Spell Checkerrrrrr


Jan 25, 2009
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So here it gose, do you liek to yous the speel checker automatically or do you try to fix the word before the computer can help?? I use Firefox but I tend to just rush and look for the right answer in the list.

and now would be a good time to remember any words that have messed you up repeatedly. like warranty always screws me up and no matter how many times I try I will never get it right. i spell it like warantee and i sometimes don't notice I do it.
Um. I usually never use the spellchecker to fix a word, only to notify me of a typo. If I don't know how to spell a word, which is rare, I'll right click it and see how.

"warantee" :|

I remember I always used to write "rediculous" a few years ago. There's a few others but I can't remember.
I always spelled conversation as convorsation, and a few other things that I can't remember right now. I use spellcheck on firefox, yes.
Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor was forced upon me at an early, impressionable age. I make no mistakes.

Sometimes the sound of the metronome still keeps me awake at night.
Spell checkers annoy me because most of them don't understand that there is supposed to be a "u" in "colour".
Privilege (-ledge) and license (-sence) are two of the words I tend to misspell if I'm having a bad day, but normally I'm pretty on-target when it comes to spelling. Also there may be a regional setting you can set for your British -our's but I dunno
Usually go back and fix my own typos, but sometimes if I'm too lazy/tired to figure out what letter was wrong in a larger word, I just let chrome figure it out.

I also tend to fix typos after I already posted it for some reason. I ninja edit almost all of my posts. For instance, this whole line was edited in, and I fixed the word I'm, which I had written as "im".
That's because you didn't enable British English.
The only reason I never enable the British English dictionary is because I never need it :p
It's definitely definately that gives me the most trouble.

same here bro

i found a way to fix that though, one of my teachers helped me.

I can't remember how she did but I think it involved me memorizing syllables and staring at her boobies
I used to have problems with immediate, I would never spell it correctly.