Soldner Beta stolen!

I thought Soldner was a game meant to be played by a bunch of people online?
No, it's a regular game. With single and multiplayer.

:dork: Them < :afro: Me
Soldner actually looks like a good game as well. Its the first game to imploment full scale nuclear weapons. Seems good to me. LOL. As for the beta leak. I can't say I am really bothered. Its a multiplayer game and to play it u need a valid CDkey. So I am proberly going to buy it anyway just like all the other games I think are worth the money. I just bought Project gotham 2 and resident evil for gamecube. That will keep me going for a bit :p Ow I also have 50hours of final fantasy X left as well :-/
The maps were made using satellite imagery... so, yes, they are huge.
not on IRC or BT yet...

any official place where it says soldner was leaked?
Pendragon said:
I can't help but laugh at the patheticness of this--what high profile game hasn't been stolen yet? It's like every game developer has decided that to be recognized they need to be robbed.

/me chuckles.

It's still too bad, but it really is getting pretty sad.
Yes, it's happening far too often to be considered "accidental".....
redfaction also kinda got me, why don't u just dig your way to the end ? hehehe. I played that game for like 10minutes. Ttotally pissed my self laughing at the AI, then just started blowing holes in walls.
How big is 64 KM(hard to judge in games) compared to a map from BF1942?
Foxtrot said:
How big is 64 KM(hard to judge in games) compared to a map from BF1942?

fookin hell....BF1942 maps are tiny compared to 64KM (and i'm assuming that's 64 square kilometres). 64km is around 40 miles. that's about the distance from central london to brighton. that's a huge ****ing area to have in a game. you sure that's the correct figure?
Here is a quote from the Official Soldner web site's FAQ:
What is the size of the generated world map?
6500 x 3500 km (4062 x 2187 miles)
The largest bf1942 map (official, no expansions), is probably like 5-7km at the most.

So ya soldner maps are freakin flippin gargantuouso huge.
Wow I am so getting that game, I want to nuke some shi....
Jesus Christ, 6500 x 3500 is like an entire fricken country. Are you sure that's correct? Holy shit.
65KM is this Stalker you are talking about?

because Stalker is the largest Game ever created for PC. I meant next gen games.

No game can get larger than Stalker MAP AREA.
I bet you could find out what game we are talking about if you read the topic, or a few of the posts.
4062 x 2187 miles...

That's all the maps combined right? The "World" map. How big is each individual map then? Or how many maps are there for that matter?
They say that is the size of the map and the server decides whether or not to set boundaries around a certain area.
They also say USA, Russia, China, and Japan are in the game.

With a map that size parts of all four of those countries might be in one map... but I'm not sure if they mean it is all in one map or it totals that much area (but I didn't see any other size figures in there or mention of multiple maps).
This blows! Another game to look forward too...why can't there be good games out now?
the concept sounds cool, at least impressive.
but the graphics are pretty darn bad (IMO), then again with that much going on... they pretty much have to be.
Graphics aren't everything, you know. This game does look promising. I am just hoping there are enough vehicles. Can't walk that far, can you?
so many beta's getting Nicked ,, whats with that???,, its becoming trend like, Its making me believe that these games company's would rather plan and disguise there demo as a Beta leak, if thats the case its a new twist to games marketing ploy's
clarky003 said:
so many beta's getting Nicked ,, whats with that???,, its becoming trend like, Its making me believe that these games company's would rather plan and disguise there demo as a Beta leak, if thats the case its a new twist to games marketing ploy's

Judging by the very low quality of the big betas (the old Doom 3 one, HL2, stalker), I'd say it isn't a ploy being carried out by the companies. Game companies really aren't the type to show off the crappy, WIP stuff. They like things polished, and presented in a manner they control.
G0rgon, WRONG, STALKER has 1. LOADING TIMES FOR THE MAPS when you walk over from one part to another, which makes me sad, they'll be about 1-2 minutes each, according to dev interviews.

Also, there's an MMORPG that has a full-scale copy of the Earth in the works, Universal Century.Net, it has been in dev for 4 years and is just reaching the release date in JP; it was a bit hyped up at E3 2k1.
Mr.Redundant, yeah, GameSpot even had their best comps lagged when playing the game, until they shut down the shadows.
if the maps are soooo damn big.. where the action. wont u just be walkin around lfor ages lookin for the other team to nuke?
Dedicated Server support up to 32 players, up to 128 players on special servers of game providers


Are there any videos of this game, I can't find any.
Söldner Closed Beta Start - 2004-01-27

Wings Simulations is proud to announce that the second phase of the closed beta of Söldner - Secret Wars has been launched.

As of now more then 500 invited Beta participants from all worldwide known E-Sport Leagues like Electronic Sports League and/or Top-Clans like Mousesports, High Fidelity, A-Losers, K-Clan, Hell's Elite Legion are testing the game and sending in feedback. This is an essential part for our gameplay finetuning and is being held in cooperation with HomeLan.

However, exceptional testers will still have a chance to get picked.

Marc 'Plex' Olbertz
Community Manager

Am I missing something!?!??

Doesn't seem like anything is stolen for me, they're only planning to up the gametesting ?

Or what ?
-=[Diablo]=- said:
if the maps are soooo damn big.. where the action. wont u just be walkin around lfor ages lookin for the other team to nuke?
The very next question in the FAQ:
How do you prevent not getting lost in the huge map?
You play a modern game with radar and waypoints, so you always know where the mission area is. We do however support server side settings to restrict the game area if you like. You can put hard borders around the map or a soft border, or no border at all.
This game is gonna rock.

The customization features of this game are really cool, you can create your own camouflage for your character, and yes, that isn't just client side but also serverside so everyone will see it.

You can also make your own logos, for clans and stuff and paste in on tanks.
Whoever said i download that??? I never played the game! Dont lie