source wind


Dec 12, 2004
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I've just had a great idea for a map, but I've already thought of several serious problems with it :)

The idea is for a map based on the top of a speeding train, if it's possible.

First question, can Source model wind? (or at least a constant sideways force on all objects). If not then I'll build the whole thing on an angle so it's really hard to walk 'up' the train (toward the wind). If I rotate the skybox it'll look like you're level but it'll feel very odd :) BUT that will mean that there can't be any interior sections because the interior would have to be level so you dont feel like there's wind inside... Which would kind of suck. I'd really like there to be sections inside then a perilous section across the top of the train to the next carriage, or something.

Second question, the environment when you're outside the train. It would need to look like it was moving. Can you script things to move in a HL2 or CS:S map, so I could build some landscape and make it fly past the train. Or, I could build a huge-arse map (maybe in a skybox... 16x the size!) and move the train along it. That may be a prohibitive download though. I could have chunks of landscape (maybe 128 units wide and stretch across the breadth of the landscape that all move across the train then jump back to the starting point and keep moving. They would fit seamlessly and disappear/reappear far beyond your viewing distance. All you notice would be the very similar looking bridges/mountains. Or I could build the whole thing in a tunnel. But that's such the cheap way out. I'd still need moving lights though. OR I could use really blurred textures for the ground or maybe animated textures on the horizon. But man that'd look shabby...

Third question, if a person jumps off the train I want them to be dead the instant they hit the ground. Is that do-able. What would also be cool is if they rolled like they landed on moving ground... That'd be awesome.

Thoughts welcome. I'm at work for a few more hours then I'll go home and give it a shot. But if anyone knows of tutorials on wind, scripting motion or killing players post them.


Oh and this would probably be a cs:s map, but it maybe only possible in hl2 sp.
First question: just have a (I think) func_push brush and some wind noises to simulate the wind.

Second question: I don't know how to do this.

Third: it's very possible. Just put a trigger_hurt brush and have the damage set really high.
there is a func_wind or something not sure of the name, but it's there just look at the entities list!
Second question: Make it like in the first level of hl2. Speed up the train. Make the way to go like a Circle, and so it will look greate.

Yeah, there is a funk wind. But if you look at it, it says that it isn't a finnished entity. So, who knows if it works ok.
Fender357 said:
Yeah, there is a funk wind. But if you look at it, it says that it isn't a finnished entity. So, who knows if it works ok.
It'll probably do the basics ok, since it was used in HL2 briefly. Maybe more advanced area's of it (haven't checked it out) aren't working, or it wont link with I/O features properly?
1Luc1 said:
Second question: Make it like in the first level of hl2. Speed up the train. Make the way to go like a Circle, and so it will look greate.


Noo! I think any corners will ruin the effect. Especially because I want the thing to be going at an incredible speed. And I think it'd be much easier to do with the train stationary and the scenery whooshing past, especially considering there will be no action taking place off the train. Anyone know of any methods to make things look like they're moving faster than they are? Perhaps I'll do some cool forced perspective things :) I might try with a kind of plantation that would be easy to repeat without being obvious.

I guess you could have the scenery curved like the earth and simply spin it underneath the train :)

Suggestions, anyone?
Am I right in thinking you can have avi files as textures on objects? If so, you could get some footage of speeding scenery and set it as the skybox or just map it onto the sides of a wide tunnel. Maybe have some "real" objects flying past as well to get a sense of parallax. If the footage is fast enough you could get away with having it at a fairly low resolution.

The problem with sloping the train upwards to emulate wind, apart from those you mentioned, is that the player would still be absolutely upright, and thus appear to be leaning forwards all the time. This might be desirable, but would look odd when walking down the train, and might make aiming difficult. If you can get func_wind to work, you might be able to benefit from random gusting and simulating acceleration and deceleration.
*bump* :) just seeing if anyone has any ideas... i think env_functrain is the way to go for objects flying past but any brush i parent to my train doesnt get drawn. any ideas?
In UT 2005 there is an Assault map that takes place in a canyon on 2 speeding trains (cant remember the map name but it was in the demo) and it took place in a canyon and was very cool, maybe you should check it out
Multiplay with the player on a moving object is extremely laggy/jerky at the moment. I hope Valve will fix this eventually.

You might be able to make the scenery a (very large) func_tracktrain that moves past a stationary train. Use the "teleport to here" option on the path_corner to make the scenery repeat. Maybe with fog in the map so you can't see where the scenery is coming from or going to.

Of course, you'd have to try this out, since it might look very odd if the scenery disappears, halts, etc., due to lag.

It's a pity you can't move a sky camera, otherwise you could do some really cool stuff with a 3D skybox.

The disadvantage of doing it this way is that you can't tie a displacement to any entity, so your scenery would have to be pretty bland.

There's a trigger_push entity that simulates a force on the player. There's also a trigger_hurt that could be used to kill the player if he falls off the train.
Well if you go with fog then couldn't you only simulate the movment of the train?
What I mean is everything but the train will move. You could have some brushes on the side, the tracks, some random objects, ect. And have the train move around slightly to make it seems like its really moving. Have a looping sound and all that. Then you could cover the ground with a trigger or func or something that makes anything that falls down move along with the other objects at the same rate.
Limpet said:
Well if you go with fog then couldn't you only simulate the movment of the train?
What I mean is everything but the train will move. You could have some brushes on the side, the tracks, some random objects, ect. And have the train move around slightly to make it seems like its really moving. Have a looping sound and all that. Then you could cover the ground with a trigger or func or something that makes anything that falls down move along with the other objects at the same rate.

That is what he said, isn't it?
Well, after a bit more playing around I'm pretty sure I can do what I want, now I just need to figure out how to lay out the train :)

I'm thinking of a de_map with a helicopter to blow up. Anyone remember the final scene of Broken Arrow? Either that or a mission impossible ripoff... I'd love to work in some Goldeneye (N64) train level references :) Has anyone seen decent models of trains or helicopters or anything I could reuse for my map?

Oh and *bump*
Too bad you couldn't use a teleport entity. So far the circle sounds like your best yet.
Rof said:
Multiplay with the player on a moving object is extremely laggy/jerky at the moment. I hope Valve will fix this eventually.

You might be able to make the scenery a (very large) func_tracktrain that moves past a stationary train. Use the "teleport to here" option on the path_corner to make the scenery repeat. Maybe with fog in the map so you can't see where the scenery is coming from or going to.

Of course, you'd have to try this out, since it might look very odd if the scenery disappears, halts, etc., due to lag.

It's a pity you can't move a sky camera, otherwise you could do some really cool stuff with a 3D skybox.

The disadvantage of doing it this way is that you can't tie a displacement to any entity, so your scenery would have to be pretty bland.

There's a trigger_push entity that simulates a force on the player. There's also a trigger_hurt that could be used to kill the player if he falls off the train.
well instead of using a displacement, you'd simply parent a prop to a moving object, the prop would of course look like some kind of terrain. Problem solved.
I strongly recomend you play, or at least ask the creator of, poke 646, an excellent singleplaye mod for the original half-life. one of the levels was a speeding train ala speed, whith broken controls. the player had to work their way down the train to unhoock it. it featured sections inside and outside the train, so if you can script a repeating map in HL1 you can do it in HL2. or you could make it circular and rotate the map around the train.

now I think about it, i remember at the end of HL2 somthing slows your fall from the carrier in the citadel. could you use this to slow theplayer?

sorry if this has already answered, I havnt actually read the rest of the posts on this thread! #^_^#
fearian said:
I strongly recomend you play, or at least ask the creator of, poke 646, an excellent singleplaye mod for the original half-life. one of the levels was a speeding train ala speed, whith broken controls. the player had to work their way down the train to unhoock it. it featured sections inside and outside the train, so if you can script a repeating map in HL1 you can do it in HL2. or you could make it circular and rotate the map around the train.

now I think about it, i remember at the end of HL2 somthing slows your fall from the carrier in the citadel. could you use this to slow theplayer?

sorry if this has already answered, I havnt actually read the rest of the posts on this thread! #^_^#
I don't remember that section from poke 646, but its possible it used the invisible teleport spirit of hl did.

Though personally I reckon with custom made props both in the main map and the skybox, setup to rotate and move its entirely possible to give the impression of movement without actually moving.
You can definitely make a background loop over and over. If anyone's played the Blue Shift addon for HL1, at the beggining when the lift breaks and it's falling really fast, if you noclip outside of the lift - it's just sitting still and the outside bit is just looping over and over giving the impression your falling down an elevator shaft. No idea how they did it though :(