Speed Write... Anyone want in?

It wasn't really there anymore. It had been eaten out of him, taken, lost, he wasn't quite sure; but it wasn't there anymore. That much he was certain of. He wondered if he had ever really felt such feelings for her, if they weren't just fantasies, delusions that had somehow managed to sprout in his mind. He hated her now, he knew that for sure. Every tiny little word, every gesture or simper or glare that came from her cut him deeply to the bone. It amazed him that he had ever wanted her, lusted after her, thought her amazing, beautiful and regal, had been ready to die for her if needed. He'd loved her, he thought. Maybe it was just lust after all. He definantly didn't love her now.

It had taken three days. Three days! Three days he had expected to be bliss, paradise. Instead this marriage was now a torment, a tartarus, a hell from which there was no escape. Patricians married for life, conferraetio they called it. Hah! Marriage, a prison. It was the third day, and already a frost had sprouted over their marriage. The third day. Enough time to get to know one another.

Enough time to learn to hate one another.

Great stuff Zintor, velcome to the crew of writers.

New Topic...
One Breath

Go Go GO!
One Breath 15min

The hands gripped the wheel
The world flew past
Music wafted from the speakers
Air drifted through the lowered windows
They smiled as the outside of the car
drifted past their eyes
past their minds

They drove together
The manufactured scent of pine
Sharpened the scent
As the slow bass dulled the air

He glanced over to her
His love
For whom his heart beats
For whom his life was lived for
His eyes turned from the oncoming car
A beast of steel and paint
The two beasts clipped
The lovers spun
Their beast colliding with the might of nature
The old elm sheltered the dieing

One Breath,
One last breath
Between those in love
Is worth more than all other breaths.
Wrote this in not so ideal conditions, but it's some practice - same topic as Sloth's last post.

I took a final glance at the speckled night sky and walked to the far end of the yard, vigorously twiddling my thumbs. I recollected my mothers face when she couldn’t cover the rent of our lousy duplex. I recalled living on ramen noodles and imitation cereal for so many years of my life. I also remembered becoming wealthy for the first time in my life, starting with the first few bags I ever sold – gaining a reputation and having a name for myself. As I was pacing I noticed they had let the last of the remaining inmates back inside and only two guards remained patrolling the door. The walls of the prison closed in on me in my final moments, I clenched my fist reassuring myself of my remaining vigor. As I walked barefoot across the cold paved prison floor I began to remember taking the lives of other men and women, the countless sins of life in the street. The pain was as brief as a pinprick my life came to a close, and undeath set in. I pulled the needle out of my arm and struck out with great strength.
Just some practice writing for fun:

It was three in the morning and the bar drunks swaggered to the bus stop scrambling to catch the last pickup before the sun came up, I stepped slowly and confidently one foot after the next, occasional taking slower strides to raise a cigarette to my lips. Nobody asked any questions as I stepped onto the bus along with the rest of the slobbering drunks, I was just another city freak returning after finding his fix - so the bus driver thought. My mind did not race, nor did it feel sorrow or remorse, I was only numb - the thoughts that passed through my head were the mundane disconnected ramblings of a retired pusher, more concerned about the nights television programming then anything else. The woman sitting to my right had dumb grin on her face as she scanned my person with discerning eyes. I wondered for a brief moment if she had seen something in me that I did not. No matter I would be off this bus in a New York minute, and to the world I am just another shambling slobbish drunk.

I felt a pulse surge through my neck as I climbed the staircase and unlocked my apartment door. To my astonishment she was standing there, the woman from the bus, dead - her beautiful naked figure lay lifeless draped over the same lousy cot I called a bed every night. My past was long overdue in catching up with me, I had been framed.
'jumped into the air'

Jon Yurgin was a forty-seven year old nobody from Colorado with no particular passion or ambition in his lonely life. Jon rose from bed at seven in the morning and went fly fishing, collected frogs from the hours of 10:30 AM to about 3 PM and retired to his porch to smoke cigars from three to seven after which he would lay in bed and watch reruns if sitcoms. Tonight Jon had finished up his third and final cigar for the afternoon and turned on the television to a relieving site, Becker, perhaps his favorite show, for reasons he would never understand, was on. As he lay in bed he thought only of the day he had just completed; catching frogs as they leaped from his clasped hands, causing him to scramble through the mud in frustration, fly fishing in the mornings in order to catch his daily feast, and of course he thought of Becker; the estranged doctor who smoked, what a concept, Jon thought to himself. It was not until Jon was approached by his neighbors when I say neighbors, I'm referring the closest people exactly 111.25 miles away That Jon would realize humanity existed outside of the twenty-two inches of plastic he observed every evening. Suddenly thoughts came rushing back, of Wallstreet, of losing his fortune and shaming his family, of the depression and headaches of business meetings and living to see the Nasdaq raise five points. Jon looked at his neighbors, presumably real estate scouts, and grimaced. Jon then jumped into the air and instantly forgot his past once again, after all - it was already 7:30 and he was long overdue to turn on TNT and catch a rerun of Cheers.
New Topic:
"Then he jumped into the air"

The room was silent – the sheets on the bed had been recently pressed, the suitcase neatly closed and packed. Morning light was filtered through the thin sheet curtains and the birds outside could be heard chirping songs and tunes. This perfect silence was quickly broken.

A loud thud signalled the entrance of the local law enforcement, boots crunched the sewn glass from the newly smashed door. Submachine guns scanned the area, as muffed voices signed “Clear” from room to room. The men spread out – covering the small house within seconds. Slowly they clamed down, their gun now hung my their sides.

Looking back on the situation, they probably shouldn’t have let down their guard – their gun should have been pointing across the room – right at the suitcase. Ball bearings of every sort, bits of napalm and random shrapnel flew across the room. The screams of the police echoed around the house. He came out from under the bed – jumping into the air, amidst the screams of those with various pieces of metal imbedding into their tissue. He was far from free.
I jumped in the air too.

Then he jumped into the air. The trampoline sending him back into the air, the wind blowing in his face, the sun shining down upon him, and the knives he didn't know underneath. He jumped higher, and landed on his face, the knives going straight into his face.

The police arrived 10 minuets later, blood dripping from the trampoline. Mom was crying hysterically into fathers chest, while he tried to remain strong. I just stood there, motionless, with the picture of Jim landing onto the knives sticking up from the ground. "How did they get there?" mother asked me. "I don't know!" I replied. She went back to crying, mumbling how I should watch my blind brother more closely. With that said, I went back to trying to figure out what happened.

Three weeks have passed since that fateful day, and I've come nowhere closer to solving the case. I've been asking everybody around the neighborhood what they saw that day, and not a single person had anything credible to say. I was on my own, and I didn't plan on giving up so soon. I've been sneaking in an earful on the conversations of the people that didn't like Jim so much. I was hoping to hear something about their involvement in the murder of my brother. I've heard nothing, nor have I seen anything, until that night.

I lay in bed, tossing and turning. My thoughts circling that day, trying to find a clue still. I finally began to drift off to sleep, when the thought entered my head. "Where were you before the death?" That brought me up in my bed instantly. It felt like somebody was in my room, whispering to me. I got up, grabbed a glass of water, and went back to bed. My dreams were terrifying.

I was running from a shadow. I couldn't tell who it was. I ran around to the back yard, where I stopped in my tracks. The shadow was setting the knives up, while my brother was happily bouncing on the trampoline. The figure ran around the other side of the house. I took off to try to catch him, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw the accident again. That woke me up instantly.

For the next couple of days, I really didn't sleep at all. I would sit at my desk, and write in my journal anything I could to reveal who that shadow figure was. With my can of Mountain Dew at my side, I felt I could stay up for days. Except for the fact that I was already dozing off. As I blinked my last blink, my head fell onto my journal, and I was asleep.

The day was playing again, just like it did last time. This time, I got a head start on chasing after the shadow figure. He ran to the side of the house, and just stops there. I went to grab him, but just go right through, like he was a ghost. The second my brother dies, is the second I wake up.

The next night is when my worst dream came true. I see the figure setting up the knives, except he wasn't covered in a shadow anymore. I see him plain as day. My eyes grow large, and my hands begin to shake. I realize who it was. It was me. I was the one who killed my brother. I fell to my knees, fist gripping so hard that blood was pouring out of my palm. I couldn't figure out why I did it, I just know what needed to be done to resolve this.

I jump out of bed, the color of vengeance in my eyes. I open my second story bedroom window. While I peered outside, I realized what needed to be done. With my last breath, I apologize to my brother, as I fall....

*pah, first time me doing it, and it's embarrassingly horrible.*
The (extreme) height was of no moment. The wind blew cold, freezing air into his face, ruffling his hair in its frozen, whirling current. (Stupid dramatic wind, someone said in the back of his head.)

What was this? Was it a test of faith, perhaps? Or a glance of the future? Nothing to gain from this except vertigo. Eerie sounds echoed through the steel canyon, mixing with the familiar noises that the city made as it lived and breathed and died... the noise became a roar, a growl of fear.

Something was coming.

He took a deep, rattling breath, savoring the smoggy taste of the air. Disgusting, perhaps, but his. Destiny was ridiculous sometimes, but no need to antagonise it. Do what it said, and everything would be OK.

Wouldn't it?

The noise of concrete crunching was lost amongst the city's cry of fear.

He jumped into the air...
EVIL bumpage...
Been way too busy as of late.

Anybody want to give me a good topic?
New Topic:

A compulsion to run.