Special HL2 pre-order deal

Originally posted by switch
which do you prefer.. camping outside a store or in your bedroom :P

Well I think camping outside the store is better for me, I'm the impatient type of fellow who likes to get the hands-on approach. But I'm afraid the game will be released eons later in France.

ALL games are that pirce if not less.
Free next day postage and packing within England.
Imported dvds from america without any extra price hike.

www.play.com is the only way to go if youre a brit.
i Dont get this, every shop is telling us another release date?

gamesplanet.co.uk : 28/11/2003
shop.game.net : 30/09/2003
bol.com : 21/11/2003 (netherlands, I ordered half-life here)

More and more online shops are setting there release date to end November.

They would not do this without a reason, couse that is bad advertisement. I think the online shops with the November release date are right. Why didn't Gabe official confermed the 30 Sept. release date? There must be a delay. I can't think of another reason why they are setting the release date to November. Can you?

, Another gamer desperate waiting for half-life 2.
play don't seem to manage next day delivery anymore, and you have a good cahnce of getting the import charge on region 1 dvd's :/
lol... it's was a great price until I converted it to US Dollars. I'll be able to pick up a copy from Sam's Wholesale for the same price once it ships. I'm not trippin I'll just wait for it to hit Sam's.

Does anyone know a good shop in the Netherlands (or Europa, not GB)???
Hi all will be seeing the latest video for Halflife2 at ECTS on Thursday so will post something Friday also have a meeting with Vivendi so will try and get some clalification on release date.
cd. HL2 wont be on a DVD.. yet.
it's not known
ok ill get my best friend to order it for me (he lives in uk) i dont have a credit card :P
this is the version with singel player AND multiplayer and able to play mods right?

if u read the info from valve tread u see theres gonna be one only with singel player and no multiplayer , if its singel player only i dont want it.
I cancelled my pre-order until I can be certain I purchased the right copy...

DVD Limited Edition, CD sans multiplayer, Multiplayer Steam Subscription, or HL2 -MP included...

Sometimes there's such a thing as too many choices, hehehe
Yeah any chance Chaz could come and confirm any info he knows about this one?
here's hoping that the pre-order will be a single-player + multiplayer + MODS version of Half-Life 2
Ok guys I dont wanna step on any toes here but I pre-ordered from game.net.
I sent an email to customer services and this is what i got back :-

Neadless to say I'm happy :D


Thank you for your e-mail.

Please be aware that even though 3 copies of this product are being released the one that we will be stocking is the deluxe pack which includes everything.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me again.

Nick Waterton

Customer Services Assistant

Game Stores Group Ltd

[email protected]

Great Offer!!

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-----Original Message-----
Sent: 04 September 2003 08:39
To: Game Customer Services
Subject: Half Life 2 Preorder XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Dear Sirs

I have pre ordered Half Life 2 for the PC from your website.

However Valve (the developer for HL2) has mentioned now that there will be a number of retail versions of HL2. Please could you advise as to which version is to be a pre order on your website.

I am informed that there are 3 variants. More info on these can be found on the HL2 Forums http://www.halflife2.net/forums (they are down for maintenance as I write).

Kind regards


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From Me:
I was wondering about
the release of HL2 and
if i was able to make
sure that i get the DVD
Single and Multipalyer,
Modable version of
the game as i dont want
to be stuck with the SP
version if that is the
way the game is released

Reply from [email protected] on Fri, 5 Sep 2003

We've not had any new information on Half Life 2 yet and we have yet to hear
back from Vivendi as to what's going on. If they do issue 3 versions of the
game, we will contact you to confirm your order.
y order it online?(cheaper) Will it be delivered to you the day the came hits the selves on the shop?
Originally posted by r00b
y order it online?(cheaper) Will it be delivered to you the day the came hits the selves on the shop?

Correct on both accounts. What thier offering is the game for £25 i think it was and it to your door possibly one day before it hits the selfs if you get 1st class devilery
the day b4??! :eek:
hmm, sounds to good tobe true... and if it isnt.. count me in.
A little to early atm still.

before buying this

you gotta find out if this is the single player or multiplayer o_o..

just a suggestion
Hello, i'm new here so hi to everyone :) I've been following for a while but thought i should sign up as I've got something to add to this thread.

In an e-mail to play.com, i wrote :

"There are now three versions being released.


Which am I going to get now i've preordered? :o I'm considering canceling my
pre-order, you see, I want multiplayer too!

Please could you garentee i'm going to recieve a singleplayer and
multiplayer version.


Michael Drayson"

The responce I got was not one I like:

"Hi there

Thank you for your email.

The version of Half-life 2 that you have ordered is the single player version. If you would like to order a different version you are free to cancel the order and re-order the version that you would like.

Kind regards


As a result I have e-mailed many game suppliers mentioned in this thread asking the same question. As I get replies I'll let you know but anyone pre-ordering from Play.com should cancel or expect to get a SP only version.
also, just to add, they only offer one version to buy on the site, and its priced £26.99 I believe.

It sucks in my opinion, they'll just grab peoples money and then tell them to get lost when people want a refund. Money grabbing retailers!
can i get a conferm from the guy at gameplay.co.uk that it is singel and multiplayer please? it would really stop me from worrying , its my first time buying a game online so i hope it will be a good experiance :)
These November release dates are all coming from the publisher! I don't think they've even spoke to Valve about it.