sorry i have to make my opinion on doom3 vs halflife2

  • Thread starter angelesofsacrame
  • Start date


omg doom 3 is so great omg look at the graphix omg! l337! take away the graphics and you have the same game you had 10 years ago! go run here kill! KILL! KILL! get a key card! Repeat rense and wash. and the graphics arnt impresive to me. because all they are nothing but advanced bumpmaping with lighting thats why the game is so dark. remember a lil game that used doom 3's little graphical layout strategy it was called chronicels of riddick i played it on the xbox and i was impressed so i played the whole way through. but now im kinda sick of the advanced bumpmaping. it looks cheap its easy to do and it doesnt look real at all it looks more like another version of cell shading. and it will be hung up on a coat rack just like cell shading was. and trust me it will not change the way of fps forever thats for sure maybe a few clones. and thats my word on doom 3 ......*looks at watch and waits for cs:s and hl2*
appology not accepted.

(riddick uses the doom3 engine)
Dr0ndeh said:
appology not accepted.

(riddick uses the doom3 engine)

i didn's say riddick uses the doom 3 engine it uses the same graphical layout and strategy! ((advanced bump mapping with shadeing and lighting)) my 5 year old nephew could do that stuff!
What are you on about, Doom 3 is not on Xbox yet.

You say you have a nephew? Man, you should have payed attention to your english class.
omg doom 3 is so great omg look at the graphix omg! l337! take away the graphics and you have the same game you had 10 years ago! go run here kill! KILL! KILL! get a key card! Repeat rense and wash. and the graphics arnt impresive to me. because all they are nothing but advanced bumpmaping with lighting thats why the game is so dark. remember a lil game that used doom 3's little graphical layout strategy it was called chronicels of riddick i played it on the xbox and i was impressed so i played the whole way through. but now im kinda sick of the advanced bumpmaping. it looks cheap its easy to do and it doesnt look real at all it looks more like another version of cell shading. and it will be hung up on a coat rack just like cell shading was. and trust me it will not change the way of fps forever thats for sure maybe a few clones. and thats my word on doom 3 ......*looks at watch and waits for cs:s and hl2*

Speak english.
The graphics are not impressive (as in, realistic...but the indoors look nice, sharp textures), I agree. But the sound...yes...the sound is 80% of the gameplay. The GFX are something you notice for the first 2 minutes and then you shrug it off.

I'm having fun though, I can't wait to play it more (I need to buy a Digital Coax cable). w00t, scary as hell, and the gfx work for that.

I was dissapointed that I couldn't knock stuff over with my fists :( There's a can on the floor and I can't hit it. I love the PDA thing though, it's leet.

Also, the characters look like poo, but I'll forgive them. Gameplay is great.

My mini review so far (after finishing first mission) is 8/10. Scary as shizit.
*sigh* ok im sorry, i had alot of clustered thoughts all in one big ball about doom 3. let me make it simple. doom 3 is cheap lame and stupid, if you wanna know why i think so. read my big ball up there at the top.
angelesofsacrame said:
i didn's say riddick uses the doom 3 engine it uses the same graphical layout and strategy! ((advanced bump mapping with shadeing and lighting)) my 5 year old nephew could do that stuff!
Yeah, I'd sure like to see your 5 year old nephew, make a Hello World app, let alone a ****ing engine.

You have not made an opinion as far as I am concerned, all you have done is spewed shit about Doom3 being the same as Doom with fancy graphics. IIRC, Doom3 is a remake of the first Doom. Admittedly the gameplay can be a bit sparse for some people, it is a lot slower paced than Doom.

I suggest you get off your high horse before you make even more a prat of yourself than you already have.

I had to add this after reading a bit more of your posts, do you even know what bump mapping is.... how the **** is bump mapping, in anyway similar to cel-shading. (Just something I'd really really like to know!)
angelesofsacrame said:
*sigh* ok im sorry, i had alot of clustered thoughts all in one big ball about doom 3. let me make it simple. doom 3 is cheap lame and stupid, if you wanna know why i think so. read my big ball up there at the top.
I tried to, my eyes started bleeding.
angelesofsacrame said:
omg doom 3 is so great omg look at the graphix omg! l337! take away the graphics and you have the same game you had 10 years ago! go run here kill! KILL! KILL! get a key card! Repeat rense and wash. and the graphics arnt impresive to me.

/me jumps off a bridge.

Go learn english. then come back and post in one of the 3 million other threads like this ok. :)
SubKamran said:
I was dissapointed that I couldn't knock stuff over with my fists :( There's a can on the floor and I can't hit it.
Weird. I can punch cans easily. Once you hit them they bend and fly around. Other objects are also hittable.

The game is great, worth the purchase to me and set out what id wanted to do. HL2 will probably also be great.
Jadewolf5675 said:
You have the right to your opinion, but not in this forum.

lol! So true...

But maybe if one expressed oneself through more subtle means and less harsh rhetoric, one could delineate the source of one's thoughts through a more effective and socially sound process.

Yeah...well enough of that...
hm.. I cant see anything about DOOM³ VS HL² .. omg.. the topic starter went offopic @ the first post.
Intamin said:
lol! So true...

But maybe if one expressed oneself through more subtle means and less harsh rhetoric, one could delineate the source of one's thoughts through a more effective and socially sound process.

Yeah...well enough of that...
heh, on a gaming forum? Good luck getting people to act like that. :bounce:
The Mullinator said:
heh, on a gaming forum? Good luck getting people to act like that. :bounce:

I know, I think that was a dream and I just happened to post it in my sleep. :D
I don't care what features it has or doesn't have. I played it for 15 minutes in the dark with headphones and I can safely say that they accomplished their mission. It completely immersed me and scared the living crap out of me.

other than that, from the 15 minutes I played I noticed some cool graphical stuff. like when u look at peope thru glass, it bends the image, smoke coming out of pipes, shadows moving. I love the quality of the animations on computer monitors and how u can interact with them. cool stuff
Listen all, I'm generally a very logical guy, and here is my plan for the purchase of DOOM 3. I'm going to wait until it is in the $20-30 range. Yep - that will be after HL2 is out and I have enjoyed it (HL2). This year alone, I have spent approx. $650 upgrading my PC - and that was just the video card and processor. I will spend $50-55 for HL2 when it comes out, and play it for many hours, and then many hours of CS: Source, and then many more hours on DoD:Source, and whatever new MODs that come out. By then, DOOM 3's price will come down, and I won't be so upset that it doesn't meet my expectations (AND shelling out $55).

So, hear me now and believe me later: Be patient, buy HL2 when it comes out, play it for 100's our hours, then buy other *good* games, such as DOOM 3, at a very reduced rate.
so you hate doom for not having innovative gameplay...but you're looking forward to cs:s which is a prettier counter-strike with the same gameplay.

To the person who said DOOM3 is a remake of DOOM, that's false. ID said D3 is like DOOM 1 and 2 and whatever NEVER existed. Watch the Doom3 Icons special on G4, you can download the show off suprnova.

Just thought I'd share.
vicefredav444 said:
I don't care what features it has or doesn't have. I played it for 15 minutes in the dark with headphones and I can safely say that they accomplished their mission. It completely immersed me and scared the living crap out of me.

other than that, from the 15 minutes I played I noticed some cool graphical stuff. like when u look at peope thru glass, it bends the image, smoke coming out of pipes, shadows moving. I love the quality of the animations on computer monitors and how u can interact with them. cool stuff

Yah, I agree with this poster. Scary crap. :D
angelesofsacrame said:
omg doom 3 is so great omg look at the graphix omg! l337! take away the graphics and you have the same game you had 10 years ago! go run here kill! KILL! KILL! get a key card! Repeat rense and wash. and the graphics arnt impresive to me. because all they are nothing but advanced bumpmaping with lighting thats why the game is so dark. remember a lil game that used doom 3's little graphical layout strategy it was called chronicels of riddick i played it on the xbox and i was impressed so i played the whole way through. but now im kinda sick of the advanced bumpmaping. it looks cheap its easy to do and it doesnt look real at all it looks more like another version of cell shading. and it will be hung up on a coat rack just like cell shading was. and trust me it will not change the way of fps forever thats for sure maybe a few clones. and thats my word on doom 3 ......*looks at watch and waits for cs:s and hl2*

yah, I found that all the models in D3 looked like they were made of plastic... whereas with HL2 they look like they should, complete with imperfections in the skin.
stop talking about his english I could read it straight through with no problems, but maybe you guys just aren't very adept at reading. He may not be that fluent in english and not everyone likes to take the time to read over their typing.
This guy knows what hes on about. exactly my thoughts :D. And his "1337" start to his post could had been a joke :p damn it doom 3 fanboys stop flaming :D
CrazyHarij said:
Can anybody say fanboy

Indeed. HL2 has to show me better stuff by actually getting released for me to consider it to put infront of D3. So I'll put my judgement of which is the better game aside - enjoy D3!