soldier wip

heres another update guys, added a helmet and fixed the head and arms up a bit.

wow thats taking up shape nicely
something still doesnt seem rite about the face tho..seems like his cheeks are way high up and his lips too.
but ill keep shut until the renders come.
i really like the direction ur going in
btw check ur pm's isent u the stufff :D .
heh, on the cheeks and lips, i wanted him to seem hardboiled/hard ass.
well i guess it will be ok after texturing.
did the links help ?
i ahve 4 more pics if u need.
heres an update. Just got the legs exturded out, no real detail on them yet. and the arms are kinda depressing me now, so ill rework abit of them tomorrow.
are those arms or cloth :S
i cant really tell because from one angle its short sleeves with arms and on the other its weird sleeves :S .
legs, head and body are looking fine now i like the little cigarette lol.
nice detail.
just one other thing wud be the crotch area but im sure ur working on it.
my provider isnt liking all this bandwidth usage. so ill upload here just to be sure