some concerns with hl2


May 17, 2004
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no this isnt a flame or anything , but is it just me. or does some of the sceneary in halflife 2, look like you could take a boxcutter and just cut a whole in stuff like cardboard? as seen here.
look at hte boat, and the chimney type thing coming up. doesnt that look a little flat to anyone else? Sorry if this has been posted before ,I dont lurk the general forum much.
To be honest, yes it does. But that might be because of the picture, not the game. We wont really know until we play it.
I've learned by now that screenshots do not serve as reliable representations of a finished game :p When I first saw the spiders from Doom 3 in a screenie I was like 'wtf?' and now I'm like "aaaaaaaaaaiiiieeeeee!"
It looks perfectly fine to me, you've just been spoiled by Doom 3.
i think its just actually curved, something that could not be done in HL1.
I havent been spoiled by anything, it just looks pretty much crap to me.
The HDR lighting will change that. Hopefully they might have it in the finished product... If you look at the bink tegh test things look pretty damn nice.

Not flaming, but go to a real warehouse/storage and you will pretty much see what you see there. Millions of hard edges and very few curved surfaces since all they do is take up space.
I'm not talking about the warehouses. im talking about hte boat. It looks like a cardboard cutout.
It's not a nit pick when it stands out that much. a nit pick is the grass textures are to washed out.
Remember, in a screenshot you see from one angle, but in the game you're going to be constantly moving. When you can walk all around that funnel and see thats it's curved you won't be complaining.
Does seem like there's something funky going on there... can't put my finger on it, though...
eyesore said:
no this isnt a flame or anything , but is it just me. or does some of the sceneary in halflife 2, look like you could take a boxcutter and just cut a whole in stuff like cardboard?

Screenshots don't have a Z-buffer.
I can guarentee you ** TAKE THE HINT ** that that boat will look great in the actual game. That is just a poor screen shot.
Don't they have a boat in the beginning of one of the movies and I remember it to look quite good.
Let me recap the thread;
Since when does ships have *thick* plates? They're not concrete walls... :rolleyes:
Hey look everyone, Dead-Inside is trying to get attention by replying with a useless troll post. GJ.

Also, just look at it. im pretty sure ships are thicker than paper. which that one is not.
Why can't people just wait until the farking game is released before talking about the graphics?

It's going to look better than that. Heck, AF isn't even turned on in that shot.
My flamewar sensor is going crazy! Everyone.... run while you can!
SubKamran said:
Why can't people just wait until the farking game is released before talking about the graphics?

It's going to look better than that. Heck, AF isn't even turned on in that shot.

I don't know if it's just me, but even with Doom 3 I forgot about the graphics once I got tired of the gameplay. For the first two hours I was staring at everything, but after that it became kinda boring (except Hell). As long as HL2 pulls of the graphics we've seen in the videos (naturally sharper since it's on our computer screen), I'll be fine.
lazicsavo said:
I don't know if it's just me, but even with Doom 3 I forgot about the graphics once I got tired of the gameplay. For the first two hours I was staring at everything, but after that it became kinda boring (except Hell). As long as HL2 pulls of the graphics we've seen in the videos (naturally sharper since it's on our computer screen), I'll be fine.

Same here man.
Screenshots always look worse than video and moving footage b/c your capturing one frame in a sequence of many..
The boat isn't even in water so it's in an awkward position. Anymore screenshots to complain about? Because nothing looks wrong to me...
Wow, gee, indeed, lets jam 20,000 polygons into a useless prop, that will make the game at least 10% better.
Fender357 said:
That isn't the original picture!

Someone expanded the sky in that picture and it makes it look pretty crappy.

This is the original. And I see nothing wrong with the smoke stack or anything else.

EDITED QUOTE to reduce annoying size 6 type...

I just pulled up both of those images and they look the exact same in the areas concerned (the boat) so I don't think that the extended sky of the 4:3 screen hinders what he's pointing out.

That said, I do think that it will look a lot different in a moving game. The screenshot does look a little flat, but a ship really isn't going to have any curved surfaces that would allow a shader to highlight the fact that it's not flat. It'll look fine in the final game, IMO.

EDIT: on a side note, both of those screens look pretty authentic. The part extending above the boat (antenna or something) continues pretty seemlessly in the 4:3 shot as does the sky. Either a pretty good photoshop job (which seems a bit pointless) or Valve released the shame shot in a 4:3 format to some other media outlets. My vote is on option two.
trantjd said:
EDIT: on a side note, both of those screens look pretty authentic. The part extending above the boat (antenna or something) continues pretty seemlessly in the 4:3 shot as does the sky. Either a pretty good photoshop job (which seems a bit pointless) or Valve released the shame shot in a 4:3 format to some other media outlets. My vote is on option two.

Some one on these forums photoshoped the picture. I remember the thread. I'm sure others do too.

And I know that the 2 pictures have nothing different with them smoke stack wise. My point is that with the extra sky, praportions can seem off. and too me they do.

AND....that picture, that Valve released, is still on the front page of the news here on In its original format.
Fender357 said:
Some one on these forums photoshoped the picture. I remember the thread. I'm sure others do too.

And I know that the 2 pictures have nothing different with them smoke stack wise. My point is that with the extra sky, praportions can seem off. and too me they do.

AND....that picture, that Valve released, is still on the front page of the news here on In its original format.

Thanks for the info. I guess it would seem odd to have the crosshairs not centered in the 4:3 screen. Oh well. I can still see what the OP was saying about the boat appearing flat, but it's not really something to worry about...A boat with flat walls appears to have flat walls. It'll look fine in full 3D I'm sure.
Yeah wait for the game, it does look dodgy - who knows why, but this game is gonna kick ass and that's a fact.
That pic looks messed up, but well all have seem mux better pics and movies :cheese: No worries :bounce:
just listen to ME ... okay??? half life 2 rules ... and thats all there is to it ... that boat will look "teh ubar seksay!!" :farmer:
What the hell is that?

I'm definitely not buying Half-Life 2 now.

Who cares if it has the best gameplay/plot/graphics ever, that 2d screenshot doesn't look 3d.

And if 2d screenshots dont look 3d...the game sucks.
eyesore said:
no this isnt a flame or anything , but is it just me. or does some of the sceneary in halflife 2, look like you could take a boxcutter and just cut a whole in stuff like cardboard? as seen here.
look at hte boat, and the chimney type thing coming up. doesnt that look a little flat to anyone else? Sorry if this has been posted before ,I dont lurk the general forum much.

you are right they do look flat but this is because this image has been contracted into a square screenshot. The orginals are actually in a widescreen format and the chimney looks fine in it.
Holy crap, that guy criticised something about Half Life 2! What an asshole!!

It's definitely a fault of a bad screenshot. Screenshots don't help to present things clearly, just watch the bink videos is what I tell everyone who complains about screenshots.