Some of my music for ya'll to check out

lol, thanks for the support Fenric! Anyone else have any comments or crits? I would love to hear them!
I wasn't going to post until I had listened to them all, but I just had to say that they're really good and I will post a more detailed review later, just so you know that some-one is actually listening to them.
Hazza said:
I wasn't going to post until I had listened to them all, but I just had to say that they're really good and I will post a more detailed review later, just so you know that some-one is actually listening to them.
I always laugh a little when I see replies like these, 9 out of 10 people don't return :dozey:

Anyway, you know my opinion already. Post this in "General off-topic chat" since the most traffic is over there and you'll get more response, this forumpart is a bit of a ghostown.
=)PoLo(= said:
I always laugh a little when I see replies like these, 9 out of 10 people don't return :dozey:

Whoops, sorry about that, I was going to post as soon as I had finished listening but then I forgot. Anyway, I am posting now.
I like all of the songs, particularly Arythmic and Interstellar Convergance, I hope to hear more from you as you can only get better with experience. I really like the atmosphere of Arythmic.
How did you make them? Did you use pre-made samples or make them yourself? If you used samples, where did you get them from? I think I've pretty much exhausted the basic Magix samples.
So anyway, I hope you appreciate being praised by the person who created the headcrab song (quick plug there). It was only the thread in off-topic which reminded me about posting here.
Keep up the good work.
I liked them :) they were pretty good, even thou i don't normall like that kind of music.
Thanks for the comments. I use FL Studio 4 Producer Edition, and most of the samples i use are from free sample cd's that come with computer music magazine, and future music mag. However i try and use as few loop samples as possible, and prefer to use the single shot samples to make my own beats (all of the melodies are soft synths).