Source SDK on Steam update history

Very sweet :)

Within 10 minutes I guarantee you that fy_iceworld_source will be floating around the internet :P

I'm sure the compiling tools will be for something other than XSI, in fact I'm sure VALVe didn't use XSI 100% during the development of Source and obviously they had to make exporters for each package, don't worry about that, valve knows that not everyone will use xsi but I'm sure they will provide more support to those users :)

Oh and mayro who said the internet shuts down on weekends, its because that most people find something to do on the weekend other than be on computers :P And I'm sure VALVe does not work on the weekends.....

If VALVe follows their release pattern expect it betwen 7:00pm and 9:30pm PST (-8GMT)
How big do you guys think the files will be, i'm guessing 100mb in total...
The Hammer's gonna smash your dreams.
At least mine.
I suck at modding.
when you say re start steam does that mean uninstall it then re install it?. Im saying this because im a noob to steam

agreed me too gov_property
I believe you only have to turn it off ant turn it on again.
skipper said:
when you say re start steam does that mean uninstall it then re install it?. Im saying this because im a noob to steam

agreed me too gov_property
No, just exit then Log-in again

EDIT: 2fast4u = 2fast4me :D
Who's saying if it's released, you're going to be able to use it? I mean, you've got Half-Life 2 on your PC too...
skipper said:
when you say re start steam does that mean uninstall it then re install it?. Im saying this because im a noob to steam

agreed me too gov_property

No just log out and log back in.
i think

come on i cant wait its def summin big, the steam status page says it all.
The only reason why they shouldn't release it is if it isn't ready. They've been using the tools and compilers to make HL2, so those should be ready. The documentation should be done by now.

We have CS: Source now to work with for mapping and models. I doubt the source code will be released, but just tools for Mapping, Textures, and Models. That's good enough for me (and Insurgency) at this point. It shouldn't be too big either I think... don't know if it would even reach 100mb for just those things. The entire SDK though would be larger.
Iced_Eagle said:
Very sweet :)

Within 10 minutes I guarantee you that fy_iceworld_source will be floating around the internet :P

There already is Iceworld in source.
DigiQ8 said:
looks like they getting ready to release the SDK since the put the " Tools Menu " in Steam i think we will see it today :D

Where is the "Tools Menu" found?
the funker said:
Ah - I had that already. ;)

Ya it got updated yesterday i believe.

shark said:
Counter-strike: Source it deals with

What are you talking about. No it doesnt. Its the SDK do you know what that is? Plus the update is listed AS a SDK update. No where does it say Counter-Strike Source.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Ya it got updated yesterday i believe.

What are you talking about. No it doesnt. Its the SDK do you know what that is? Plus the update is listed AS a SDK update. No where does it say Counter-Strike Source.

someone said no where it said anything about "Counter-Strike". Before SDK it says Source. Meaning one thing For half-life 2's multiplayer. Next time don't be an ass hole. SDK.html
At the top it says Source SDK.
shark said:
someone said no where it said anything about "Counter-Strike". Before SDK it says Source. Meaning one thing For half-life 2's multiplayer. Next time don't be an ass hole. SDK.html
At the top it says Source SDK.

Source is the engine. Its not for any given game. Meaning you can use that sdx to make mods for hl2, css, hls, everything. Its clearly not a cs:s update. You can also use hammer to make hl1 maps.
PvtRyan said:
Who's saying if it's released, you're going to be able to use it? I mean, you've got Half-Life 2 on your PC too...
Good point. Didn't they said it would be released together with the game practically? I wouldn't call 10 days before the game's release "together". Not even "close to the release" damnit :)
Raziel-Jcd said:
Source is the engine. Its not for any given game. Meaning you can use that sdx to make mods for hl2, css, hls, everything. Its clearly not a cs:s update. You can also use hammer to make hl1 maps.

Hmmm, whats the word. oh yeah, duh! You just restated what i said i new words. just drop it
Iced_Eagle said:
Within 10 minutes I guarantee you that fy_iceworld_source will be floating around the internet :P
It already is...;)
Seems like it will be released. I mean thats what it says. If it said preload then it will be locked, but it doesnt so lets expect the best :)
Why wouldn't they release it early? Seems like the smart thing to do. Why not have new user made content available by the time HL2 is released? Plus, without HL2 to play and get in the way, modders/mappers/modelers can spend alot of their time playing around with the SDK :)
Jiffra said:
without HL2 to play and get in the way, modders/mappers/modelers can spend alot of their time playing around with the SDK :)
Like me!!!!!1

Expect a map from me by the end of the week, if valve lets us use it tonight... :thumbs:
Alec_85 said:
Good point. Didn't they said it would be released together with the game practically? I wouldn't call 10 days before the game's release "together". Not even "close to the release" damnit :)

in Valve time, 10 days HAS to be "close"
Can anyone link me to a site with a good hammer tutorial?
cadaveca said:
in Valve time, 10 days HAS to be "close"
Ever heard of the time measurement 'Lombardi' ? :E 10 days is nothing. Either way.