Spam Alert!

lets just hope this gets cleaned up fast. wtf is going on?
I don't know i saw one real spoiler (i knew it before reading it) but the other one,,, geeh, i hope it's fake.
I can't delete them fast enough, I'm sorry, there are being made around 10 a second
May be we should shut down that forum for a few hours again?
are you completely sure they are spoilers or that they are making it up? I dont believe any of this stuff not to mention my eyes are scarred completely now from some pictures.
Icarus said:
I can't delete them fast enough, I'm sorry, there are being made around 10 a second

some one's macro posting them then. This is what IP bans are for ( speaking from experiance) :laugh:
can't acces hl 2 forum
seems to need a password.

gess the forum is locked on the momment.
hey mods you guys should just lock down the forums for the night so it settles down. and just post wats happening on the front page of the site so people know wats going on. cuz it doesnt look like they gonna stop anytime soon.
I really hope that stuff isn't true. But how would they know plot points anyway?
trust me it cant be true. its pretty much impossible to believe it. doesnt add up at all with wat they said even though we havent played hl2 you can just tell.
chimpmunk said:
i hope so

Cause if Gman was gordan, That'd be lame!!!

dam straight it would be. but you know i was just thinking about it and now im thinkin it could work with wat they said. oh boy im thinking to much.......
Stop talking about it!!!!!!!!
they are just trying to scare us and good thing when i clicked the link in one of the spammers thread it went to page could not display so i did not see any horrible pictures. That internet page cannot be displayed happens when my comp has been on for a long time and it gets annoying but this time it helped :thumbs:
We've got the situation under control, just don't click on any suspect threads if you come across them.
well your one of the lucky ones. and ya i probaly should shut up and stop talking about this. but you know havent posted in this forum in quite awhile and i also broke my ankle so i got nothin better to do.
As for being "scarred by pics" I doubt a stupid cartoon is gonna scar you. I think catchin ur parents doin it would be worse or somethin. And the spoilers ( I read them) They would only say like 2 or 3 things and be like "I saved you 50 bucks". idc if the statements are true, im still gonna play the game and love it and we can all email the guys who did this and say "You're spoilers were gay, BUT we still love the game even more you homotards"
gweedodogg69 said:
As for being "scarred by pics" I doubt a stupid cartoon is gonna scar you.

ya i dont know wat other people saw but i didnt see no damn cartoon. it was a human and well i dont think you guys would like to know wat it was. really it was that horrible.
Well I've seen some nasty pics, I've seen those horrible Iraqi movies of U.S. citizens and...not pretty...pissed me off, so I doubt a pic can scar me now.
B3@$T said:
ya i dont know wat other people saw but i didnt see no damn cartoon. it was a human and well i dont think you guys would like to know wat it was. really it was that horrible.

if you have seen ******* or goatse then NOTHING ever in life will phase you ever again I swear.

You could walk into your room and have your dogs head on a pike in your bed and it wouldn't phase you (I mean yea youd be upset might cry etc get angry, but it wouldn't make you sick)

there that bad, google em if you dare.
umm no thnks ill pass on that. i may not be totally scarred but the picture rite now is not getting out of my head. maybe im on drug and just dnt know it....
B3@$T said:
umm no thnks ill pass on that. i may not be totally scarred but the picture rite now is not getting out of my head. maybe im on drug and just dnt know it....

ok, well if you see goatse or ******* they NEVER leave your head.

One will be under your eyelid each, so every time you close your eyes BAM :laugh:
jk...ive seen that before and it's pretty gross. When I was lookin it up I thought it was something MUCH MUCH worse. topic. How about them Cleveland Browns?
great dude now im tempted to search them. wat kind of pics are they? like gore pics or well like the name says "*******" so like one huge mutha f***in big girl?
gweedodogg69 said:
jk...ive seen that before and it's pretty gross. When I was lookin it up I thought it was something MUCH MUCH worse. topic. How about them Cleveland Browns?

which one did you look up? both of them are like Internet initations, if you haven't seen them, your a internet noob :laugh:
I've seen them before, i just didnt know that they were called that. If you must pic deals with "doo doo" and the other...stretch butt. Nasty, and you ask urself..........WHY!!!!! But w/e, I know it's not somethin I'd want to be known for.
*******, is it the nasy pic with a girl on a tub, if so ive seen ppl in cs with those spray and they would spray it everywhere and i sort of got use to it