some things on my mind

Of all the things I'd ever expect to see on a LiveJournal, of all the things I'd expect to see on a gay person's LiveJournal, a picture of Heero and Duo with the caption, "thats it scream get naked for me," was one that I didn't expect. I have to say, I laughed.

Reading through this, I get why I like it so much. The writing style's unplanned, unmeditated. He's not writing with a set path, he's just putting down what pops into his head, what's on the top of it. He's got a topic and whatever thoughts and feelings spring to mind, he puts down, but it's cohesive; it flows nice. The way side information is interspersed, like when he brings up new people or places, somehow the flow doesn't break.

Plus the stuff's interesting.
Darkside is a scholar.

Also, I am so glad willeh and TC are back in full force, double teaming threads at random.

I think this thread should now be used to post other weird ass livejournal blogs.
After reading 6 pages I simply cannot believe that this thread is still open.
can people get banned for copy pasta, but not saying its a copy pasta thread?
Wow. What the hell is this.. this thread scares the living sh*t out of me.

I need a hug.
Yes! I passed my pick pocketing test! Now who the hell said my agility score was bad?

..I mean, I don't know.