Someone plz help

because hammer's too busy with your map to respond to anything else. portalflow is the long part of compiling :p
but that doesnt help me. its not responding as in it crashes. why is this happening. saying hammer is too busy with my map doesnt help me much.
as long as i want. it crashes so if i want i can wait an hour if i feel like it, but i doubt ill do that
So it doesn't show 1...2...3...4... up to 10 in the compile window?
How big is your map? And how are you trying to compile it? If anything turn VVIS off, if your just wanting to be able to run through your map ok without it being fully compiled. If I compile with VVIS off...20 minutes....VVIS on and everything ready for a full and a half.

Get ready to sit your ass down and not use your computer for a couple of hours when you want to get serous about mapping.
its a very small map, and it will start compile as normal 1...2..3.. not responding..... ???
Although Task Manager says not responding, hammer is working. Leave it compiling overnight and then it'll be done by morning. vvis.exe is the meaty bit of the compile process and also the most vital if you want your map to run smoothly.
Seiously....try compileing your map with VVIS off. You probably have some major problems with it that you're going to have to look at the compile log to see the dammage. And what Mess and everyone else is saying is right. Your computer says Hammer isn't responding...but thats only because hammer is trying to tackle compiling your map. If you let it sit long enough it would work its way through.
with a full compile of one of my biggest maps, its only 35 minutes? you have to wait a day and a half.. wow.
thanks the turn vvis off saved me like 15 minutes, now my map compiled in like less then 5 minutes. Except what is vvis exactly???
Its the part that determines what will be visible and what wont be when the player is standing anywhere in the map.