Something big is going to happen...

Whats with the increase of bandwidth?

  • HL2 Release!

    Votes: 18 7.1%
  • HL2 Gone Gold!

    Votes: 50 19.8%
  • HL2 Preload Update

    Votes: 102 40.3%
  • Major CS:S Update

    Votes: 23 9.1%
  • No clue what it means....

    Votes: 60 23.7%

  • Total voters
The bandwith chart was clear up tp 20000 this morning when these kinds of posts got started. Its dropped and appears to be fluctuating quite a bit of late.
blahblahblah said:
I wish I had a 15000 mbps intarw3b connection. ;(
I wish I had a computer to install 100 Unreal Tournament 2004 sized games and run Half-Life 2 with 1600x1200, 32-bit colour and all the detail textures to high and everything in the advanced options to the highest setting and turn on AF, AA, FSAA and etc... to the max and get 999 framerates per second.
Where's the option for "It means nothing, stop deluding yourselves over and over and over"?
Tredoslop said:
I wish I had a computer to install 100 Unreal Tournament 2004 sized games and run Half-Life 2 with 1600x1200, 32-bit colour and all the detail textures to high and everything in the advanced options to the highest setting and turn on AF, AA, FSAA and etc... to the max and get 999 framerates per second.

I have 10 of those computers. I'll send you one for free. ;)
I can feel a storm brewing at Vave and once the lighting strikes it better not be another CS:S update.

Hear me Valve, no mre CS:S updates.
ButtHoleMcGee said:
The bandwidth's probably for the long awaited update to Ricochet.

Ha, ha. Brilliant. That is just what I have been waiting for since 2003! What is HL2 again?
mirageacg said:
Hmmm, nice find Snowknight26

Quoted for emphasis.

I thought the increase in bandwidth was for some kind of testing, but perhaps not.

Maybe it was just something for the cybercafes.

Perhaps something big yet to come.....
Valve should get a public representative, so each time Gabe farts a news conference can be held (me attending of course and waving my hand enthusiatically) where we can ask what the fart ment.

PS: If anybody gets offended at this, I'll get offended ;)
Doug Lombardi: It is true, Gabe has farted. Do you have any questions

*journalists yell and shout to try and get their question heard*

Doug Lombardi : Yes you in the blue shirt.
Blue shirt guy: Does Gabe's fart mean HL2 is complete?
Doug Lombard: No, Gabe simply farted that's all there is to it.

*the journalists hastily take notes*

Guys, could we please stop drawing whacky conclusions from every little piece of crap thing that happens!! You're all hyping everyone up and the game is still a long way off. Calm down and lets talk about if you're going to by hl2 on steam or in store again!!! :x
i dont really care when HL2 is coming out.

Just get us modmakers the SDK! :p
Soundwave said:
Where's the option for "It means nothing, stop deluding yourselves over and over and over"?

exactly... lol this means nothing at all quit making assumptions about a random bandwidth jump

but assumptions are what keep us going... without them we will wither away and perish like so many stale nacho chips.
i read somewhere that this was the same they useed to had, but it dropped, and they just raised it back to normal.

nothing to see here folks.

ohhh =(

i predict the next thing to come up will just be another preload. HL2 is a ways off imo.
merc said:
exactly... lol this means nothing at all quit making assumptions about a random bandwidth jump


The avatar and bold large font username isnt enough to tell people who the post is from, so its a good thing you sign all of your posts.

- urseus

The increased bandwidth is probably because somone at valve ment to send HL2.exe to "Development Team", but accidently clicked "Send to: All steam users."

to answer the original question its going to be a HL2 pre-load... and my proof would be Erik Johnson's comments on the PHL forums.. something about "one of many pre-loads to come"

of course Valve has missed/been wrong about stuff in the past.. but what the hey.. its still a pretty reasonable/logical answer :p
UKchaos2 said:
Its certainly in preporation for HL2's release, but it doesnt mean thats gonna happen soon.
Exactly. After all, haven't they started pre-loading? So wouldn't it make sense to upgrade sooner rather than later?
If Steam doesn't handle the HL2 release then it'll be the biggest debacle in Valve's history.
I think they'll go for a silent midnite release, probably tomorrow nite. Steam is much bigger ($$$) than any single game. Setting a release date for hl 2 will certainly cause mayhem, on steam's maiden voyage.
I smell an ambush... It's too calm now, it's calm before the storm...
You're all wrong.

It's the VALVe Doom 3 ISO server, used to help spread D3 through the warez community and bring iD to its knees.

That or Gabe's porn colletion is online for browsing.
Oh come on. Its just because we will be downloading more stuff from hl2 preload just like they said, everyone should know that.....jeez
Let's be sensible: it's going to be phase 2 of the art resources pre-load.
urseus said:
The avatar and bold large font username isnt enough to tell people who the post is from, so its a good thing you sign all of your posts.

- urseus


-Geowa :E
It was 1st Sept when the bandwidth increased...

Bandwidth usage is usually charged per month, Valve wouldn't waste a month of that so they obviously expect something to happen sometime this month.
I've already planned for HL2 to be released or gone gold by the end of this month for sure. As far as the bandwidth increase, I'm sure a lot of people will be preloading/buying HL2 via Steam. That's obvious. I went ahead and made the decision that I would buy it off of Steam.
Yes, HL2 would make a great birthday present. So anytime before sept 29th would be cool with me.

Usually games come out on tusdays, so im hoping for the 28th.
They lowered the bandwidth down to 4000 and changed it back to 8000 after a while.