Some jerk stole my name!!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Last week, I was sitting at work and one of my coworkers comes up and is like, "I played Halo 3 with you last night!"

Note that the newest console I own is a PS2...

Apparently the name was CyberPitz and they sucked balls. Wonderful, some nub is ruining my name. So, if any of you guys see that bastard on XBL, kick his ass plz.

*So far, a pub/club/thing named The Pitz in the UK, some flash game used my name as an enemy, and no this. WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!??*
We must exterminate the infidels.
My name is always taken in MMO games because of stupid Dragonlance, pisses me off
Heh I had someone try and steal my name over at RPS in a discussion thread. However their lack of a nifty avatar was their undoing ;)
at least he didnt steal your wallet
I never have that problem with my name, 'cuz it just looks like desktar. Both are equally retarded.
It was me. I signed up my little 8 year old cousin on a live account and gave him the name CyberPitz and told him to do his best.
People used to copy my names all the time - like in online games. I don't know why, but it pissed me off so much .. it .. wasn't normal.

so that's why I picked something really generic with my current name, so I won't give a shit.
I somehow always end up using 339 at the end of my name...
Mostly by choice, mind you, but you'd honestly be surprised.
Now what was that show with Arnold Schwarzenegger again?
The cloning one?
Total Recall?

I knew Arnold was behind this shit.
It was more along the lines of 8 Days or something.
My gaming name will never be copied. It's so obscure no one knows what it means, and it's so weird I doubt anyone would take it. It is "Asha Vahishta", On occasion I use "Angra Mainya" which sounds cooler to me now since it sounds like "Angry Mania."
I'm the only Jintor 'round these here internet parts.

/EDIT Except for the ones I don't know of.
My gaming name will never be copied. It's so obscure no one knows what it means, and it's so weird I doubt anyone would take it. It is "Asha Vahishta", On occasion I use "Angra Mainya" which sounds cooler to me now since it sounds like "Angry Mania."

Thanks for the names!
I will send him negative feedback so he is forced to change his name.

Oh so badass.
I've never known anyone to steal my name. Only Iron Maiden fans might nick mine, because that's where it originated from. Again, only Iron Maiden fans would understand my YouTube name so it's unlikely that anyone wold take that as well.
Millions of highlanders out there...

but there can ONLY be ONE!
Some uberfag stole my name on Youtube, so my Youtube name is Nicky02468 :|

I don't think I've ever had a problem with names.
There can never be more than one Enzorr, as the very world itself would implode, instantly killing and/or maiming every single organic being on this godforsaken rock.

So don't ****ing do it.
The other night while playing Civilization Revolutions on the 360 with my friend randomly some guy called Shamrock joined. I was like O_O. He wasnt on my friends list (private game) I hadnt seen him before or anything like that. And I didnt think it was the REAL Shamrock cause Shamrock's Live name is Derek...

EDIT: The Fake Shamrock nuked my capital :hmph: