It does happen.
When did I say I accepted it? It is a problem, but considering prisons are understaffed as it is, you can't expect the guards to babysit these inmates 24/7.

I have no reason to believe it is less than 50 million. You guys can speculate all you want, but until evidence is provided to say otherwise, I have no reason to doubt the claim. And before you insinuate that this goes against the principle of innocent until proven guilty, I'm not saying he is guilty. I am saying right now there is nothing to claim the opposite, and until there is, anybody claiming that it is too high is just speculating.

The jury isn't going to dismiss the case because it is a big number. They are going to need proof either way.
Very well. Personally, I'm of a mind to think that number was overestimated substantially, only because I've heard of similar things before.
If they can make a reasonable case to prove it, that's fine...

...And you're right, I was going to insinuate that. lol :laugh:
Beast206 said:
Similarly, if a child molester gets locked up and finds himself at the mercies of a large, uncouth individual in the showers.... that also cracks me the hell up. *shrug* I'm probably demented though.

Unless the supposed molester was actually innocent. Oops! :rolleyes:

el Chi said:
Yeah. He absolutely ignored the fact that the guy had stolen $50 million dollars worth of stuff - that's more money than the majority of the world's populous will ever see in their lives.

Boohoo. :( :(

And notice that in the article it says that he didn't actually get any money.

If he gets mistreated, that's undoubtedly a shame, but puely because I was stating the obvious by pointing out that he deserved to go to prison, apparently that means I advocate rape. Interesting train of logic.

You seem to advocate it because you constantly downplay it.

and to be honest I'm sure the only reason he's defending this guy is because he uses warez too.

Do I? Can you hack into my computer and check for me? I'm not sure if I have warez. Please go and see.

Neutrino said:
Are you even capable of making a rational argument?

What's irrational about making a statement of the human rights situation in the states?

ShadowFox said:
If you are in prison, the guards are there to protect you from your fellow inmates

Not exactly true.

gh0st said:
cybernoid, i just stopped reading your post

How awful.

after you said the US doesnt care about human rights violations.

It doesn't.

i wouldent mind if your human rights were violated though :dozey:

Well, there you go. You proved my point.
people who do these kinds of crimes don't get put in the same places as rough serial killers that pound people in the ass. how many times do people have to hear that
Well, here we are: The People of Vs. Cybernoid.

Cybernoid said:
"Originally Posted by el Chi
Yeah. He absolutely ignored the fact that the guy had stolen $50 million dollars worth of stuff - that's more money than the majority of the world's populous will ever see in their lives."

Boohoo. :( :(

And notice that in the article it says that he didn't actually get any money
"Boohoo"? You call that a counter-argument? It's not about him getting money it's about pointing out the vast worth of what he stole. If you stole, for example, the Mona Lisa, not for profit but to hang in your home that's still worth millions upon millions of dollars. That is a theft amounting to a huge sum of money and for that you should go to prison.
I pointed out the fact that the majority of the world's population will never see that much money in their entire lives to illustrate what a huge monetary value his theft equalled.

You seem to advocate [rape] because you constantly downplay it.
Wrong! I advocate his incarceration. I have merely said that he deserves to go to prison as he has broken the law. What's hard to understand about that?
However, you have decided that rape and prison and one and the same thing and this is not true. Once again I'd like to point out that he was sentenced to prison, not rape. Rape is not a condition of his punishment, but you have decided that it will happen to him. There's no reason why it should. I'm not downplaying the severity of such an abhorrant action as rape, I'm downplaying your assumption that rape is implicit in a prison sentence. That is nonsense.
In the starting post of this thread you said:
He could face up to ten years in prison, where he will no doubt take it up the ass a million times until he kills himself or dies from HIV. That seems just a little overkill to me.
You're right, that does seem a little overkill. Or rather, your statement is overkill, because that's not what happens - you've blown the whole thing out of proportion.
By your rationale, no-one deserves to go to prison as no-one deserves to be raped.

Do I [have warez on my computer]? Can you hack into my computer and check for me? I'm not sure if I have warez. Please go and see.
Well done for answering my question. Actually, well done for not lying and giving what amounts to a "No comment" response, and we all no what that equals.
My logic for that conclusion was that there would be no other reason why you would support this man's actions. If he had stolen from shops you wouldn't support him and we wouldn't be having this discussion. I raised this point before but you did not respond.
Also, your link to the article was labelled "oh noes" - sounds worried to me.

Next, we move onto your retorts to gh0st.
gh0st: cybernoid, i just stopped reading your post
Cybernoid: How awful.
All those years in debating school paid off I see.
You made broad brush accusations about US human rights violations and to some extent I do agree with you about them but you went too far incinuating that the US prison and judicial system just stops short of endorsing rape. You did this with no evidence. Please provide some reliable facts/figures about rape in US prisons and then this section of your argument may start to have some credibility.

As for the amount of money itself, I reckon it's probably overestimated somewhat. Let's say a piece of software cost £50 in one shop and £70 in another, I think they'd probably choose to cite the latter as the price. Even disregarding this, the amount he's stolen adds up to a ridiculous amount of money - easily tens of millions. Once again, no he didn't get any money from the theft but if you stole the same worth from a shop and got nabbed our friend Cybernoid wouldn't have a word of protest.
el Chi said:
By your rationale, no-one deserves to go to prison as no-one deserves to be raped.

If the prison system is based on anarchy, no one should go there.

All those years in debating school paid off I see.

What do you want me to say? "Oh no, please don't stop reading my posts, I'll do anything, anything!" ?

You did this with no evidence. Please provide some reliable facts/figures about rape in US prisons and then this section of your argument may start to have some credibility.

I don't really feel that I need to provide evidence. I may provide some if and when I get the time to do it.

but if you stole the same worth from a shop and got nabbed our friend Cybernoid wouldn't have a word of protest.

I don't see how you could be extradited to the states for shoplifting in Australia.
Cybernoid said:
If the prison system is based on anarchy, no one should go there.
If you're advocating Anarchism then fair do's, that's your political belief. However what's your viable alternative?

What do you want me to say? "Oh no, please don't stop reading my posts, I'll do anything, anything!" ?
Fair point.

I don't really feel that I need to provide evidence. I may provide some if and when I get the time to do it.
As with any argument, you have very little credibility until you have evidence to back it up.

I don't see how you could be extradited to the states for shoplifting in Australia.
That's not the point and you know it. I was providing an equivalent. In fact, let's say you were Australian and shoplifted that much stuff in the US and then flew home. Then you were to be brought to trial and perhaps then you would be extradited. It doesn't matter because you knew exactly what I meant.
MY comment on all this is that it is difficult to get half-way good internet speeds in Australia.

Only now is 128 or 256 kbit ADSL or cable emerging and most people are avoiding it for a couple of reasons. First, they want about 3 times as much as dial-up and second they want that for 300mb of downloads...

So the question I have: where the hell did this guy get so much bandwidth and how much does it cost?
FragBait0 said:
So the question I have: where the hell did this guy get so much bandwidth and how much does it cost?
$50 million :)
Not funny. :(

I saw bandwidth one day....Mandrake 9.2...
3 CDs each taking ~18 minutes.

The pains will never go away.
Cybernoid, dude, what the hell is wrong with you? Nobody is saying anything about the prison system here, I don't even know why you brought it up. It doesn't do anything to help your point and makes you look like an idiot. If you want feel free to start a thread on how horrible American prison is, you will have an ounce more of credibility if you do that.

50 Million is a realistic number. You have to keep in mind this guy didn't just have music, he probably had every software ever made under the sun. With some programs going up to a few thousand dollars a copy this is very doable. Sure, he isn't making any money from this. However, he is distributing stolen propertyv which is just as bad.