Some things I'd like for you guys to know....

Communism will never work unless something sends our civilization back to simpler times and we degenerate into tribes/villages. Communism could work in those settings.
Communism will never work unless something sends our civilization back to simpler times and we degenerate into tribes/villages. Communism could work in those settings.

Any form of government would work as long as people were good.

And I <3 Numbers too.
Essential? It won't kill you not to read books on communism. :/.
No, it’s essential to a properly functioning society. Look at your brainwashed neighbors to the north. It’s no coincidence that they have no freedom of thought. If they could read anything they wanted the majority of them would figure out that they’re actually part of the world’s largest cult.
So when are you guys gonna go in there and shut the commies down?

Seems like S.K. is just going to bitch about communism forever but not do anything about it other than pretend it isn't there.
I don't really think SK is ready to take on NK by themselves :|.

I remember numbers saying something about their tae kwon do champion defeating the Japanese karate champion a few decades back.

I say they hold a King of the Iron Fist tournament to decide which Korea shall reign supreme.
Yeah, we have the 4th greatest Army (in terms of manpower and battle efficiency and training all combined) in the world, but they've got 6 times more troops than us. Our tanks are highly effective against heavy armor, like the American M1A2, but not that effective against NK APCs.


Our standart anti-armor rounds go right through the APC. Like a BB pellet going through a sheet of aluminum foil. It doesn't do as much damage.

But still, we've made some scuds, some cruise missiles, and the world's greatest tank (the efficiency and battle strength of the K1A2 matches that of the Leopard tank, and is the best in our terrain.). If the US helps, we could beat them in, what, a year?

I remember numbers saying something about their tae kwon do champion defeating the Japanese karate champion a few decades back.

I say they hold a King of the Iron Fist tournament to decide which Korea shall reign supreme.

Did you see that Kim Jong Il bodyguard video? effing scary.
I didn't see any video, and until I do I'll say I can take his body guard, any day, any time.
But still, we've made some scuds, some cruise missiles, and the world's greatest tank (the efficiency and battle strength of the K1A2 matches that of the Leopard tank, and is the best in our terrain.). If the US helps, we could beat them in, what, a year?

6 times as many troops might pose a problem, no matter how much military superiority you have. What is the terrain like there? If its open it would be an easy shot. But jungle and mountains is another story. Crossing the 38th parallel probably wouldn't be very easy either (which is why they would have better luck attacking from the sea or from russia.)

on second thought, why the hell am I thinking about this? Take North Korea down with McDonalds. Capitalize those mother*******
That was pretty awesome.

I'd like to see some fighting techniques, though.
6 times as many troops might pose a problem, no matter how much military superiority you have. What is the terrain like there? If its open it would be an easy shot. But jungle and mountains is another story. Crossing the 38th parallel probably wouldn't be very easy either (which is why they would have better luck attacking from the sea or from russia.)

on second thought, why the hell am I thinking about this? Take North Korea down with McDonalds. Capitalize those mother*******

Terrain is mostly mountaineous + forests with super-wide highways that we built. We have tank barriers that can be collapsed to stop NK armor though. And barbed electric wire along the beaches. But the 38th parrelel is astoundingly easy to cross as shown in the Korean War (NK troops reached our capital in just 3 days, and pushed all the way, occupying 80% of the entire peninsula), and our frontline Guard Post soldiers have 5 ~ 8 minutes estimated average survival time in case of war, because Kim Jong Il has a shitload of long-range artillery.


I don't hate you but you annoy me sometimes <3
*Flings shovel into chest*
*shovel bounces off as if made of rubber*

Haha, that was hardcore. Of all the things shown, that impressed me the most. The getting hit by a shovel part, not necessarily throwing it.