Spike TV Announces 'Video Game Awards' Winners - Xbox 360 Sweeps, PS3 Fanboys Pissed

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
CNN - December 08, 2007:

Winners were announced tonight for Spike TV's 5th annual "Video Game Awards," the preeminent celebration of achievement in the gaming world. The night's most prestigious honors were bestowed upon 2K Games' BioShock, as it took home awards for Game of the Year, Best Xbox 360 Game and Best Original Score. Two of the industry's most anticipated releases, Microsoft Game Studios' Halo 3 and MTV Games' Rock Band, garnered two awards each. A full list of winners can be found in the article.

every single ps3 boards are having a riot over this. LOL
The Orange Box/ Portal (Valve/ Valve)

What? What breakthrough? HDR?
Ugh, it sucks for people that strive for integrity in the video games industry to see categories like this:


Needless to say, Halo 3 took that one home, big surprise.
Ouch. I'd be more impressed if Penny-Arcade gave out awards than these smucks.

That is absolutely god-awful. It's like they don't even make an attempt at least appearing credible. Who cares what these hacks think.
Apart from that stupid dew category, I'd say I agree with most of these categories.
Wow, Bioshock got loads of awards. I was expecting Halo 3 to be the winner, since its insanly popular for reasons I still can't fathom.
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
(Sony Computer Entertainment/Insomniac Games)
They got one! :LOL:

Yeah, that DEW FUEL LOL award is an absolute farce.
Good, PS3 sucks.
Are you sure about that? The popular media tends to spin hardware reviews much to many unsatisfied customers dismay. Although the 360 may have better support for third party developers and all-around better games, from what I've heard, the 360's hardware sux.:p Many people are reporting that they have sent their 360 in for repairs numerous times and some say that they are on their 3rd or 4th console.:p Give the PS3 some time. Once the developers learn all the work arounds for the Cell architecture and dissatisfied 360 owners get sick of the crappy 360 hardware flaws, Sony is sure to make a come back. On a side note, although the Wii has a few great titles such as Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Metroid Prime 3, some are complaining that it's mainly a "party" console and not good for those who mostly game by their lonesome.(which is probably more than half of the un-socialized gamer community)I've just one thing to say, IT'S A GREAT TIME TO BE A PC GAMER!!!:cheers:
Yeh, you get to play all manner of console ports ;)

Last time I checked The Orange Box, Crysis and UT3 were developed primarily for the PC, and a lot of other games were developed on both platforms simultaniously, like CODIV and BioShock. There are plenty of games coming out for the PC.
I'm going to go buy a PS3 just so I can kick it.
Game of the Year was Bioshock, but PC Game of the Year was Orange Box? Perhaps they gave Orange Box PC the edge over Bioshock PC because of a more playable Team Fortress 2, but why then is Halo 3 the best Multiplayer game? Justifiable to a degree, but easy to suspect console bias... for a game that is on the PC anyway. But apparently not as good on the PC as another game that's also on Xbox 360... head hurting...
lol. Also, so equally dire that I must quip:
First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence:
The Simpsons Game (Electronic Arts/ EA Redwood Shores)
No it was not. I don't why some idiots are anti-console, but there, some people are just stupid. Meh.

Was it not developed on PC, and was the PC version not the first to be confirmed?
Was it not developed on PC

Don't you guys realize every game is developed on PC? It's just a matter of where they run it from. When they compile it can get sent to the dev kit's HDD or just load up a local EXE if they have a PC version.

The primary platform for The Orange Box is 360 AND PC. Valve developed them both and made sure they were released on the same day. The PS3 port is a different story. EA were the ones who asked for that and said they would do all the work. If Valve were doing it alone, they would have made it a 360 and PC exclusive.
hopefully this teaches the folks at sony to stop making crap
best games for PS3-
Gran Turismo 5
and they aren't out yet

keep it up microsoft:thumbs:
PS fanboys piss me off. I suscribe to both OXM and PC Gamer, and they are extremely mature when dealing with other consoles/PC (PC gamer sometimes has 1 freelancer who bashes every once and a while). I was at a friends house and I picked up his PS mag.

It was like reading a nazi pamphlet, saying that the PS3 was the 'superior' system, that the future of mankind depends on Blueray, and every single article spent half the text insulting Nintendo, Xbox, and PC.
Spike tv is a JOKE! Whoever cares what they say is game of the year is retarded.

Even tho the awards given this year arent THAT bad.
Indeed. I remember when HL2 was being developed and close to going gold, Spike did one of these game of the year shows. I seem to remember it being more of a ad campaign than awards show (paid fanboys "enjoying" a song played by some emo band, 2 second clip of HL2 at the end of the show while being advertised as TEH BIHGEST TING EVAR! STAY TUNED!, anti-PC pro-console bais).

Anywho, spike TV sucks.
"Uh why don't you all just fall in bed with Steve Balmer and sign all your property away to him. God I hate Microsoft crapware."

- example 1

"****ing kiddie crap"

- example 2

"I turned mine into a grill"

- example 3

Fanboys piss me off.

Fixed that for you. You can find plenty of communities that hate every other platform and worship one. Think about it some people are poor bogans and need to justify purchasing their POS gaming system. It doesn't matter who makes that gaming system because in the end they all suck one way or another. Console fanboys in general piss me off it's a giant wanking competition until the next systems come out. Then the biggest wankers get together and start again.
I watched part of it. It was okay, I did learn, though, that the game fuel mountain dew award was voted on by people, so it was typically the 'popularity' award. I lol'd when more people went 'yeeeeeeah' at Halo 3 than The Orange Box.
Yeah, these awards aren't exactly the most credible imho. That Dew award pretty much flushes any credibility that a game awards show on Spike TV of all things had.

Bioshock GOTY? I def. don't agree with that. I disagree with the score too--Mass Effect should have AT LEAST taken the score category. Ugh...whatevs. I prefer the Golden Joysitcks anyway.
hopefully this teaches the folks at sony to stop making crap
best games for PS3-
Gran Turismo 5
and they aren't out yet

keep it up microsoft:thumbs:

PS fanboys piss me off.
I agree with Kyorisu that you should be talking about fanboys in general. Many of the most ignorant and uninformed posts I've seen on here have been from fanboys of one system or another. All of the systems have their respective strengths and good games. No one system is truly better than another when simply looking at it from a gaming perspective. Personal opinions are certainly not unimportant, but being unable to look at other systems objectively is helping perpetuate the idiotic, rabid, rambling nonsense perpetuated by other fanboys.

It all comes down to personal preference. There's no reason to hate on a group of people simply because they enjoy a system. There is plenty of reason to dislike them if they take that liking too far.

EDIT: On topic, I read about the Spike awards earlier and they seemed about as credible as they have in the past, which is not at all. Bioshock's really good and all, but is it truly the game of the year? That is highly debatable. And does The Orange Box really count as a single entity?
No it was not. I don't why some idiots are anti-console, but there, some people are just stupid. Meh.

I'm not being anti-console you tard, I said the PC was a primary platform (i.e. it wasn't a "port" or a secondary consideration) which should have been obvious because VALVE make most of their money through STEAM which is a PC based content distribution service. I'm actually just defending the PC against people trying to make out like it's a "dead platform", which it clearly isn't. Don't take my word for it though, let's see what Newell has to say on the subject:

Gabe Newell said:
The PC is going to continue to be our primary focus. It gives us a lot of advantages as a development platform, and it also forces us to confront a bunch of issues, like for us it's very important to work well on older hardware and also take full advantage of new hardware. So the DX7 generation is much slower than the next-gen hardware, but DX10 is actually going to be more advanced than either the Xbox 360 or PS3.

Source: http://uk.gamespot.com/pages/unions/read_article.php?topic_id=24979269&union_id=55

Gabe Newell said:
But despite the lack of marketing for the PC platform, Newell said it still, by far, his favorite platform to work on.

"I love the PC," he said. "It's a great platform. The Internet capabilities are much more mature and the graphics you find on consoles are essentially derivative of the PC and sales on the PC are great."

Source: http://kotaku.com/gaming/notag/gabe...he-pc-ps3-xbox-360-and-your-mother-293061.php

I guess Gabe's an idiot for having a favourite platform? You fail.