Some new Ideas


Aug 7, 2004
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I just thought of some new ideas that would be cool HL2 mulitplayer if they have one or some of the mods.

1. One idea i thought of is about using voice system in game, instead of hearing one person talk and hearing them on the whole server, why not just have there voice only come from there characters mouth and only the people around you can here you? that would be like real life and would be good for using quick tactics, and if you wanted to talk to your whole teamates mabey you could use a radio option to radio your teammates too?

2. I don't know if they are going to do this or not but i thought about realistic injuries that could hinder you, like getting shot in the leg and your guy could scream in pain for a while or he could still limp depending how bad he was hit, but if you got shot in the chest or side and are still alive your guy could scream in pain and not be able to move until a medic treats you or you die, that could be a realism option for some people mabey who are hardcore players.

3. I don't know if anyone already thought of this idea or not or if they already are gonna do this but i thought about realistic effects on your character from big weapons like artililerry and etc.
for example if you are in a building and a shell hits in another room you are not in perhaps the shockwave could knock your character down for a while making him able not to move for like 20 seconds or whatever.and i also thought about realistic gun placements,Will they have only set places that you could set up support weapons or could you place them in any realistic location that you could in real life?
(HL2 isn't focusing on realism) :))) oh, and none of these ideas are new kthx!
getting knocked down for 20 seconds isnt my idea of fun heh
Good ideas but seem like they would take the fun out of the game a bit. There is a way to add realism and still have fun but iz hard to explain...meh
Idonotbelonghere said:
Good ideas but seem like they would take the fun out of the game a bit. There is a way to add realism and still have fun but iz hard to explain...meh

explain please, i would like to hear other peoples ideas on this.
I think these ideas would be interesting in a realism based mod or a war mod. DoD 2 or Frontline Force 2 perhaps? For Half-Life 2 multiplayer, however, I hope for a feel more akin to the deathmatch from the original game.
gokumike said:
yeah tf2 or dod 2 would be awsome for these ideas

Definitely DoD 2, since it already has a rather realistic bent. But even with TF2, I'd hope for a more arcadey feel. Not something that duplicates the feel of TFC, but perhaps builds on it and takes it in a brand new direction.
ok. new idea for a realism mod called 'eat, shit and kill'

there are no weapons, but tables of food. what you must do is eat the food, wait for it to digest, and when the crap comes out, you can use that as a weapon.
One idea i thought of is about using voice system in game, instead of hearing one person talk and hearing them on the whole server, why not just have there voice only come from there characters mouth and only the people around you can here you? that would be like real life and would be good for using quick tactics, and if you wanted to talk to your whole teamates mabey you could use a radio option to radio your teammates too?

Good idea but it is already being implemented into Halo 2. I agree it would be a good for TF2 or DOD2...
1. One idea i thought of is about using voice system in game, instead of hearing one person talk and hearing them on the whole server, why not just have there voice only come from there characters mouth and only the people around you can here you? that would be like real life and would be good for using quick tactics, and if you wanted to talk to your whole teamates mabey you could use a radio option to radio your teammates too?

That would be cool.
Battlefield alows you to chat not over the radio. But if you are talking voice over IP its was sort of done like that when first added to CS but only if you where on the other team.
I think americas army has your second point covered and call of duty yor third.
Any back to HL2 I think it has some sort of concussion effect. When he get hit by the striders ray gun thing in the bink his screen sort of freezes in one spot and the jerks suddenly round when he recovers. Lets hope anyway I like stuff like that.
Kubrickian said:
Good idea but it is already being implemented into Halo 2. I agree it would be a good for TF2 or DOD2...

it was already an original idea for TF2 back in 99