Spider pwned a mouse today...

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I agree with the fear=learned thing. My dad always used to go on about how they were cool and good to have around the house, so I wasn't afraid to see one, but my mum would shudder whenever spiders were mentioned, so I it's rare that I'm so bold I can just walk up and handle one.

They are damn smart for insects/arachnids/whatever, though! They jump and play dead (talking about normal house spiders here). I saw one climbing up my wardrobe once, so I grabbed the first thing to hand (a camera) with the aim of getting the spider onto it and dropping it out the window. However, the moment I touched the spider with the camera, it leapt from the wardrobe like some miniature 8-legged acrobat. I was totally shaken, but the spider had ended up on the floor, so I went forward with the original camera plan - only when I touched it this time it withdrew all its legs and curled up into a ball pretending to be dead!

The shameful thing was for a minute I was like, "oh, it's de- HEY WAITAMINNIT". Almost outwitted :'(

So yes, they own.
Sweet, I got the birdeater today :D. He is a pig too, stuffed 2 huge crickets in his mouth as soon as I got him home. Can't wait till he's big enough to take down mice.
I caught a spider (only a wee one) in the thing you fill up irons with, and I put him out of the bathroom window and he landed on a plank on the window ledge (we're having an extension done, our house isn't falling apart :p).

He turned upside down with his legs in the air and I was sad that I killed him. Anyway, I walked away and then went for a piss about 10 minutes later. The git wasn't dead and he had walked off :frog:
I'll post some pics as soon as I get un-lazy enough to find the cam ;[
A baboon spider? Isn't that the kind that hides in a burrow and uses it's webbing to make little defensive shields?
This happend to me, I got 2 venomous spiders, a mouse got in the cage, and both spider were jumping on, biting it, then jumping off really quick, the mouse took about 7-9 bites before it died, strong mouse :\
DannyC. said:
A baboon spider? Isn't that the kind that hides in a burrow and uses it's webbing to make little defensive shields?

The term "baboon spider" is used for many large African species, mostly the larger aggressive ones.

btw here's a pic of the birdeater, pretty big right now, considering he is only a few months old...but he'll get a lot bigger :smoking:


  • AZ 7-05 014.jpg
    AZ 7-05 014.jpg
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i had a ball python for a while, he was sweet. He escaped one day at school, and i couldnt find him for like 3 days. Then i tried to put a poptart in the toaster, and it wouldnt go down. So i looked in there, and he was all wrapped up around the coils. He wouldnt come out so we had to disassemble the whole toaster...then go buy a new one.
wow what a stupid mouse!
i mean a spider bigger than you are and you are just casully sniffing around
i hate spiders -my only phobia
AzzMan said:
Well I just gotta say I really underestimated my Usambar baboon spider last night. One of the mice I was getting ready to feed to one of my snakes jumped into the spider cage by accident, and got bit right in the face. Started jumping around like it was being electrocuted. while jumping around it got bit a second time. After about a minute it just layed on the ground twitching its legs. After another minute it stopped breathing all together and died. Makes me really not wanna get bit by this thing, just thought I'd share my happy story with everyone:D

haha LOL :sniper: this is awsome
Spiders amaze me, but yet scare the shit out of me.

I remember when I used to live in Van Nuys, there would be Black Widows that dwell around in my backyard. I found one... I caught it with one of those Gatorade bottles where you twist the top and suck on the end. To my surprise a few days later, I notice the mother effer laid eggs. I was too lazy to do anything with the problem. The next day or so the eggs hatched and oh my lord there was a whole lotta babies. I just twisted the top shut, I really didn't pay much attention to them... but I checked later on and everything was gone! The mother and babies.

When the birdeater gets big enough to take mice, I'll post some pics :D
AzzMan your spider rules lol. Maybe you should use that to guard your house against burglers. Oh and I daren't imagine what your snakes like...
:O you sicken me, with your using live mice as food antics