Some things I'd like for you guys to know....


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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The Republic of Korea is a democratic republic. There is universal suffrage and everything. Nobofy is being oppressed. Of course, the NSL and the ACL prohibits communist ideologies, and therefore there are some limits to political freedom. However, the majority prefers it that way. Just a hundred and fifty kilometers from where I live is a psycho bent on communist reunification of the peninsula. The SOB has 3,400 artillery pieces aimed at populated areas. If we didn't have these laws, the spies working in South Korea would have a much easier time in infecting others with their viral philosophy, turning them into puppets of Kim Jong Il. It's prevention. We can't afford to assume that everyone will read Marx's lulling words and not become infected and go pro-north. We're a democracy, no doubt. But, in order to protect ourselves and freedom, we have enacted these laws, that might seem undemocratic.

Also, there is no brainwashing by our standards anyway. Yes, there is the viewing of the Lee Seung Bok video, and we thought him a hero, in face of hellish terror and death he stood defiant against the communist monsters, never giving up the freedom that we all held dear. Or so we thought. Now, as I see it, its a matter of ethics and moral values. In our society, its immoral to be a communist. Our social values are aginst communism. This difference of 'culture' is why you guys say brainwashed.

And, am I brainwashed? Well, there is no way to tell. I know what communism is, I read the communist menifesto when I was in America. I know that the censorship and public service messages that are on the highways could be concieved as propaganda. Why else would I have made threads on "South Korean Propagnda"? However, society and the fatherland demanded it of me to accept the values that we hold dear. I made myself believe. I hate communism. Because I belive in freedom, not communism.

On the subject of my hatred for communists, I cannot but think back of the victims of communism. The sailors of the warship O-317, everyone of them held their ground against attacking NK warships in the year 2002. The kept firing as their buddies were being cut to shreds, fired until their own bodies were no more. The villagers of Pun GU in '79, the guys of Guard Post GP-37 at '95, the police that were shot with poison bullets in 2003, they all died at the hands of the communist horde, because they refused to harbor their barbaric and insane ideology. GG wolf monsters.

To summarize, Korean Social Values prohibits communism.

-Long Live Free Korea!

btw, <3 you guys, this site has the best community ever on the interent. :D
you could do with stepping out of your frame of reference and trying to get some perspective on things for a little bit
I'm sorry, could you guys say that again differently?
I don't think you're brainwashed Numbers.

A tad ignorant in some cases (and with reason to be so), but not brainwashed.

<3 :D

Come to think of it, the National Security Service should be hunting me down for reading the menifesto. :O D: D: D:
It was once considered immoral and wrong to be a communist in the united states, and we were fed constant propaganda. There were communist witch hunts, people were thrown out of their careers and blacklisted.

But once the soviets lost power, all of that changed. Suddenly, there was no reason to fear the other superpower, so communism does not have such a bad rap anymore. We no longer fear communism, but totalitarianism.

So, with that in mind, if north korea and china suddenly lost power, you wouldn't hate communism at all, because a communist country wouldn't be threatening you. I garuntee you that if North Korea was any form of government (fascist, another democratic republic, a theocracy, etc.) you would hate that form of government too.

Why? Because of the threat. Your politicians fear a loss of power, so they brainwash you. That's what it all comes down to. They dehumanize communists, they dehumanize north korea so that your hatred and fear of communism will overcome your critisizms of the government and your desire for freedom and prosperity.

Communists are the scape goat in your country, a distraction to keep you in line, to keep you fighting, and to keep the money rolling into your government's pockets.
I'm sorry, could you guys say that again differently?


also, theotherguy has a point. your government demonizes communism because it's the best way for the people of your country to hate North Korea, which is important because it's such a threat.
<3 :D

Come to think of it, the National Security Service should be hunting me down for reading the menifesto. :O D: D: D:

Numbers, you should channel your anger to the North Koreans, and not communism in general.

Granted, communism is one of the reasons they're so shitcaked, but not the ONLY reason.

Nvm, I read that wrongly and got confused.

It was once considered immoral and wrong to be a communist in the united states, and we were fed constant propaganda. There were communist witch hunts, people were thrown out of their careers and blacklisted.

Good times :p

But once the soviets lost power, all of that changed. Suddenly, there was no reason to fear the other superpower, so communism does not have such a bad rap anymore. We no longer fear communism, but totalitarianism.

In our dictionary, if you look up communism, its synonym is collectivism, in which its also totalitarianism.

So, with that in mind, if north korea and china suddenly lost power, you wouldn't hate communism at all, because a communist country wouldn't be threatening you. I garuntee you that if North Korea was any form of government (fascist, another democratic republic, a theocracy, etc.) you would hate that form of government too.

Yes. I see your point.

Why? Because of the threat. Your politicians fear a loss of power, so they brainwash you. That's what it all comes down to. They dehumanize communists, they dehumanize north korea so that your hatred and fear of communism will overcome your critisizms of the government and your desire for freedom and prosperity.

Actually, its our desire for freedom and prosperity that we hate communists.

Communists are the scape goat in your country, a distraction to keep you in line, to keep you fighting, and to keep the money rolling into your government's pockets.

Well, that would be plausible if the North Koreans weren;t attacking us every few years

reply in quote.
It was once considered immoral and wrong to be a communist in the united states, and we were fed constant propaganda. There were communist witch hunts, people were thrown out of their careers and blacklisted.

But once the soviets lost power, all of that changed. Suddenly, there was no reason to fear the other superpower, so communism does not have such a bad rap anymore. We no longer fear communism, but totalitarianism.

So, with that in mind, if north korea and china suddenly lost power, you wouldn't hate communism at all, because a communist country wouldn't be threatening you. I garuntee you that if North Korea was any form of government (fascist, another democratic republic, a theocracy, etc.) you would hate that form of government too.

Why? Because of the threat. Your politicians fear a loss of power, so they brainwash you. That's what it all comes down to. They dehumanize communists, they dehumanize north korea so that your hatred and fear of communism will overcome your critisizms of the government and your desire for freedom and prosperity.

Communists are the scape goat in your country, a distraction to keep you in line, to keep you fighting, and to keep the money rolling into your government's pockets.

Wow, where do I begin. :p

First. America and its leaders still despise communism and it's one of the reasons why we don't deal with the Cubans and North Koreans. There have been many communist leaders ousted out of power by US driven forces. The only reason why China doesn't get thrown in with the rest of the communist countries is that they're working on changing, but most importantly, offer America major economic benefits that a country like Cuba can't offer. China has probably some of the worst human rights laws (or lack of them) in the entire world, but that gets overlooked.

The threat of North Korea is a real one and it's not one that would go away if South Korea happened to lose all their wealth. North Korea doesn't make it a secret that they want South Korean land and to unify the two countries into one, communist run country.

You've never heard the stories of artists, writers and directors being kidnapped from South Korea and brought into North Korea? It would happen all the time and I'm sure it still does.
and it's one of the reasons why we don't deal with the Cubans and North Koreans.
Or they kind of hate us?

China doesn't get thrown in with the rest of the communist countries is that they're working on changing,
They just make a shitload of goods, if it wasn't for there bloody market... we wouldn't give a shit about them.
Or they kind of hate us?

They just make a shitload of goods, if it wasn't for there bloody market... we wouldn't give a shit about them.

Well Cuba hates us because we placed trade embargos on 'em.

Yes, China makes a lot of goods for cheap and that's why we overlook their issues, but what kind of picture does that paint?
Well Cuba hates us because we placed trade embargos on 'em.

Yes, China makes a lot of goods for cheap and that's why we overlook their issues, but what kind of picture does that paint?

Would you RLY expect more from the USA?
Would you RLY expect more from the USA?

No, I don't, but I don't really blame them. It's not like the United States is alone on this one. There's no real point for them to start demanding change in China since they'll be losing more than they gain. It's called money and it rules the world!
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Ben Franklin
Communism isn't really essential, and it's dangerous.

Just like poison.
No it’s the freedom to read anything you want that is essential and, yes, it is also dangerous.

Essential? It won't kill you not to read books on communism. :/

Communism isn't inheirently dangerous, it's the men that manipulate it.

And communism was made for man.
Well Cuba hates us because we placed trade embargos on 'em.
And you had no bloody right to. You've made life shit for the Cuban people.
Ah, American imperialism and anti-freedom(ism?:p) at it's best..

Communism isn't really essential, and it's dangerous.
Believe me, it is essential. Communism is the only way to true freedom. Sonner or later, the world while come to a point where people realise that the capitalist system is just as bad as the feodal one, and then the revolution will come.
Believe me, it is essential. Communism is the only way to true freedom. Sonner or later, the world while come to a point where people realise that the capitalist system is just as bad as the feodal one, and then the revolution will come.

Gah. Horrible. :/ :O :p

This sentence is enough to get arrested, btw.
Finally you guys stop attacking him and start <3 him.

In an ironic twist, I was actually planning to post a similar thread. The amount of hate levelled at South Korea and Numbers by certain members is kinda sickening.

-Angry Lawyer
And you had no bloody right to. You've made life shit for the Cuban people.
Ah, American imperialism and anti-freedom(ism?:p) at it's best..

Believe me, it is essential. Communism is the only way to true freedom. Sonner or later, the world while come to a point where people realise that the capitalist system is just as bad as the feodal one, and then the revolution will come.

alot of the world already tried communism, and it failed. Why try it again?
But once the soviets lost power, all of that changed. Suddenly, there was no reason to fear the other superpower, so communism does not have such a bad rap anymore. We no longer fear communism, but totalitarianism.

Not really true, I guess. From where I am it more looks like those who fed you fear of communism, once it fell, simply made Jihadists the new booooo-men. (not that I'm pro-Jihadist, no sir). And inside the US the very same ppl that, 15 years ago, would have been called "commies" or "leftists" today are called "liberals". Anyways - the way you 'mericans twisted the meaning of THAT word (liberal) over the last few years is allmost orwellian.
I <3 numbers too. He is the only one who hates communism as much as I do.
Again, I don't think all people are completely understanding what communism is. It's not inherently evil. It simply projects a change in the order of things. Towards equality. Which a supposed "democracy" strives for.

Again though, this implies that humans were really meant to be equal. Which they weren't. Nature has always favored hierarchies. We see this in the food chain, and the continual progression towards "better" organisms.

When a supposed communist dictator takes control of a country and tries to "force" communism, that's not communism at all. Communism is supposed to be something that will just happen. Instead, that dictator, once in power, tries to stay in power. He uses the banner of communism to keep the people in line and consolidate his own power. Thus it turns into totalitarianism - the rule of a single mighty government over the weak. In other words, the antithesis of communism.

Now, your problem, Numbers, is that your view of communism is too intertwined with this totalitarianism. When you start saying stuff like, "I hate communism because I value prosperity," that just shows how little you know about what it actually says.

Note, however, that I am equally brainwashed for hating totalitarianism. Everyone's brainwashed to an extent. But it helps to take a step back and look at yourself to understand what's really happening in your mind. This helps you be more open-minded and rational, which helps greatly in almost all aspects of life.
The amount of hate levelled at South Korea and Numbers by certain members is kinda sickening.

Well, I'm sorry if I can't bring myself to join in with the numbers lovefest, but as far as I can see when it comes to politics, he's a brainwashed simpleton. The fact that he's a prominent, popular member of the forums doesn't change that one bit.