Sorry, depressing thread dont read if you dont know me.

CptStern said:
my condolences

my dad went through a very dangerous operation a few years back (brain aneurism) so I can relate

A brain aneurism killed my dad when I was 12.
I'm very sorry to hear this Ritz, I lost my mother to cancer when I was younger, I understand what its like. Focus on the positives, the good times you've shared, in time your wounds will heal... And you will soon realize that its true, he will be watching over you, and always be with you in your thoughts and in your heart.

We never truly lose our loved ones, we just have to listen a little bit harder. Again my thoughts are with you and yours. Stay strong.
Words on a UBB cannot really express my feelings for you and your family. Pull through it... :(
My grandma's hand is insanely swollen. Part of the skin is dropping off.
My grandma's still alive but my granddad died of liver cancer in 2002
sorry to hear Ritz, my condolences and prayers will be with your family
I am sorry to hear it, Ritz. I hope things turn out for the best.
Mein Beileid Ritz strength and energy I wish for you so you can pass thrue this
vey hard time
I have some friends that lost their dads I really dont know what I would do with out my dad I fear I lack the the energy to go thrue a time like that :(

Ritz I dont know what to say. It must be a horrible thing to go through. But you are strong, and you will pull though. The next few weeks will be the hardest. Copeing with the loss of a loved one is never easy. My thoughts are with you mate, just remeber in time, it will get easier.
i KNOW HOW YOU feel.My grandfather died of multiple cancers.Couldve survived but damn doctors didnt tell him about it till he had only 2 months left.Were all with u.
oh my god ritz im so sorry. i kind of know you so im qualified to feel bad :(
My condolences :(

Remember the good moments you had with your dad, I do with my grandmum.
Really sorry to hear for your dad, I know mine isn't doing so well either.
sorry too hear that ritz..

and why have you changed your name to Burn...? :(:(
Shens linked it and I didn't realize it was old :|

bad shens.
yes shens is bad, now deletage before ritz comes back I think