Speling Airors

The mix up of their, there and they're really annoys me. But typos and stuff like that doesn't.
AmishSlayer said:
What bugs me is how so many people get "there", "they're", and "their" mixed up. Same with your and you're - people mess them up all the time.

I know the difference between all of them of course, and when to use them, but sometimes type phonetically. So its not that i dont know - because sometimes i will type no as know and vice versa. Its just that quality control is minimal on board postings. Also some people don't know the meanings of certain words and use them inappropriately.
WaterMelon34 said:
lol, what a hypocrite. He states he hates it when people can't spell thread titles properly but yet he does it himself... (On purpose or not he's still being a hypocrite)

You don't understand what a hypocrite is. Literally, it means "actor"... what I did was not hypocritical.
Teh_Poet said:
You don't understand what a hypocrite is. Literally, it means "actor"... what I did was not hypocritical.

Thats more its Greek meaning than what it literally means.


n : a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold

But yea, you werent being a hypocrite, it was mocking how bad some people spell online. Doubt anyone can spell "Spelling Errors" like that unless they were TRYING to. :P
Erestheux said:
Does anyone else find if FRIGGIN IRONIC that the guy who's bitching about grammer's name is:



No, I'm complaining about unintentional spelling in thread titles. I don't mind internet slang (to a degree) but the thread title is the first thing you see of a thread: why make it look like crap?