Speling Airors


Jan 21, 2005
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Is it just me, or does it get really annoying with all of the mispellings in thread titles? It really distracts me, and keeps me from entering some threads out of annoyance.
oee moi god yeh but like maybe it was shirly but u can only get pregnant form dirty baff watur

nice idea for a thread,, still not as witty as m post your avatar here thread tho ;)
People type as fast as they can... I do... I suppose it's because I never really learned to type properly... Woe is me...

If you can't deal with it - it's just too bad I suppose, because shit happens - and so do typos.
I made a typo in a thread title once, but corrected it within 5 mins when I saw it.

I too am irritated by them, because you have to read them to browse the forums.

One that springs to mind is something about "favorable" which I would prefer to see being spelt "favourable" in accordance with the historical heritage of my language....but what do I know, I'm just a Brit who is used to seeing his language being abused, by abroad English speakers, or UK English speakers who write in "txt spk".
What bugs me is how so many people get "there", "they're", and "their" mixed up. Same with your and you're - people mess them up all the time.
Well, the thing is about that.. is words like favorable, and color ect. are spelled differently in the states than they are in canada, the UK and so on.

I often get into arguments with my british friends on CS about it... but hey - it's something that we both have to deal with :cool:
AmishSlayer said:
What bugs me is how so many people get "there", "they're", and "their" mixed up. Same with your and you're - people mess them up all the time.

your rite. their, isnt that better? ;)

pisses me off too. Abuse of the language :eek:

I don't mean to be a grammer nazi, but there are lines I'd rather not cross.
Basic spelling and grammer is one of them (barring the odd mistake, which is ok-ish).

I bet I've made hundreds of spelling mistakes in the above sentence, haven't I? :dozey:
What gets to me is thread titles with no puncuation when it's a question... like they're stating a fact... please put a question mark if it's a question..
I hate people who can't spell. I mean, it's ok to make a few mistakes. But I am talking about sentences like this:

omg dis is nut skool itz teh interneet!!!! ligthnen up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danimal said:
I hate people who can't spell. I mean, it's ok to make a few mistakes. But I am talking about sentences like this:

omg dis is nut skool itz teh interneet!!!! ligthnen up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow it took me a while to get that nut was not, but other than that it was mostly readable.
It's one thing when you switch up "there", "their" and "they're". But it's a completely different story when you're trying to write "we're" and end up with whare. That's not a word.

Honestly, those kids spend more time deciding what to wear than they do on their education.
rpgprog said:
wow it took me a while to get that nut was not, but other than that it was mostly readable.

Try living in a world of 24/7 MSN with 14 year old 'grrls'.
Danimal said:
Try living in a world of 24/7 MSN with 14 year old 'grrls'.

Since you're a Yogurt, you can get away with it. But what you just said then, sounds so wrong.
All of the above mentioned really annoy me, but especially incorrect use of contraction. The next time I see someone mention how they play "their game's" or something...
Does anyone else find if FRIGGIN IRONIC that the guy who's bitching about grammer's name is:


What REALLY annoys me is people that start threads about how people can't spell...Jk I type kinda awkwardly somtimes but I dont


Erestheux said:
Does anyone else find if FRIGGIN IRONIC that the guy who's bitching about grammer's name is:



I find it more ironic that what you said was not an xample of irony...just ignorance and stupidity!
i know that want and wont are too diffrent words but for the life of me i cant say wont. it sounds like want. stupid southern accents.
MarcoPollo said:
I find it more ironic that what you said was not an xample of irony...just ignorance and stupidity!
I'm pretty sure it was irony, buddy. And I was really joking, although people ultra-nazied about grammer are annoying. But so are people who type illegibly.
^ Sry then...btw i left ot some key details bout why i thought it wasnt irony...dont be mad get.....a gun and kill the f*cker whos pissing u off! LMAO
MarcoPollo said:
^ Sry then...btw i left ot some key details bout why i thought it wasnt irony...dont be mad get.....a gun and kill the f*cker whos pissing u off! LMAO
Its okay, I'm not mad. <3
Welcome back Erestheux... im sure you took a break from the forums for awhile and are now back in full force. Good to see you :)

I often type Your instead of You're in msn chat, but that'd be about it. I try not to do it on the forums.... i do try, honest :angel:
oldagerocker said:
Welcome back Erestheux... im sure you took a break from the forums for awhile and are now back in full force. Good to see you :)
Thanks, mate, nice to have something like that said to you. Warm + fuzzy :D

Surfin here is a great way to procrastinate! :D
Erestheux has gone into spam mode. Look at him go.

Soon we'll see some sort of crazy thread (with spelling errors?) from him.

Go Erestheux go.
Shens said:
Erestheux has gone into spam mode. Look at him go.

Soon we'll see some sort of crazy thread (with spelling errors?) from him.

Go Erestheux go.

Quoted 4 rofleness and yes, I DO pronounce ROFL like it is a word OH NOES!!!
he's just mad at me ;) <3

and yes, I hate people getting there, they're, and their mixed up; same with to too and two

growar your foreigners!
Shens said:
Erestheux has gone into spam mode. Look at him go.

Soon we'll see some sort of crazy thread (with spelling errors?) from him.

Go Erestheux go.
Must resist.... warnings are bad... no spam omgz0rs!!!

Gotta get to 2,100 by Sunday, gotta be a STRIDER YO!

(not really)

btw hazar i h8 u lol
I think you should get a warning for "Flaming by avatar" :P

back on topic: punctuation is good! use it!
MarcoPollo said:
If you did that i would paypal u 10$ or 8lbs or wtv u have lol
Would you really?! I like how you wrote pounds, you aren't British, are ya? I'll take the 10 bucks, yo :P

Btw its true, countries suck, and I love my avatar. BURRNN.
we need a dedicated group of spelling nazi's or a spellcheck mod.

my brother told me of a girl who posted on the earth 2025 forums and - all - she did was correct spelling & grammar.
Erestheux said:
Would you really?! I like how you wrote pounds, you aren't British, are ya? I'll take the 10 bucks

I would REALLY, if you did that many posts by the end of sunday without getting warned (no spam threads).... actually i would mail it not paypal and I was too lazy to figure out how to make the pound symbol :laugh:
lol, what a hypocrite. He states he hates it when people can't spell thread titles properly but yet he does it himself... (On purpose or not he's still being a hypocrite)
He did it on purpose, to show an example of what he meant.
It's not hypocrititcal in this situation.