SP or MP first?


Feb 22, 2004
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What will you do as soon as you have HL2 completely installed on your pc? Will you be so eager to see what suprises multiplayer has in store that you immediatly try to find a server with spaces, or will you religiously play through the entire SP story before even contemplating MP? I'll probably play SP for a while/until I get stuck/until I die so many times I get annoyed at those damn combine, then I'll see what multiplayer is like.
f0rked said:
I'll probably play SP for a while/until I get stuck/until I die so many times I get annoyed at those damn combine, then I'll see what multiplayer is like.

same as here :)
I'll finish single-player and totally avoid these forums until i finish the game so that no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can spoil the game for me
Can't really decide; maybe HL signle 1st and the HL2. Or then I play some of the HL single and then HL2...arghZ
Single player definately. If the Co-operative mode was still included in the game and that it was just two players going through the single player mode then me and my mate would have done that first. Seeing as Co-op isn't included then I will just have to stick with Single Player on my own.
Single Player for a couple of hours,then a lil go on multiplayer
Sparta said:
I'll finish single-player and totally avoid these forums until i finish the game so that no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can spoil the game for me

Yea the second HL2 is released these forums are offlimit to me cos you just know some little pleb will power through it in one day and feel the need to spam eevrythnig he saw on here. :p
f0rked said:
What will you do as soon as you have HL2 completely installed on your pc? Will you be so eager to see what suprises multiplayer has in store that you immediatly try to find a server with spaces, or will you religiously play through the entire SP story before even contemplating MP? I'll probably play SP for a while/until I get stuck/until I die so many times I get annoyed at those damn combine, then I'll see what multiplayer is like.

Single player for a few hours than multiplayer then single player.
Finish the Single Player first, then move to Multiplayer.
I will play single player all the way thru, that way no weapons are spoiled for me and then I will play multiplayer on and off, while playing thru the single player again.
only one way for me: Single player :D

I've waited so long to know how the story continues.
ya changed my mind on the post before, im gonna play SP till i beat it so i dont spoil any weapons or maps on MP.
I'm gonna make my own server and run about for a short while, and then start single player :)
Sparta said:
I'll finish single-player and totally avoid these forums until i finish the game so that no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can spoil the game for me
That about sums it up for me too.
SP first, of course. But i will start up my own server just to goof off with physics and stuff for awhile. Here's another question: Hazard course or straight to SP?
Actually I would finish SP then start MP becouse I dont want the weapons to be spoiled for me!
yeah, hazard course, SP, then some MP. since ill be working on mods and maps, i want to see all that valve has done with the source engine to get some ideas
Singleplayer until I've ****ed those combines up! Hehe...
i'm gonna stay as far away from the hazard course as possible, i really don't want it spoiling stuff for me, i'll end up booting up sp and not budgeing an inch until i finally beat the game
First the Hazard course and then own/finish the SP...Then i'll play MP.
I don't know if I plan to play MP. I am on dial up and unless the netcode can do wonders I will stick to SP. I will try MP but I am just asking to be owned since I will be up against people with broadband.
I will invite a couple of friends over(probably after I've beaten the game in three days), and hide up in our barn loft with my speakers turned up LOUD. Then we'll play MP after beating it several times.. MP doesn't excite me as much as the SP. Not yet at least, until Sven CO-OP 2 is finished. Then it will become interesting..
hazard course, sp for a few hours unless it's really involvin in which case i won't sleep :D then mp for some time whilst i watch the real staff in my 3 mod teams do all the work for leave no man behind www.lnmb.hl2files.com hellblaze www.hellblazegame.tk and blackdragon www.blackdragonmod.com :D my job doesn't really involve anywork at all or not with hl2 anyways :D so i can just play play play
sp of course, You should always beat the game in sp then go to mp on games like HL2. :thumbs: :cheers: :D
Im gonna finish the Single Player first and the I might go multiplayer.
Ownzed said:
sp of course, You should always beat the game in sp then go to mp on games like HL2. :thumbs: :cheers: :D

yeah its a good idea. for HL, i got it right when it came out, but since i had so many lan parties back then i never got around to completing the SP till just last year. and it was really good, but probably would have been much better if i would have gone through it in 98 :)
Single player first, and then of course multiplayer hopefully I can do co-op...
sharpen my skills first with the sp and then kickass on mp...
first hazard course, then singleplayer, then when ive played that for a few hours (depends how good it is, this part could last for a few days :rolleyes: ) ill move on to cs:s or something along those lines, but NOT hl2 multiplayer (might ruin some things like weapons etc.) and then go back to sp. then after a few weeks of finishing the game (im not the best player in the world :eek:) ill move onto the hl2 mp.

of course this might change depending how good mp is compared to sp.
I'm a multiplayer guy and I always play MP first. Sometimes it's days before I play the SP if the game has a good MP. I don't think it will be that long for HL2' SP though :D