Spiderman's jism kills Mary Jane?


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
no really:

spiderman comic spoilers ahead so look away:

SPIDER-MAN: REIGN #3: And now it's time for this week's "I seriously can't believe that Marvel did that" moment. I'm very surprised that I've not seen more online outrage about the reveal, this issue, of what killed Mary Jane: Spider-Man's cum. And for all of you who think I'm joking, here's the dialogue from the book itself: "Oh God, I'm sorry! The doctors didn't understand how it happened! How you had been poisoned by radioactivity! How your body slowly became riddled with cancer! I did. I was... I am filled with radioactive blood. And not just blood. Every fluid. Touching me... loving me... Loving me killed you!"

Seriously, Marvel, WHAT THE ****? At what point did Spider-Man having radioactive sperm ever seem like a good idea? At what point did anyone even think about Spider-Man having radioactive sperm? Jesus Christ, I can't believe this ever saw print, I cannot believe that no-one at Marvel thought that having a comic where Spider-Man tells the corpse of his wife - because, yeah, I meant to say that, he's talking to the corpse of his dead wife - that he killed her with his special radioactive spider-spunk was ANYTHING that should ever be allowed to appear in a comic. And that's before you even get to the continuation of his admission: "Like a spider, crawling up inside your body and laying a thousand eggs of cancer... I killed you."


:O ..peters' radioactive cum killed maryjane ..wow that doesnt happen everyday
Rofl, that's kind of funny, actually.

Though retarded as hell.
Aaaaand comics go back to square one on the "considered art"-ladder :p
lol another superhero icon is revealed to be a killer of loved ones ..holy shit how did the editors miss that?



I always knew he was a pedo
Surely the other side of this is that it's some kind of warning against STIs/AIDS?
Wow...it's not Stan Lee who's making the comics is it? Cause I def. don't think he would choose to do that. But it is kinda the best death she probably could've wanted.
nah stan lee hasnt written comics in years ..it's for an alternate universe spiderman
Reign is pretty much the "Dark Knight Returns" for Spider-Man. Mary Jane dies from the radiation in Peter...obviously, yes, from his sperm.
Ultimate universe doesn't count as far as most "hardcore" spidey fans are concerned though right?
Peter's final words to Mary Jane: "Stop web, stop!"
This is really beyond strange. Wtf is up with comics these days.