Some tips for getting better in HL2DM and TDM


Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I´ve played this game for some days now and I am going to write a few easy tips.

Just so you know this is based on my experience you may disagree.

Here we go:

First of all try to have a pretty high mouse acceleration so that you can turn around quickly, this can really help you when you are charging up at stations and your back is vurnurable.

Always know where you are going and why, It will help you alot to keep your deaths down. Even if your health is like 89 get it up as soon as possible.

If you have low health in a fire fight, do not turn your back at the opponent and go for health. Instead you should try to keep him at bay and strafe your way out of there.

Also when you know you are beeing chased you should as quickly as posssible get QUICK HEALTH.

Really learn to handle the magnum, as it is now this gun is the one to have. Get to know the map so you know where the gun spawn and where you can get ammo for it. You should run around to theese places at all time so you always have ammo for it.

Do not run when its not necessery, try to save stamina for places you need it. Like open space where there is bound to be someone and you need health.

You can also try and do a little camping at those super health and armor stations, they are a life saver.

The gravitygun is a little tricky to give tips on, I would say close quarter or when you need a shield. Its also a great way to clear hallways when you have something big to throw. This works even better if the enemy havent noticed you so you can get up close.

Grenades seem to me not worth it. Although if you are playing Team Deathmatch and you have protection you can swith to it. I have killed a lot of ppl who switches to grenades just to die the second after.

When playing TDM you should try to fortify a place wich can easily be sealed tight with litter and got some good weapon spawning there. Like in DM_overwatch, i like to keep the top of the building pretty clean. You get free kills from spawning enemies and you can shoot rockets down at the road.

Well this is a little of my tips, i really think this is a tactical game when playing with the right amount of people. Too many just turns it in to a frag feast.

Im sorry if there is spelling errors because English is not my main language. Have fun!
thanks for the heads up! I REALLY suck at DM and this sounds very helpful for DM n00bs such as myself..
PooSlice said:
Im sorry if there is spelling errors because English is not my main language. Have fun!

Your English is good :)

Thanks for the tips, I get anahilated within 1 second of spawning usualy :frown:
hey i've got a tip too, try not to die. oh ya, and kill ppl.
High mouse acceleration is bad when you recommend the 357.

Low all the way baby.

My tips: Don't go for the magnum, everyone does

Learn to strafejump with sprint, it's a fast way of dodging :|

Learn to love/use the Pulse rifle's secondary fire. It's good for taking out campers and people charging up armo/health

Crouching is pointless. As is walking.

Rest is common sense :E
It's one of the two HL2: DM game modes. Sort the serverlist by gametype, and you can find Team DM games right there.

Do it! Do it, I say! It's fun!
PooSlice said:
You get free kills from spawning enemies

I don't mean to sound nasty but this really gets on my nerves. It's incredibly unfair when you spawn and there is someone waiting there to kill you and there is nothing you can do. Please don't do this.
be wary of the bowling ball of doom (read Combine Rifles ALT fire) as all it takes is someone with a grav gun to grab it as it flys towards em and shoot it back at you and your stuffed.

Its incredibly satisfying to do this tho, :D
about what should the mouse sensitivity be? 10? 14?
i know that i should expiriment with it but about what do you guys set it at?
My mouse sensetivity is at 5.0 and its perfect for me.
And to the guy above me, 1.8 ??? lmfao, are you out of your mind, that is slow as ****.
mouse sensitivity is not easy to compare as it is dependent on so many other factors that vary from person to person. windows settings, mousepad etc to name a few. my clanmates have sens varying from 1.5 to 20 and all of them swear to their fav sens. me personally prefers
sens 5
windows mouse settings at medium
acceleration OFF (its generally a good idea to turn it off for online FPS)

and with regards to the best sens for you, the guideline is that whatever sens you choose, you should be able to execute a 180 (turn around and look behind) with one flick of the mouse.
If any of you play HLDM, you will know you need a low sensitivity to get better. Your aim will suck if its high. Depending on what your mouse and windows sens is, try somewhere between 1-4. And for the CS players, make sure you get a nice-sized mouse pad as well as not camp 24/7, it helps!
Nice guide! I've mad my own:
whore the magnum
whore the magnum
whore the magnum
whore the magnum
well here my tips bitch slap the guy with the magnum cause its easy to avoid with alittle smart strafing, and secondary fire of the shotgun to someones head gets you a kill ;)
anyone else loving the crossbow? i cant get enough of it! granted, kills are more difficult to get but each one is much more satisfying especially when you have to compensate for a running target and still manage to nail him to the wall FUN!
Yes the crossbow is really great on low ping servers when you can compensate for the slow arrows. At close quarter the gun can really shine but again you really have to figure out how to compensate.

I always play with high mouse speed (4.5 but it really differs from mouse to mouse, windows to windows) and im having no trouble at all aiming with the magnum. I am sure that some here like slow mouse acceleration more and are better at it but i have always been playing with high mousespeed so i am used to it.

Yeah the ball of death is really good but not in TDM, you will probably end up killing more of your own then the enemies :).

The magnum is the strongest weapon as it is now, therefore use it.
i've just realised that half life 2 dm is about 4000 times more frantic than any other deathmatch i've ever amazing am i? some would say beautiful