Soy - Healthy or Deadly?


Feb 3, 2005
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Hey, for a few months I've been eating a shit load of veggieburgers containing soy protein. So the other day, a nice older lady told me that she was a vegetarian for a long, long time, like 10 years.

She said that soy is really bad for you and all kinds of things, which was a big surprise. I thought it was supposed to be healthy. Soy has a rare characteristic for a plant in that it offers a whole protein. Things like peanuts and rice are only a half a protein. You can eat rice and beans in one day and get a whole protein from the two halves.

Anyway, so I look it up on the internet, and the first link is to wikipedia, and it doesn't really say anything bad. Then, tons of links saying how dangerous it is to eat it. Does anyone know the real truth?

If you are interested:

I notice that all of the web sites who say soy is extremely dangerous are selling books about it...

From what I gather, it's mostly dangerous for older women (past menopause) and children. Also, you need to take vitamins when you use it in your diet because it inhibits absorption.
I whouldn't really worry about it. Don't think it's "dangerous" per se. But don't think anything is good for you in copious amounts.

Btw they inject inject soy souce in pusher. He was fine.

Soy sauce is fermented soy. This is supposedly free from any problems because of that.

But I agree, I'm going to cut way back, and stick mostly to combinations of two half proteins, and/or combine it with dairy. I was eating the equivalent of 2 burgers or 4 tacos a day (also other stuff with soy) for months on end.

I am worried about it because they say it causes and/or accelerates cancer, gives you kidney stones and all kinds of shit. It's a relatively new fad and it's not been tested much. Soy is naturally highly toxic and inedible. It has to be processed by all kinds of shit. So I'm trying to find out if the stuff I'm eating is safe to eat several times a week for the rest of my life.
O_O I hope it's not as bad as that. I've been drinking soy milk instead of cows' milk for years.
Well, just to be safe, I would make sure you take a multi-vitamin every day if you eat or drink soy often, and you can counter kidney stones with cranberry or cran juice. Real milk is also said to increase the risk for kidney stones anyway.
If I were on a vegetarian diet, I'd eat lots and lots of peanuts and nuts. Soy seems a bit... faggy?
If you're on a vegetarian diet, eat lentils!
Soy milk is 10x better than real milk.

Anyways, this is pretty interesting. I know a few people who might have answers.
I am lactose intolerant and being lactose intolerant sucks big time. I didn't used to be this way, but I am now and boy does it suck.

Either that or I just have irritable bowel syndrome or something, because even soy milk triggers the diarrhea.
This might sound wierd, but I use soy milk for my cereal. I just don't like regular milk, unless it's chocolate milk.
This might sound wierd, but I use soy milk for my cereal. I just don't like regular milk, unless it's chocolate milk.

Nothing wrong with that really... though I do prefer regular milk for my cereal.

I am fond of the flavor of most plain soy and rice milk though.
I'm an omnivore, so I have no issues, best of both worlds!.

But for your grazers out there if you insist on being vegetarian (or your body does) then you gotta make sacrifices. If soy is a risk to health then simply avoid it, find alternatives and what-not. If you won't drink milk for some weird reason or because of biological reasons, then simply learn to live without milk.

I've cut out sugar from my diet almost completely for my own reasons. When my friends are chowing down on cakes and all that jazz or drinking soft drinks I cant join in, boohoo, its my decision and I live with the consequences.

But if your avoiding normal milk just for the shits and giggles, then thats your problem TBH, I find veganism incredibly stupid, at the least the attempt to find alternatives laughable. You cant just cut out a large part of the human diet and then bemoan the lack of dogmatically acceptable alternatives.

If your fully capable of drinking milk, then drink milk!. Its good for you.
This is just more hullabaloo and bitching from the 'health' sites. Ignore them.

Soy is fine, maybe some elevated estrogen levels (due to the fido-estrogens in Soy) but shit, I've been drinking out of BPA plastic cups and water bottles since I was born. I'm hard-pressed to take dietary advice from anyone but my stomach anymore seeing as how, depending on who you talk to, anything will kill you.
I've been drinking cow milk daily for the past 20 years. No kidney stones yet.:p
It might just be animal protein in general, according to wiki. I can't remember where I heard the thing about milk.

A little more than 1 of every 10 people will get kidney stones. Plus, men are 4 times more likely to get it. I hope I don't get that shit. Imagine pissing a stone? I heard it is tremendously painful
Within the United States, about 10–15% of adults will be diagnosed with a kidney stone,[42] and the total cost for treating this condition was US$2 billion in 2003.[21] The incidence rate increases to 20–25% in the Middle East, because of increased risk of dehydration in hot climates. (The typical Arabian diet is also 50% lower in calcium and 250% higher in oxalates compared to Western diets, increasing the net risk.)[43] Recurrence rates are estimated at about 10% per year, totalling 50% over a 5–10 year period and 75% over 20 years.[2] Men are affected approximately 4 times more often than women. Recent evidence has shown an increase in pediatric cases.[44]


Preventive strategies include dietary modifications and sometimes also taking drugs with the goal of reducing excretory load on the kidneys:[14][29]

* Drinking enough water to make 2 to 2.5 liters of urine per day.
* A diet low in protein, nitrogen and sodium intake.
* Restriction of oxalate-rich foods, such as chocolate, nuts, soybeans,[30] rhubarb and spinach, plus maintenance of an adequate intake of dietary calcium. There is equivocal evidence that calcium supplements increase the risk of stone formation, though calcium citrate appears to carry the lowest, if any, risk.
* Taking drugs such as thiazides, potassium citrate, magnesium citrate and allopurinol, depending on the cause of stone formation.
* Some fruit juices, such as orange, blackcurrant, and cranberry, may be useful for lowering the risk factors for specific types of stones. Orange juice may help prevent calcium oxalate stone formation, Black currant may help prevent Uric acid stones, and Cranberry may help with UTI caused stones.[31][32]
* Avoidance of cola beverages.[33][34]
* Avoiding large doses of vitamin C.[35]

Restricting Oxalate consumption

Calcium plays a vital role in body chemistry so limiting Calcium is unhealthy. Since Calcium in the intestinal tract will bind with available Oxalate, thereby preventing its absorption into the blood stream, some Nephrologists recommend chewing Calcium tablets during meals containing Oxalate foods. However, a more reliable approach is to restrict the intake of food that is high in Oxalate.

There is a list of foods there with Oxalate content
So you haven't found anything to back up your "milk causes kidney stones shock probe sensation" story?
Asian people/countries have used soy and various soy products for hundreds of years. Asians also have the longest expected life span. Coincidence?
Fermented Soy.

Not the same at all. Soy is highly toxic before processing, which we only learned to do in the past few decades, and it only got popular in the past 10 or 20 years. (They didn't stock soy milk and stuff when I was a kid)

Soy is is inedible for human consumption before processing or fermentation.
Whats the difference between Soy and Soy Sauce, because I had heard that many varieties of Soy Sauce; or more directly what is in soy sauce as an ingredient, are in fact carcinogenic in nature

I was just looking up carcinogens, and found this

Cooking food at high temperatures, for example grilling or barbecuing meats, can lead to the formation of minute quantities of many potent carcinogens that are comparable to those found in cigarette smoke (i.e., benzo[a]pyrene).[6] Charring of food resembles coking and tobacco pyrolysis, and produces similar carcinogens. There are several carcinogenic pyrolysis products, such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, which are converted by human enzymes into epoxides, which attach permanently to DNA. Pre-cooking meats in a microwave oven for 2–3 minutes before grilling shortens the time on the hot pan, and removes heterocyclic amine (HCA) precursors, which can help minimize the formation of these carcinogens.[7]
Asian people/countries have used soy and various soy products for hundreds of years. Asians also have the longest expected life span. Coincidence?
Correlation != causation

I've been eating a lot of veggieburgers lately. Actually had some tofu with dinner a couple nights ago since a long time. I don't eat either often enough anyways, just probably an eating streak.
Do Vegetarians hate lions for their eating habits?

If so, **** you.
My vegetarian girlfriend hates lions so much that she kills them with her bare hands just to feast on their raw bloody flesh in pure consummate rage

I mean

My vegetarian girlfriend hates lions so much that she kills them with her bare hands just to feast on their raw bloody flesh in pure consummate rage

I mean


Tell your F***ing girlfriend, that if you're gonna eat a lion, you eat it with a machete and a harpoon. God, what has this world become.
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. A lion has to eat to survive. It's a natural carnivore, it's a predator. You can't make a lion eat vegetables, it's impossible. They are animals, and their main goal is to survive. So sometimes they have to kill other animals for food. Sorry, but that's how it is.
Fun Fact: Drink a bottle of soy sauce before your conscription physical exams, and you get away with "3rd-Class - Unfit for Duty"

Don't t\know about soy though.
HAHA! Not eating my vegetables as a kid helped me out I guess. I remember the days when I thought that only exposure to radiation caused cancer. Wow was I wrong. I always hated f**cking brocoli, and I've never eating more then a sliver of it in my life.

I always liked Broccoli.
Broccoli is damned amazing. AMAZING!

I used to hate brussel sprouts, but now I steam them until they are real soft... and they are so good. They taste naturally buttery.